
类别:文学名著 作者:李敖 本章:波澜N多的波兰


    你弹过萧邦Frederic Francois C years old. o compose soon after tory from 1826 to 1829 before leaving Poland in 1830. tled in Paris in 1831, and, except for some travel,  of his life.

    波兰夹在德国俄国之间,老是被侵略、被瓜分、被瓜剖豆分([of a county] to be divided or split like a melon or a bean;to be partitioned)。


    tiable appetite for translations of Molière and Sury dramatists itioned among three neighboring empires.

    tionicular, irred polis Zelazo of arsaional sed to a C.

    波兰在一七七二、一七九三、一七九五、一九三九年前后被瓜分四次。一九一四年被瓜分了以后,地图上没有波兰了。一九四五年苏联(Russia/U.S.S.R.)分了波兰东边,却把德国东边补给波兰。所以波兰“失之东隅,收之桑榆”(to suffer a loss in one place but make a gain somewhere else)。

    苏联这种作风,叫“慷他人之慨”(to sy or unselfiso be generous at ter to pay Paul(抢彼得赔保罗)。

    波兰的首都是华沙(arsaw),arsaw, arsaw, arsaw可真saw了war。二次世界大战,华沙城全毁,人死了四分之一。

    葛单斯克(Gdańsk)在德文叫但泽(Danzig),是造船中心,这个城和波兰走廊(Polish Corridor)过去都是世界大新闻,因为它们老是和德国扯不清。

    POLISoric strip of land t  polis to Prussia in 1772. ate in 1871, to German control.

    After orld ar I, treaty establiso give Poland free access to tic Sea. ted East Prussia and t city of Danzig from t of Germany. In 1939, Germany regained control of troops invaded Poland. After orld ar II, turned to Poland.

    波兰成为天主教国家已一千年,Most Poles are Roman Catant in tian country for 1000 years.


    小文你还记得爸爸跟你谈过的一种猪叫Poland C rapidly and make excellent meat he Poland China breed.

    Krakóraditional capital of polisure)波兰天文学家哥白尼(Copernicus)就是在这个城里出头的。

    Copernicus skillfully applied terpiece, Concerning tions of tial Sprated ions could be used to explain tions of otions for telescopic discoveries of Galileo, tary laion principle of Sir Isaac Newton.

    Copernicus y of toruń, Poland), and attended ty of Kraków.


    ①在法国有居里夫人 Marie Sklodoe success, as did Among arriors(1943).

    ②在英国有康拉德Joseph Conrad(一八五七——一九二四)。

    Josepo Siberia)。他原跟他爸爸住在Cracow(就是Kraków),不到四岁时,爸爸被抓,他和妈妈也跟着到了俄国的Siberia(西伯利亚)——政治犯可以带家属在一起。



    他最有名的小说是《吉姆老爷》(Lord Jim)和《黑暗的心》( of Dark)。家里都有。

    ③在美国有鲁宾斯坦Artur Rubinstein,爸爸跟你谈过的大钢琴家。

    波兰最有名的文学家是显克维支henryk Sienkiewicz(一八四六——一九一六),他用Rome的Nero做故事,写成了《暴君焚城录》(Quo Vadis,也叫《你往何处去》),这本书和前面居里夫人女儿给她妈妈写的那本Madame Curie,你都该看。家里都有。

    爸 爸

