
类别:文学名著 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 本章:星孩










































































































































































































































































































































    Once upon a time tters heir way home

    t pine-forest.  It er, and a nigter

    cold.  the branches of

    trees:  t kept snapping ttle ther side

    of to tain-

    torrent sionless in air, for the Ice-King had

    kissed her.

    So cold  t even t know

    o make of it.


    ail betrous her.

    t look to it?

    eet! ! ! ttered ts, th is

    dead and t in e shroud.

    to be married, and this is her bridal dress,

    le-doves to eactle pink feet

    e frost-bitten, but t t it y to

    take a romantic vieuation.

    Nonsense! groell you t it is all t

    of t, and if you dont believe me I s you.

    tical mind, and  a loss

    for a good argument.

    ell, for my o, said the oodpecker, who was a born

    p care an atomic tions.  If a

    t is so, and at present it is terribly cold.

    terribly cold it certainly tle Squirrels, who lived

    inside tall fir-tree, kept rubbing eaco keep

    ts curled their

    venture even to look out of doors.  the only

    people   heir

    feate stiff  t mind, and

    t to eacher

    across t, tu-u-u-w

    deligher we are having!

    On and on  tters, bloily upon their

    fingers, and stamping s upon the

    caked snoo a deep drift, and came out as


    slipped on ter was frozen,

    and ts fell out of to pick

    toget t

    t t terror seized on them, for

    t to those who sleep in her arms.

    But t trust in t Martin, wches over

    all travellers, and retraced teps, and

    last tskirts of t, and saw, far down in

    ts of they


    So overjoyed  t they laughed

    aloud, and to them like a flower of silver, and

    the Moon like a flower of gold.

    Yet, after t they

    remembered ty, and one of to ther, hy

    did  life is for t for

    sucter t we , or

    t some  had fallen upon us and slain us.

    truly, anstle

    is given to otice  the world, nor is

    t save of sorrow.

    But as to eacrange

    t and beautiful

    star.  It slipped doher

    stars in its course, and, as tc  seemed

    to to sink berees t stood hard by a

    little sones-throw away.

    , they cried,

    and t to and ran, so eager he gold.

    And one of ter te, and outstripped him, and

    forced  on ther side,

    and lo! te snow.

    So ened to, and stooping down placed his hands upon

    it, and it issue, curiously wrough

    stars, and o his comrade

    t reasure t he sky, and

    he snow, and

    loosened t t divide the pieces

    of gold.  But, alas! no gold , nor silver, nor, indeed,

    treasure of any kind, but only a little child who was asleep.

    And one of to tter ending to our

    une, for  to

    a man?  Let us leave it  we are

    poor men, and  give

    to another.

    But  it o

    leave to perishough I am as poor

    as t, and o feed, and but little in the

    pot, yet  h me, and my wife shall have care

    of it.

    So very tenderly ook up the cloak around

    it to s from the hill

    to t his foolishness and

    softness of .

    And o hou

    t is meet t we

    should share.

    But her mine nor

    t t to

    his own house and knocked.

    And w her husband had

    returned safe to  her arms round his neck and kissed

    ook from s, and brushe

    snow off s, and bade him come in.

    But o , and I

    it to to , and irred not

    from threshold.

    is it? s to me, for the house is bare,

    and we he cloak back, and

    she sleeping child.

    Alack, goodman! s children of our own,

    t t needs bring a co sit by th?  And

    bring us bad fortune?  And how shall we

    tend it?  And s him.

    Nay, but it is a Star-Cold he

    strange manner of t.

    But s be appeased, but mocked at him, and spoke

    angrily, and cried:  Our children lack bread, and shall we feed

    th for us?  And who

    giveth us food?

    Nay, but God carethem, he


    Do not ter? she asked.  And

    is it not er now?

    And t stirred not from threshold.

    And a bitter  came in the open door,

    and made remble, and so

    t close tter o the

    house, and I am cold.

    Into a  is  always a

    bitter wind?

    crept closer to the fire.

    And after a time surned round and looked at him, and her eyes

    ears.  And ly, and placed the child

    in , and laid it in a little bed where

    t of the morrow

    tter took t in a

    great c, and a c he childs neck

    ook and set it in t also.

    So tar-C up he

    oodcutter, and sat at their

    playmate.  And every year iful to look at, so

    t all t in th wonder,

    for, we and

    delicate as sawn ivory, and he

    daffodil.  als of a red flower,

    and s by a river of pure er, and his

    body like t.

    Yet did y work him evil.  For he grew proud, and cruel,

    and selfister, and ther

    c they were of mean

    parentage, war, and he

    made er over ts.  No

    pity hose who were blind or maimed or

    in any ed, but  stones at them

    forto their bread elsewhere, so

    t none save tlao t village to ask for

    alms.  Indeed, y, and

    t of them; and himself he

    loved, and in summer, will, he would lie by

    ts orc the marvel of his

    own face, and laughe pleasure he had in his fairness.

    Often did tter and his wife chide him, and say:  e did

    not deal

    desolate, and o succour t thou so

    cruel to all wy?

    Often did t send for o teache

    love of living to her.  Do

    it no  roam t heir

    freedom.  Snare t for the blind-worm

    and ts place.   to bring pain

    into Gods tle of t;

    But tar-C t would frown and

    flout, and go back to hem.  And his

    companions follo, and

    could dance, and pipe, and make music.  And war-Child

    led tever tar-Chem do,

    t did the dim eyes

    of t stones at the leper


    became  even as he was.

    Nohe village a poor beggar-woman.

    s orn and ragged, and  were bleeding from

    travelled, and she was in very evil

    plig nut-tree to


    But war-Co his companions, See!

    ttet fair and green-leaved

    tree.  Come, let us drive her hence, for she is ugly and ill-


    So ones at her, and mocked her, and she

    looked at error in her eyes, nor did she move her gaze

    from ter, who was cleaving logs in a

    tar-Child was doing, he ran up and

    rebuked o   and

    kno not mercy, for hee

    t t treat his wise?

    And tar-Camped  upon

    t to question me w I do?  I am

    no son of to do thy bidding.

    t truly, anster, yet did I show

    ty w.

    And whese words she gave a loud cry, and fell

    into a ster carried o his own house, and


    and drink before her, and bade


    But s nor drink, but said to tter,

    Didst t say t t?  And

    not ten years from this day?

    And tter ans  t I

    found  is ten years from this day.

    And  t

    upon  round him a cloak of gold

    tissue broidered ars?

    truly, anster, it .

    And ook t whey

    lay, and so her.

    And le

    son .  I pray thee send for him quickly,

    for in searche whole world.

    So tter and  out and called to tar-

    Co o t thou

    find ting for thee.

    So  gladness.  But when he

    sahere, he laughed scornfully and said,

    this vile


    And ther.

    t mad to say so, cried tar-Child angrily.  I am no

    son of t a beggar, and ugly, and in rags.

    t t me see thy foul face no more.

    Nay, but t indeed my little son, whe

    forest, s her

    arms to ole t to

    die, s I recognised the

    signs also issue and the

    amber che

    wh me, my

    son, for I hy love.

    But tar-Cirred not from  s the doors

    of  against he

    sound of the woman weeping for pain.

    And at last o ter.

    If in very trut my mot ter

    tayed a come o bring me to shame,

    seeing t I t I ar, and not a

    beggars cellest me t I am.  t thee

    me see thee no more.

    Alas! my son, s t kiss me before I go?  For

    I o find thee.

    Nay, said tar-C t too foul to look at, and

    ratoad thee.

    So t ao t weeping

    bitterly, and war-C she had gone, he was

    glad, and ran back to es t  play hem.

    But whey mocked him and said, hy,

    t as foul as toad, and as loat

    t suffer to play hey

    drave  of the garden.

    And tar-Co  is t

    to me?  I o ter and look into it,

    and it sell me of my beauty.

    So  to ter and looked into it, and lo! his

    face oad, and his body was sealed like an

    adder.  And , and said

    to his has come upon me by reason of my sin.  For

    I her, and driven her away, and been proud, and

    cruel to he whole

    till I have found her.

    And to tle daugter, and

    s  dot matter

    if t lost tay

    mock at thee.

    And o  I o my mother, and

    as a punis  to me.   go

    ill I find her, and she give

    me her forgiveness.

    So o t and called out to o come

    to  to her,

    and, w o sleep on a bed of leaves, and

    they remembered his

    cruelty, and oad t ched him, and

    t cra.

    And in tter berries from

    trees and ate took  wood,

    he made inquiry if


    o t go beneatell me, is

    my mothere?

    And t blinded mine eyes.  how should I


    o t, t fly over tops of tall

    trees, and canst see tell me, canst thou see my


    And t ans clipt my hy

    pleasure.  how should I fly?

    And to ttle Squirrel wree, and was

    lonely, her?

    And t slain mine.  Dost thou seek

    to slay thine also?

    And tar-C and bowed his head, and prayed forgiveness

    of Gods t on t, seeking for the

    beggar-o ther side of

    t and  doo the plain.

    And whe children mocked him,

    and tones at s  suffer him even

    to sleep in t  bring mildeored

    corn, so foul , and their hired men drave him

    ay on him.  Nor could he hear


    space of ten seemed

    to see  of o her, and

    run after ill ts made  to bleed.  But

    overtake , and t by the way did ever

    deny t to hey made

    sport of his sorrow.

    For the

    y for

    it was even suche

    days of  pride.

    And one evening o te of a strong-y t

    stood by a river, and, sore to

    enter in.  But tood on guard dropped their

    s across trance, and said rougo  is thy

    business in ty?

    I am seeking for my moto suffer

    me to pass, for it may be t sy.

    But t hem wagged a black beard, and

    set do be

    merry he

    toad of t cra thee

    gone.  Get t in ty.

    And anoto him,

    thou seeking for her?

    And her is a beggar even as I am, and I have

    treated o suffer me to pass t she may

    give me  be t sarriety.

    But t, and pricked heir spears.

    And, as urned away weeping, one wh

    gilt flowers, and on w couc had wings,

    came up and made inquiry of t was w

    entrance.  And to  is a beggar and the child of a

    beggar, and we have driven him away.

    Nay,  hing for a

    slave, and  wine.

    And an old and evil-visaged man w, and

    said, I will buy  price, and, whe

    price, ook tar-Co the


    And after t treets to a

    little door t  in a  h a

    pomegranate tree.  And touch a ring of

    graved jasper and it opened, and t doeps of brass

    into a garden filled

    clay.  And took turban a scarf of figured

    silk, and bound  tar-Child, and drave him

    in front of aken off he

    Star-C  by a lantern of


    And t before rencher and

    said, Eat, and some brackiser in a cup and said, Drink,

    and  out, locking the

    door beening it h an iron chain.

    And on tlest of the

    magicians of Libya and  from one w in

    tombs of to  him, and said,

    In a  is nigo te of ty of Giaours there

    are te gold, and another is of

    yelloo-day thou

    s bring me te gold, and if t it not

    back, I  tripes.  Get thee away

    quickly, and at sunset I ing for t the door of

    t t te gold, or it shall go

    ill  my slave, and I  thee for

    t wine.  And he


    eps of

    brass.  And tle door  him

    in treet.

    And tar-C out of te of ty, and came to

    to him.

    Noo look at from , and seemed

    full of singing birds and of s-scented floar-

    Cered it gladly.  Yet did its beauty profit tle, for

    he ground

    and encompassed tles stung le

    pierced  ress.  Nor

    could e gold of whe

    Magician  for it from morn to noon, and

    from noon to sunset.  And at sunset  owards home,

    terly, for  fate ore for him.

    But s of the wood, he heard from a

    t a cry as of some one in pain.  And forgetting his own


    in a trap t some er  for it.

    And tar-Cy on it, and released it, and said to it,

    I am myself but a slave, yet may I give thy freedom.

    And t given me

    freedom, and w surn?

    And tar-Co it, I am seeking for a piece of we

    gold, nor can I any not to my

    master  me.

    Come to it,

    for I know w is  purpose.

    So tar-C  of a

    great oak-tree e gold t he was seeking.

    And , and said to the hare,

    t I did to t rendered back again many

    times over, and t I s repaid a


    Nay, ans as t h me, so I did deal

    ran aly, and tar-C


    No te of ty ted one who was a leper.

    Over s


    coming, ruck upon a tered his bell, and

    called out to

    die of  me out of ty, and there

    is no one wy on me.

    Alas! cried tar-C one piece of money in my

    , and if I bring it not to my master  me, for I

    am his slave.

    But treated ill tar-Child

    y, and gave e gold.

    And o

    o  the piece of

    ar-C not.  So the

    Magician fell upon   before y

    trenc, and an empty cup, and said, Drink, and

    flung o the dungeon.

    And on to o-day

    t me not the piece of yellow gold, I will surely keep


    So tar-C to the wood, and all day long he searched

    for t no

    sunset  o weep, and as he was weeping

    to tle  he


    And to  t dost

    the wood?

    And tar-Child answered, I am seeking for a piece of yellow

    gold t is  not my master

    me, and keep me as a slave.

    Follo ran till it

    came to a pool of er.  And at ttom of the piece

    of yellow gold was lying.


    second time t you have succoured me.

    Nay, but t pity on me first, said t ran


    And tar-Cook t it in his

    , and o ty.  But the leper saw him coming, and

    ran to meet  down and cried, Give me a piece of

    money or I shall die of hunger.

    And tar-Co  but one piece

    of yello not to my master  me

    and keep me as his slave.

    But treated  tar-Cy

    on he piece of yellow gold.

    And o

    o  the piece of

    yelloar-Co  not.  So

    t h

    c o the dungeon.

    And on to o-day

    t me t t if

    t it not I hee.

    So tar-C to the wood, and all day long he searched

    for t no

    evening  , and as here came

    to tle hare.

    And to  t

    is in t is be

    be glad.

    ar-Chis is

    time t succoured me.

    Nay, but t pity on me first, said t ran


    And tar-Cered ts fart corner

    it in , and

    o ty.  And tood in the

    centre of t, and said to he

    piece of red money, or I must die, and tar-Cy on

    hy need is

    greater t was   evil

    fate aed him.

    But lo! as e of ty, the guards bowed

    doo iful is our

    lord! and a croizens followed , Surely

    tiful in t tar-

    C, and said to hey are mocking me, and making

    lighe people,

    t  t last in a

    great square, in where was a palace of a King.

    And te of ts and the high

    officers of ty ran forto meet hey abased

    t our lord for whom we

    ing, and the son of our King.

    And tar-C

    t I am

    beautiful, for I kno I am evil to look at?

    t flowers, and on whose

    crouc had wings, held up a shield, and cried,


    And tar-C had

    been, and o  in

    seen there before.

    And ts and t doo him,

    It his day should come he who was

    to rule over us.  t our lord take this

    sceptre, and be in ice and mercy our King over us.

    But o t her

    ill I have found her, and known her

    forgiveness.  t me go, for I must wander again over

    t tarry he crown and

    tre.  And as urned owards

    treet t led to te of ty, and lo! amongst the

    cro pressed round the beggar-woman who

    by the


    And a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he ran over, and kneeling

    do th

    ears.  , and sobbing, as one

    w migo hee in

    t me in ty.

    Motred.  Do ther, I

    rejected t the beggar-woman

    answered  a word.

    And  e feet of the

    leper, and said to hee of my mercy.  Bid

    my moto me once.  But t a


    And er

    t me go back to

    t.  And t her hand on his head, and

    said to  his hand on his head, and

    said to him, Rise, also.

    And , and looked at they were

    a King and a Queen.

    And to


    And t t washed

    ears.  And they fell on his neck and kissed him, and

    brougo t, and

    set tre in his hand, and over

    ty t stood by ts lord.  Much

    justice and mercy did o all, and the evil Magician he

    baniso tter and  many rich

    gifts, and to their children he gave high honour.  Nor would he

    suffer any to be cruel to bird or beast, but taught love and

    loving-kindness and cy, and to to

    t, and ty in the


    Yet ruled  long, so great had been his suffering, and so

    bitter testing, for after three years

    er him ruled evilly.

