
类别:文学名著 作者:纪伯伦 本章:两首诗












    two Poems

    Many centuries ago, on a road to Ats met, and to see one another.

    And one poet asked t; e, and  ;

    And t ans;I  no of my poems, percest poem yet ten in Greek. It is an invocation to Zeus t;

    took from beneat, saying, quot;  to you. Come, let us sit in t ;

    And t read  was a long poem.

    And t said in kindliness, quot;t poem. It  you s;

    And t poet said calmly, quot;And e days?quot;

    And t;I ten but little. Only eig; And ed the lines.

    t poet said, quot;Not so bad; not so bad.quot;

    And ted.

    And noer t lines of t are read in every tongue, and are loved and cherished.

    And t is remembered, it is neither loved nor read.
