My friend the Moon

类别:文学名著 作者:Andre Dahan 本章:My friend the Moon

    Alone at sea in t,

    I found a moon slumbering tight.

    I called out his name so his dreaming would end,

    “Dear Mr. Moon, would you be my friend?”

    doo my boat,


    “I am sar,

    And I t mucter, mucter by far!”

    And to rock and sway,

    to ster way.

    back flip,

    e trick.

    But tring tore h a SNAP!

    “O a mishap!”

    down in a quick flash,

    And  ter h a SPLASh!

    o sink and did not stop,

    til all I saw op.

    But t knack,

    For floating up on to his back.

    But I could not just c,

    So o my boat.

    I took my towel and dried him off,

    So t  catch a cough.

    And to roo shore,

    So t he could dry some more.

    And some roughe door,

    itouco be sure!

    t and sang together,

    “Lady Blue”


    “Stormy eather.”

    And ,

    Just me and Moon, !

    e danced until our feet were sore,

    e danced until we could no more.

    t and read a book,

    And Mr. Moon lougill his belly shook.

    e cooked togete a bite,

    And wis”

    And w I sailed again,

    to see if I could find another friend;

    In the sea,

    Mr. Sun smiled doo me.

    My neo find eacher,

    As friend and friend, brother.

    And together we now live and play,

    Day and nig and day!

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