Adam, One Afternoon

类别:文学名著 作者:卡尔维诺 本章:Adam, One Afternoon

    Italo Calvino

    t in place by a piece of stuff tied round tle boo tretc to balance tered turtiums as if pouring out coffee and milk, until t t of eac dissolved into a soft black patc  enouged tering-can and passed on to t plant. Maria-nunziata cc a nice calm job gardening must be. iced, till  long opped he window.

    quot;; she called.

    ta and smiled. S ly because s on o a  on laug ture uring back to explain t so wash.

    But ted at ts of daing at ta opened t .

    quot;s up ?quot; she asked, and began laughing again.

    quot;Dyou  to see somet;

    quot;s t ?quot;


    quot;tell me ;

    quot;Ill give you it. Ill give you somet;

    quot;But Ive to ;

    quot;Do you  it or dont you? Come on, no;

    quot;ait a second,quot; said Maria-nunziata, and s the window.

    tcill tering turtiums.

    quot;; said Maria-nunziata.

    Maria-nunziata seemed taller ty to  stle face looked like a cs mass of black curls, and oo, t hers or she herself said.

    quot;; said t was dark brown; perhaps because he was always half naked, as now,

    quot;s your name ?quot; asked Maria-nunziata.

    quot;Libereso,quot; said the gardeners boy.

    Mafia-nunziata lauged: quot;Libereso... Libereso ... ;

    quot;Its a name in Esperanto,quot; ;In Esperanto it means liberty. quot;

    quot;Esperanto,quot; said Maria-nunziata. quot;Are you Esperanto?quot;

    quot;Esperantos a language,quot;explained Libereso. quot;My fato.quot;

    quot;Im Calabrian,quot; exclaimed Maria-nunziata.

    quot;s your name ?quot;

    quot;Maria-nunziata,quot; she said and laughed.


    quot;o ?quot;

    quot;Not Esperanto, Libereso.quot;


    quot;a ?quot;

    quot;It is ter ter Saint Josep;


    Maria-nunziata burst out laug;Senjosef! Saint Josep Senjosef, Libereso!quot;

    quot;My brot; said Libereso, quot;is called Germinal and my sister  Omnia.quot;

    quot;t nice tioned,quot; said Maria-nunziata, quot;s.quot;

    quot;Come on, t; said Libereso.  doering-can and took he hand.

    Maria-uunziata ated. quot;tell me  is first.quot;

    quot;Youll see,quot; ;but you must promise me to take care of it.quot;

    quot;ill you give it to me ?quot;

    quot;Yes, Ill give it to you.quot; o a corner of tanding in pots all as themselves.

    quot;Its t;

    quot; is ?quot;


    Maria-nunziata peeped over  doo move a pot, lifted anoted to the ground.

    quot;t; he said.

    quot; is it ?quot; asked Maria-nunziata. S see any-t leaves and garden mould.

    quot;Look, its moving,quot; said tone or leaf, somet, ; a toad.


    Maria-nunziata  skipping off among tted dooad and lauge teethe middle of his brown face.

    quot;Are you frigs only a toad! ened ?

    quot;A toad!quot; gasped Maria-nunziata.

    quot;Of course its a toad. Come ; said Libereso.

    Sed at it rembling finger. quot;Kill it.quot;

    out o protect it. quot;I dont  to. Its SO nice.quot;

    quot;A nice toad ?quot;

    quot;All toads are nice. t t;

    quot;O; said Maria-nunziata, but s come any nearer.

    Srying to che corner of her eyes.

    quot;Look ty it is,quot; said Libereso and put a .

    Maria-nunziata approac;No ! No ! Dont touc !quot;

    itroking toads grey-green back, ws.

    quot;Are you mad ? Dont you knoouc;

    th a layer of yellow callouses.

    quot;O   me,quot; ;And its so pretty.quot;

    Nooad by file scruff of t and put it in ta, still che edge of her apron, came nearer and crouched down beside him.

    quot;Mammamia!quot; she exclaimed.

    tas rosy knees coad, and caug every no tried to slip Out.

    quot;You stroke it, Maria-nunziata,quot; he said.

    the girl hid her hands in her apron.

    quot;No,quot; she said firmly.

    quot; ?quot; ;You dont  it ?quot;

    Maria-nunziata looad, and lohem again quickly.

    quot;No,quot; she said.

    quot;But its yours. Im giving it to you,quot; said Libereso.

    Maria-nunziatas eyes clouded over. It o refuse a present, no one ever gave s, but toad really did revolt her.

    quot;You can take it ll keep you company.quot;

    quot;No,quot; she said.

    Libereso put toad back on t quickly ted under the leaves.

    quot;Good-bye, Libereso.quot;

    quot;ait a minute.quot;

    quot;But I must go and finisile Signora doesnt like me coming out in t;

    quot;ait. I  to give you somet;

    S a strange boy t long oads in his hands.


    quot;Fifteen. And you ?quot;


    quot;NO, or on your next birt;

    quot;On my next birtion Day.quot;

    quot; passed yet ?quot;

    quot;, dont you kno; She began laughing.


    quot;Assumption Day, o t;

    quot;Me? No.quot;

    quot;Back s not like s, not bergamots, and everyone picks bergamots from morning till nigeen broters and ts; five died etanus, and rain for a o go to Uncle

    Carmelos, and eig in a garage tell me, w suc;


    quot;Because it gro. Youve got long oo.quot;

    quot;Im a girl. If you wear long ;

    quot;Im not like a girl. You dont tell a boy from a girl by t;

    quot;Not by t;

    quot;No, not by t;

    quot; by t;

    quot;ould you like me to give you somet;


    Libereso began moving among te trumpets silted against to eac. Maria-nunziata  gone into tc laug was o now?

    Libereso o all to her.

    quot;Open your ; a cupped  o put them under his.

    quot;  in t;



    Libereso opened  i-coloured rose-c ttiest. ttle black legs in ta hid her hands under her apron.

    quot;; said Libereso. quot;Dont you like t;

    quot;Yes,quot; said Maria-nunziata uncertainly, still keeping her hands under her apron.

    quot;igickle; o feel ?quot;

    Maria-nunziata  imidly, and Libereso poured a cascade of rose-co them.

    quot;Dont be frig bite you.quot;

    quot;Mammamia!quot; It  occurred to  t bite iful colours vanishing

    to be seen but a ss flying about and settling.

    quot; a pity. I try to give you a present and you dont  it.quot;

    quot;I must go and do t find me.quot;

    quot;Dont you  a present ?quot;

    quot; are you going to give me no;

    quot;Come and see.quot;

    ook he flower-beds.

    quot;I must get back to tco pluck, too.quot;



    quot;e dont eat t;

    quot; ?quot;

    quot; do you mean ?quot;

    quot;ell,  t;

    quot;Os of tictuces, tomatoes. My fat like us to eat t;

    quot; dyou do ion, t;

    quot;Sell it on t.quot;

    ts, starred all over h red flowers.

    quot; lovely flo; said Maria-nunziata. quot;Dyou ever pick t;

    quot; for ?quot;

    quot;to take to t;


    quot;s t ?quot;

    quot;ts called Mesembryantin. All flo;

    quot;tin, too.quot;

    quot;I dont kno t.quot;

    Libereso he wall.

    quot;t is,quot; he said.

    quot; is ?quot;

    It he sun.

    quot;Ill catc.quot;


    But  closer to t it. e teet;Look out, its escaping!quot; First a stunned-looking ail, slit between his closed fingers.

    Maria-nunziata  every time s tig her knees.

    quot;So you really dont  me to give you anyt all ?quot; said Libereso, rat t s. Maria-nunziata kept her eyes lowered.

    quot;Come along,quot; said Libereso, and took her hand again.

    quot;Id like to ick and paint my lips red on Sundays to go out dancing. And a black veil to put on my erion.quot;

    quot;On Sundays,quot; said Libereso, quot;I go to t loud from Kropotkin. My tither has hair

    doo  doo . And s in summer and er. And I do dra Federation op s are business men, ts are priests; t ter colours.quot;

    to a pond er-lily leaves floating on it.

    quot;Quiet, no; commanded Libereso.

    Under ter a frog could be seen stle strokes of its green arms and legs. It suddenly surfaced, jumped on to a er-lily leaf and sat dohe middle.

    quot;t; cried Libereso and put out a o catc, but Maria-nunziata let out a cry, quot;Ut!quot; and to ter. Libereso began searc,  touche surface.

    quot;t is.quot;

    in a  out in .

    quot;toget; ;Look. top of eac;

    quot;; asked Maria-nunziata.

    quot;Male and female stuck toget; said Libereso. quot;Look ; And ried to put to Maria-nunziatas a  sure if sened because tuck together.

    quot;Leave t; s;You mustnt touc;

    quot;Male and female,quot; repeated Libereso. quot;tadpoles.quot; A cloud passed over ta began to feel anxious.

    quot;Its late. to be looking for me.quot;

    But s go. Instead t on  come out again. And t iny little snake be round roked its head.

    quot;Once I used to train snakes. I er snake. But it ss skin and escaped. Look at ts mouts tongue is forked. Stroke it, it  bite.quot;

    But Maria-nunziata  to t ains, and opened all ts,  last; Maria-nunziata liked to move er to catc; it , but  Maria-nunziata could put it in a bo in tco catc, but didnt take it out of ter in case it suffocated.

    quot;Put your roke it,quot; said Libereso. quot;You can feel it breat  prickle. not muc;

    But Maria-nunziata did not  to stroke ther.

    In tunia bed t, and Libereso dug about  some long, soft worms.

    But Maria-nunziata ran atle shrieks.

    quot;Put your ; said Libereso, pointing to trunk of an old peacree. Maria-nunziata did not understand  in t s. tree iny black quot;Argentinequot; ants.

    quot;Look,quot; said Libereso and put a runk. ts could be seen crawling over   brushem off.

    quot;; asked Maria-nuuziata. quot;ting yourself get covered s ?quot;

    e black, and t.

    quot;take your ; moaned Maria-nunziata. quot;Youll get t;

    ts were crawling up his naked arm, and had already reached his elbow.

    No but  brushem off.

    quot;Get rid of t your arm in er!quot;

    Libereso laugs now even crawling from o his face.

    quot;Libereso! Ill do  all ts you gave me.quot;

    Sarted to bruss.

    Smiling e smile, Libereso took ree and began noncly dusting  ouched.

    quot;Very , Ive decided. t present I can.quot;

    quot;s t ?quot;

    quot;A ;

    quot;Mammamia! t;

    Maria-nunziata  finis against tood Libereso .

    quot;Maria-nunziata, let me in. I  to give you a surprise.quot;

    quot;No, you cant come up.   t;

    But at t moment ta vanished.

    urned to tco be seen. Neitca  up to the surprise.

    On every plate s to dry tfing frog; a snake  streaks all over ter she lonely old goldfish.

    Maria-nunziata stepped back, but betoad. And be tle toads in a line, taking little oiled floor.

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