类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:MACKERY END, IN HERTFORDSHIRE

    Bridget Elia ions to Bridget, extending beyond toget of double singleness; olerable comfort, upon t I, for one, find in myself no sort of disposition to go out upon tains, o bety astes and  -- yet so, as quot;; e are generally in  sions. Our sympatood, tone in my voice more kind t into tears, and complained t I ered. e are bot readers in different directions. ime) some passage in old Burton, or one of range contemporaries, sracted in some modern tale, or adventure, ive teazes me. I tle concern in ts. S ory -- ly told -- so tirring in it, and plenty of good or evil accidents. tuations of fortune in fiction -- and almost in real life -- o interest, or operate but dully upon me. Out-of-ting t in ties of aut. My cousin ive disrelis sounds odd or bizarre Not is quaint, irregular, or out of t;ure more clever.quot; I can pardon o tiful obliquities of t s apologise to me for certain disrespectful insinuations,  latterly, toucellectuals of a dear favourite of mine, of t century but one -- te, and virtuous, -- but again someastical, and original-braind, generous Margaret Nele.

    It  of my cousin, oftener pero es and mine, free-tems; but ss, t s auty over ill. Sricks anding.

    e are boto be a little too positive; and I  of our disputes to be almost uniformly t in matters of fact, dates, and circumstances, it turns out, t I , and my cousin in t o be done, or let alone; ion, or steadiness of conviction, I set out o be brougo hinking.

    I must toucle  does not like to be told of s. Srick (to say no ) of reading in company: at ion,  fully understanding its purport --  degree to ty of tter of tion. o t pressing trials of life, but imes desert rifling occasions. , and is a t, so it greatly; but in matters uff of times to let slip a  muctended to; and s train of female garniture,  or design, into a spacious closet of good old Englis mucion or proion, and bro  fair and y girls, t up exactly in t  be diminis; but I can ans, t it makes (if t come to t) most incomparable old maids.

    In a season of distress, sruest comforter; but in teazing accidents, and minor perplexities,  to meet times maketters icipation. If s alrouble upon ter occasions of life so treble your satisfaction. S to be at a play ; but best, wh you.

    e made an excursion togeto fordso  up ters of some of our less-knoions in t fine corn country.

    t t is spelt, perfordsfully situated le  remember  to a great-aunt, o a  existences, t  is impossible. t t time in tion of a substantial yeoman, o a Field. tons are still flouris part of ty, but t extinct. More ty years  I speak of; and, for ter portion of t period,  of persons ined Mackery End -- kindred or strange folk --  to conjecture, but determined some o explore.

    By someous route, taking t Luton in our  Albans,  t of our anxious curiosity about noon. t of trace of it ion, affected me  experienced for many a year. For tten it, en being togetalking about Mackery End all our lives, till memory on my part became mocked om of itself, and I t I kne of a place, o t, ead of it!

    Still t it; t; of June,quot; and I could say ,

    But t didst appear so fair

    to fond imagination,

    Dost rival in t of day

    e creation !

    Bridgets ance again -- some altered features, of course, a little grudged at. At first, indeed, so disbelieve for joy; but tself in ion -- and sraversed every out-post of to tood (ience of recognition, y odd. But Bridget in some things is behind her years.

    t o get into t y erribly so strangers and out-of-date kinsfolk. Love, stronger t me; but surned ure t mig to a sculptor for t  of ton, ress of tons. Six of ted as t young y. But ted Bruton, in my mind, ter too late to  recollected in early life to  pointed out to yle. But ties, t prove sligmospropolis, bind faster, as , in y, fordses ed as if o tian names. So Cians so , and  ing of tural cousins! ty, an amplitude of form and stature, anso  it. e  forgotten  B. F.  so soon forget t meeting, if peradventure ant ss. tted calf icipation of our coming; and, after an appropriate glass of native  me forget   pride table cousin made us proceed to ead, to introduce us (as some ney) to er Gladmans, ime  corresponding kindness s memory, exalted by to a terated recollections of to my utter astonis, and o toundment of B. F.  t  a cousin tten names and circumstances still croen in lemon come out upon exposure to a friendly  all try cousins forget me; and Bridget no more remember, t in tender cty pastoral  Mackery End, in fordshire.

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