Queen Orianas Dream

类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:Queen Orianas Dream

    On a bank h roses shaded,

    scent ts aided,

    Violets wh alone

    Yields but feeble smell or none

    (Ser bed Jove neer reposed on

    hen his eyes Olympus closed on),

    hile oerhead six slaves did hold

    Canopy of cloth ogold,

    And two more did music keep,

    Juno lull to sleep,

    Oriana, who was queen

    to ty tamerlane,

    t he land

    Bethrace and Samarchand,

    ide fervour beamd,

    Mused o sleep, and dreamd.


    A young poet soothed his vein,

    But he had nor prose nor numbers

    to express a princesss slumbers.--

    Youtrange fancies,

    as deep versed in old romances,

    And could talk whole hours upon

    t Cer John,--

    tell the Sophi

    From tartar rophy--


    t e of--

    But ion

    Kept not pace ention

    ty suns did rise and set,

    And ;

    But, unable to proceed,

    Mad a virtue out of need,

    And, his labours wiselier deemd of,

    Did omit he queen dreamd of.

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