JUNE, 1943

类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:JUNE, 1943

    SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    too nice to keep to myself.

    Since Pim es  volunteered to translate it into Dutc  done  begins s and tinues:

    As youngest among us, but small no more, Your life can be trying, for we eacerrible bore.

    quot;eve got experience! take it from me!”

    quot;eve done this all before, you see.

    e knohe same.”

    Since time immemorial, alhe same.

    Ones o fluff, But everyone elses are uff:

    Faultfinding comes easy  its s, try as t, to treat you h fairness, and kindness as well;

    Nitpickings a  ts o dispel.

    Men youre living h old folks, all you can do

    Is put up s  its true.

    tter, but do must go, For its meant to keep the peace, you know.

    t been in vain, Since ing time noes against your Brain.

    You read and study nearly all termined to che boredom away.

    t question, muco bear, Is quot; on earto wear?

    Ive got no more panties, my clotoo tig is a loinclot!

    to put on my s off my toes, Dh so many woes!”

    Margot rouble getting t about food to r out. But aside from t, dont you ts a good poem?

    For t, Ive been ts, including a big book on my favorite subject, Greek and Roman mythology.

    Nor can I complain about to t reserves. As t more than I deserve.

    Yours, Anne

    tUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    I often tc and t youd just as soon ters. So Ill keep the news brief.

    Mr. Voskuijl  operated on for er all. Once tors ing table and opened

    an operation less. So titc al for t  told tly ore for him.

    ting at  c e not being able to go out; ot en as I could and ake ters. No us knoer for us. Mr. Voskuijl est source of

    came to safety measures. e miss him very much.

    Next monts our turn to o ties. Mr. Kleiman   o replace our beautiful cabinet radio.

    Its a pity urn in our big P o bring ties do;baby”

    radio upstairs. s a clandestine radio ine money?

    All over try people are trying to get  tead of t;morale booster.quot; Its true: as ts from outside gros o lose  and to keep telling ourselves, quot;Cs o get better!”

    Yours, Anne

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