AUGUST, 1943

类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:AUGUST, 1943

    tUESDAY, AUGUSt 3, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    tical front. Italy  Party. ting ts in many places -- even t. ry like t continue to  England?

    Our beautiful radio aken a  Mr. Kugler for turning it in on ted day. Dussel is slipping loimation, and ever  politics, ory, geograp I  it: ler terdam is bigger ts for not taking tunity to bomb Italy to smitc., etc.

    e just o grit my teetice being courageous.

    Mrs. van Daan, t;Let t; and quot;Better to end  to end at all,quot; is t coo tears. Sed by ly declared a truce after a

    sentimental at t.

    Mousc, t  ages as ages. ts getting  taken test notice. Its making us all very jittery;

    e on our arms and legs or ots of our bodies, so  gives us an excuse to take a better look at our arms or necks. But notle piff we can urn our he wayside long ago.

    Yours, Anne

    EDNESDAY, AUGUSt 4,1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    No le over a year, you kno deal about our lives. Still, I cant possibly tell you everyts all so different compared to ordinary times and ordinary people. Neverto give you a closer look into our lives, from time to time Ill describe part of an ordinary day. Ill start .

    Nine in time alle and bustle. Ced, beds pulled out, blankets unfolded -- notays ime. I sleep on a small divan,  longer. Comforter, ss, pillos:

    everyto be removed from Dussel s bed,  during the day.

    In t room terrible creaking: ts Margots folding bed being set up.

    More blankets and pilloo make ts a bit more comfortable.

    Upstairs it sounds like t its only Mrs. van D.s bed being s t y, arrayed in , can sniff t air te little nostrils.

    Nine oclock. After Peters finiss my turn for to toe, and more often t I find a tiny flea floating in t monteeto bleachan half an hour.

    Nine-ty. I tty, ies, curlers and a ton in t of t in line invariably calls me back to remove t unsig Ive left in the sink.

    ten oclock. time to put up t screen and say good-nig fifteen minutes, at least, tairs neig al spat in bed, all is quiet.

    Eleven-ty. trip of ligo the room.

    Squeaking s, even larger t . . . Dussel is returning from ly le of paper (from tucking away in hroom.

    Approximately to get up to use tin can under my bed,  underneat clatters into tainside.

    tty is returned to its place, and te nig causes Margot to exclaim every evening, quot;O indecent nig;) climbs back into bed. A certain somebody lies a fifteen minutes, listening to t. In t place, to airs, and to tairs, next door and in my room -- to tell , ted nine or ten times. tened profusely.

    ternated tle smacking sounds, folloossing and turning and rearranging ter five minutes of perfect quiet, ts itself times, after wo sleep for a while.

    Sometimes t, bet before it  all of a sudden I find myself standing beside my bed, out of s. Occasionally Im dreaming so deeply (of irregular Frencairs) t I realize only ing opped and t Ive remained quietly in my room. But usually I  door to Fat t described in thday poem:

    s rino out in t, to sige. . .

    Once Ive reac is over, except ra loud.

    Six forty-five. Brrring . . . ts s any ,  to or not. Creak. . . wham. . . Mrs. van D.

    turns it off. Screak . . . Mr. van D. gets up, puts on ter and races to throom.

    Seven-fifteen. to t last, I remove t screen . . . and a nehe Annex.

    Yours, Anne

    t 5, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    today lets talk about the lunch break.

    Its ty. t, and Mr. de Kok have gone home for lunch.

    Upstairs you can iful and only rug. Margot tucks a fe; o be. Pim goes and sits in a corner ant companion, Dickens, in  of peace and quiet. Motens upstairs to tle idy up bot time.

    ty-five. One by one trickle in: first Mr.

    Gies and times even Miep.

    One. Clustered around ten raptly to time t interrupt eac argue he speaker.

    One-fifteen. Food distribution. Everyone from doairs gets a cup of soup, plus dessert, if to be any. A contented Mr. Gies sits on t t at  ate to let est be es test neo solid knock on t and in a bad mood or talkative and in a good mood.

    One forty-five. Everyone rises from table and goes about t and Moter for ttic, Fatoo, and Anne does her homework.

    comes next is test urbances. to judge by  I dont look at ime ll be 4 P.M. and tic Dr. Dussel anding e ,late clearing off table.

    Yours, Anne

    SAtURDAY, AUGUSt 7, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    A fearted ing a story, someto end, and Ive enjoyed it so muc ts of my pen are piling up.

    Yours, Anne

    MONDAY, AUGUSt 9, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    e noinue ypical day in ts time to describe dinner.

    Mr. van Daan. Is served first, and takes a generous portion of wever he likes.

    Usually joins in tion, never fails to give o suggest ot up a good fig. . . but Id rat. Once youve seen it, you never  to see it again. ,  about everyted, t its so no small degree.

    Madame. Actually, t to say noto read. If you analyze t t, but ty party! A fact everyone prefers to ignore. Even so, you could call igator. Stirring up trouble, nos irring up trouble bet and Mr. Frank aren t qwte as easy.

    But lets return to table. Mrs. van D. may t al enoug ts not t potatoes, tastiest morsel, tenderest bit of s Madames motto. turn, as long as I get t. (Exactly ening, it doesnt seem to occur to o ed. S t erest everyone.

    Smile coquettisend you knos sure to make a good impression. But if you take a better look, tisimes a cute face. ts Petronella van Daan.

    ttle. Young Mr. van Daan is usually quiet and ite is concerned,  never gets full. Even after t substantial meal, en twice as much.

    Number four -- Margot. Eats like a bird and doesnt talk at all. Ss only vegetables and fruit. quot;Spoiled,quot; in t;too little exercise and fres; in ours.

    Beside y appetite, does alking. No one  ts ture.

    Numbers six and seven. I  say muc Fat modest person at table. o see he children.

    ed next to tle bundle of nerves.

    Dussel.  and dont talk. And if you o say sometalk about food. t doesnt lead to quarrels, just to bragging. ions, and quot;noquot; is not part of he food is good or bad.

    Pants t come up to , a red jacket, black patent-leats   ttle table, aludying and never progressing. terrupted only by ernoon nap, food and -- e spot -- times a day to be someone ing outside tiently from one foot to anotrying to  in and barely managing. Does Dussel care?

    Not a een to seven-ty, from ty to one, from to teen, from four to four-fifteen, from six to six-fifteen, from eleven-ty to t your cimes for ;regular sessions.quot; es or lets side to open up before a disaster occurs.

    Number nine is not part of our Annex family, altable. ite. Se and isnt co please and t pleases us. Serized as follows: cheerful, good-humored, kind and willing.

    tUESDAY, AUGUSt 10, 1943

    Dearest Kitty, .

    A nealk more to myself to tages. First, t o listen to my continuous cter, and second, I dont o get annoyed by t tupid but ots better to keep to myself. I apply tactic  somet t of me, pretend its delicious, avoid looking at it as mucs gone before Ive ime to realize  is.  up in t, I leap out of bed, to myself, quot;Youll be slipping back under t; o take do screen, sniff at til I

    feel a bit of fresrip t as I can so I  be tempted to get back in. Do you kno of t of living. Isnt t a funny expression?

    eve all been a little confused t ertoren bells ed off to be melted do time, eit or day. I still  titute, made of tin or copper or some suco remind the clock.

    Every admiring glances at my feet, iful (for times like to snap tilts, and look even taller than I already am.

    Yesterday , Margot o peel potatoes for me (take ting o t nearly knocked me over, and  let me run er to bat lump over my rigo make matters tle toe on my rig got stuck in t bled and , but my ots  I let tupid of me, because noed toe.  ape, I cant get my .

    Dussel  us in danger for teentime. ually i-Mussolini tirade, ;You brutes!quot; and  on  dare t o ers.

    Yours, Anne

    A Daily Ctle Community: Peeling Potatoes!

    One person goes to get some ne for atoes; and ter.

    Mr. Dussel begins.  al op,

    glancing left and rigo see if everyone is doing it t!

    quot;Look, Anne, I am taking peeler in my op to bottom!

    Nein, not so . . . but so!”

    quot;I t; I say tentatively.

    quot;But t ake from me. Of course, it is no matter, you do t.”

    e go on peeling. I glance at Dussel out of t in t, ), but says no more.

    I keep on peeling. t Fato Fatatoes is not a c precision oes, beans or vegetables, o be totally absorbed in ask. s on ato-peeling face, and  in t particular  urn out anytly peeled potato.

    I keep on  ts all time I need. Mrs. van D. is trying to attract Dussels attention. Sarts by looking in ion, but Dussel pretends not to notice. S Dussel goes on peeling. S Dussel still doesnt look up. too, but Dussel pays them no mind.

    o aco cactics. t;Putti,  on an apron? Oto spend all day tomorrorying to get ts out of your suit!”

    quot;Im not getting it dirty.”

    Anot;Putti,  do;Im fine tanding up!”


    quot;Putti, look out, du spritzt sc;.* [*No Im being careful.”

    Mrs. van D. casts about for anotopic. quot;tell me, Putti, ish

    carrying out any bombing raids today?”

    quot;Because thers bad, Kerli!”

    quot;But yesterday it her.”

    quot;Lets drop t.”

    quot; a person talk about t or offer an opinion? quot;ell, w?”

    quot;O, Mammic;* [*Mommy] quot;Mr. Frank always answers his wife.”

    Mr. van D. is trying to control  Mrs. van D.s not one to quit: quot;Oo be an invasion!”

    Mr. van D. turns , Mrs. van D. turns red, but s about to be deterred: quot;tis doing a thing!”

    ts. quot;And noter noc loud!quot;] Motifle a laugare straight ahead.

    Scenes like ted almost daily, unless t errible fig case, neither Mr. nor Mrs. van D. says a word.

    Its time for me to get some more potatoes. I go up to ttic, .

    notices it, and o tter.

    Peter she room.

    Freedom in ty. Beps arrival signals tly freedom. t

    going rigairs  before t of us. t ss doating  usually starts ;O; Bep  me. Mrs. van D. doesnt miss a co make o  must be one of to go up there.

    Five forty-five. Bep leaves. I go doo  to tco te office and to to open t door for Mouschi.

    After a long tour of inspection, I odays mail. Peter picks up Bocypeers upstairs; Margot looks around for a quiet place to do s a kettle of er on tove; Motairs atoes; we all know our jobs.

    Soon Peter comes back from t question t. o t office to make o teel cabinet, takes out tarts to leave. At any rate, ts o do, but before s o sit under the desk.

    Peter looks all around ! o t by tail. Mouscer sig has he accomplished?

    Mouscting by t ers clutcer  to lure akes t, follohe door closes.

    I cire scene the door.

    Mr. van Daan is angry and slams t and I exc o a rage again because of some blunder on Mr. Kuglers part, and ten all about t door.

    Anotep is oy, sniffs. . . coug.  of luck -- it o t office. tains are open,  at ing paper. h a scowl.

    Margot and I exc;One less page for  tomorro; I


    An eleps tread is airs Dussel, seeking comfort in e spot.

    e continue aps means dinnertime!

    MONDAY, AUGUSt 23, 1943

    enn Die U . . .* [* rikes  eig and Mot;S, Otto. Ss eigy.

    Come  run ter anymore. alk softly!quot; A sample of o Fat troke of  eigo be in ter, no flusoilet, no aff  arrived, sounds travel more easily to the warehouse.

    tairs at eigy, and tle taps on t cereal. I clamber up tairs to get my doggie dish.

    Back doairs, everyto be done quickly, quickly: I comb my  aty, s! triking eigy! Mrs.

    van D. coo -- a veritable C.

    ts . I  to read or study and Margot does too. Fatto. Fatting (ionary, of course) on t even  mattress. ters can be piled on top of eac;I dont need t; ;I can manage  them!”

    Once arts reading,  look up. ries to get Moto read a story.

    quot;I dont ime right now!”

    ed, but tinues to read.

    A little ;You

    o read ther!”

    Mots on tting or studying, o  to forget, quot;Anne, remember to . . . Margot, jot this down. . . “

    After a  again. Margot slams ; Fats ration reappearing I at tarts cting ; and I get curious and listen too. Pim is drao tion . . .

    Nine oclock. Breakfast!

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