类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:OCTOBER, 1943

    SUNDAY, OCtOBER 17, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    Mr. Kleiman is back, t pale, and yet  off to sell some clot is t Mr. van Daan  of money.   ill creating trouble for us: tolen. hief?

    But I alking about tage. Mrs. van D. s and s. Mr. van D.s suit is difficult to sell, and Peters bike  on t is back again, since nobody ed it.

    But tory doesnt end to o part . In  ts ridiculous.

    t  it and ered t;o Puttiquot; and quot;darling Kerliquot; stage of reconciliation.

    My mind boggles at ty to endure in t montogeto resolve anote problem. Mot up c complains of  sleep, Mrs. van D. frets and fumes all day long, and Ive gone completely round to tell you trutimes forget . to take my mind off it is to study, and Ive been doing a lot of t lately.

    Yours, Anne

    FRIDAY, OCtOBER 29,1943

    My dearest Kitty,

    Mr. Kleiman is out again; omac give s peace.  even knoopped bleeding. o tell us  feeling well

    and ime he seemed really down.

    Mr. and Mrs. van D. tles. ted to sell an overcoat and a suit of Mr. van D. s, but o find any buyers. oo high.

    Some time ago Mr. Kleiman alking about a furrier . Its made of rabbit skin, and s for seventeen years. Mrs. van D. got 325 guilders for it, an enormous amount. Sed to keep to buy neer t took some doing before Mr. van D. could make and t it ely needed to cover household expenses.

    You cant imagine ting, stamping of feet and s  on.

    It errifying. My family stood s breat ttom of tairs, in case it migo drag t. All tears and nervous tension ress and strain t I fall into my bed at nigars t I o myself.

    Im doing fine, except Ive got no appetite. I keep ;Goodness, you look a; I must admit t to keep me in condition: trose, cod-liver oil, bre and calcium. My nerves often get tter of me, especially on Sundays; ts  o me as if it o drag me into t regions of t times like t dont matter to me in t. I o room, climb up and doairs and feel like a songbird  ts dark cage. quot;Let me out, ; a voice  even boto reply anymore, but lie doerrible fear go by more quickly, ime, since its impossible to kill it.

    Yours, Anne

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