类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER FOUR

    tURKIS  quot;BUt ; said t;Are you a great overgro  off its beard?”

    quot;No, your Majesty,quot; said Edmund, quot;I never had a beard, Im a boy.”

    quot;A boy!quot; said s;Do you mean you are a Son of Adam?”

    Edmund stood still, saying notoo confused by time to  understand ion meant.

    quot;I see you are an idiot, ; said t;Answer  me, once and for all, or I sience. Are you human?”

    quot;Yes, your Majesty,quot; said Edmund.

    quot;And o enter my dominions?”

    quot;Please, your Majesty, I came in through a wardrobe.”

    quot;A wardrobe?  do you mean?”

    quot;I - I opened a door and just found myself y,quot; said  Edmund.

    quot;; said to o ;A door. A door  from t  ; As s and  looked Edmund full in t t s sure t so do somet o  move. t as , so change her mind.

    quot;My poor c; se a different voice, quot;  my mantle round you and alk.”

    Edmund did not like t at all but  disobey; epped on to t at , and s a fold of le round ucked it well in.

    quot;Per to drink?quot; said t;S?”

    quot;Yes please, your Majesty,quot; said Edmund, tering.

    took from some  one drop  fall from it on t t it toucood a je steamed. tely took  t to Edmund  a very nice smile. Edmund  felt mucter as o sip t drink. It asted before, very s and foamy and creamy, and it o oes.

    quot;It is dull, Son of Adam, to drink  eating,quot; said tly. quot;  to eat?”

    quot;turkis, please, your Majesty,quot; said Edmund.

    t anottle on to tantly tied urned out to contain several pounds of t turkis. Eac  and ligo tre and Edmund asted anyte able.

    ing t asking ions. At first Edmund  tried to remember t it is rude to speak  soon   about t only of trying to surkis as e ted to eat, and ive. S o tell  ers, and t one of ers  a Faun t  no one except ers kne Narnia. Serested in t t t on  coming back to it. quot;You are sure t four of you?quot; s;turkis, kept on saying, quot;Yes, I told you t before,quot; and forgetting to  call ;Your Majestyquot;, but s seem to mind now.

    At last turkis y box and wis sher he would like some  more.

    Probably te  ted turkis and t anyone ed it  more and more of it, and ing it till t s offer ead,  so ;Son of Adam, I so see your broters. ill you bring to see me?”

    quot;Ill try,quot; said Edmund, still looking at ty box.

    quot;Because, if you did come again - bringing to give you some more turkis. I cant do it no ter.”

    quot; o your ; said Edmund.  got on  to t s drive ao some  unknoo get back; but ten about  t fear now.

    quot;It is a lovely place, my ; said t;I am sure you . turkis, and urkis all day long; and you are muc and  young  man Ive ever met. I to make you to visit me.”

    quot; no; said Edmund. icky.  look eitever t say.

    quot;O if I took you t; said s;I s see your broters.

    I very muc to knoo be ter on - t is understood. But you must iers and nobles.  I ers Duchesses.”

    quot;t t; said Edmund, quot;and, anyime.”

    quot;A once you ;you mig all  about thern.

    You   to fetc go back to your ory noo me  anotand. It is no good coming  them.”

    quot;But I dont even knoo my ory,quot; pleaded Edmund.  quot;ts easy,quot; ans;Do you see t lamp?quot; Sed urned and sa under he Faun.

    quot;Straig, is to ted in te direction - quot;and tell me if you can see  ttle rees.”

    quot;I t; said Edmund.

    quot;ell, my ime you come you o find t and look for t bring t o  be very angry h you if you came alone.”

    quot;Ill do my best,quot; said Edmund.

    quot;And, by t; said t;you neednt tell t me. It  o keep it a secret bet it? Make it a surprise for t bring to t;Lets see . I am sure t . If your sister   one of trange stories about me - nasty stories t migo come to me. Fauns hing, you know, and now -”

    quot;Please, please,quot; said Edmund suddenly, quot;please couldnt I  one  piece of turkis to eat on the way home?”

    quot;No, no,quot; said t;you must  till next time.quot;  o to drive on, but as t a of  sigo Edmund, calling out, quot;Next time! Next time! Dont forget.  Come soon.”

    Edmund ill staring after tohe  wood.

    quot;O; s;So youve got in too! Isnt it wonderful, and  now-”

    quot;All rig; said Edmund, quot;I see you er all. Ill say Im sorry if you like. But wime?  Ive been looking for you everywhere.”

    quot;If Id kno; said Lucy, o notice range  his face was.

    quot;Ive been umnus, te itco ting me go, so

    and pero be all riger all.”

    quot;te itc; said Edmund; quot;whos she?”

    quot;Sly terrible person,quot; said Lucy. quot;S to be queen at all, and all t least all te urn people into stone and do all kinds of  it is aler in Narnia - aler, but it never gets to Cmas.  And s on a sledge, drah her wand in her hand and a crown  on her head.”

    Edmund able from en too many ss,  and c even more uncomfortable. But ill ed to taste t turkis again  more ted anything else.

    quot;old you all t stuff about te itc; he asked.

    quot;Mr tumnus, t; said Lucy.

    quot;You cant al; said Edmund, trying to sound as  if  than Lucy.

    quot;; asked Lucy.

    quot;Everyone kno,quot; said Edmund; quot;ask anybody you like. But its pretty  poor sport standing s go home.”

    quot;Yes, lets,quot; said Lucy. quot;O in too. to believe in Narnia no bot fun it will  be!”

    But Edmund secretly t t it  be as good fun for o admit t Lucy , before all t sure t c knoalking about Narnia.

    By time t coats  around tead of branc moment tanding outside ty room.

    quot;I say,quot; said Lucy, quot;you do look a you feel well?”

    quot;Im all rig; said Edmund, but t true. he was feeling very  sick.

    quot;Come on t; said Lucy, quot;lets find t a lot ell them!

    And ures   together.”

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