类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER SIX

    INtO t  quot;I ; said  Susan presently, quot;Im getting horribly cramped.”

    quot;And ; said Edmund.

    quot;I expect ts of ts are full of it,quot; said Susan, quot;to keep  ahs.”

    quot;ticking into my back,quot; said Peter.

    quot;And isnt it cold?quot; said Susan.

    quot;No you mention it, it is cold,quot; said Peter, quot;and  all, its   too. s tter ting on somet. Its getting ter  every minute.quot; ruggled to .

    quot;Lets get out,quot; said Edmund, quot;theyve gone.”

    quot;O-o-o; said Susan suddenly, and everyone asked  ter.

    quot;Im sitting against a tree,quot; said Susan, quot;and look! Its getting lighere.”

    quot;By Jove, youre rig; said Peter, quot;and look ts  trees all round. And t stuff is snoo Lucys er  all.”

    And noaking it and all four cood blinking in  t of a er day. Bes  of trees.

    Peter turned at once to Lucy.

    quot;I apologize for not believing you,quot; ;Im sorry. ill you shake  hands?”

    quot;Of course,quot; said Lucy, and did.

    quot;And no; said Susan, quot;?”

    quot;Do?quot; said Peter, quot;whe wood, of course.”

    quot;Ug; said Susan, stamping , quot;its pretty cold.  about putting  on some of ts?”

    quot;t ours,quot; said Peter doubtfully.

    quot;I am sure nobody ; said Susan; quot;it isnt as if ed to  take t of t take t of the wardrobe.”

    quot;I never t of t, Su,quot; said Peter. quot;Of course, no it t   in t. And I suppose try is in the wardrobe.”

    tely carried out Susans very sensible plan. ts oo big for t to ts  t a good deal ter in t-up and more suitable to the  landscape.

    quot;e can pretend ic explorers,quot; said Lucy.

    quot;to be exciting enoug pretending,quot; said Peter, as o t. t looked as if t be more sno.

    quot;I say,quot; began Edmund presently, quot;oug o be bearing a bit more to  t, t is, if ?quot; ten for t t   pretend never to  t of  opped;  everyone stared at er wled.

    quot;So you really  time Lu said s you in   selling lies.”

    t;ell, of all ttle beasts -quot; said  Peter, and so  say, and presently t Edmund o ;Ill pay you all out for tuck-up, selfsatisfied prigs.”

    quot;; said Susan, c.

    quot;I t to be t; said Peter; quot;goodness knows s. ake us, Lu?”

    quot; about going to see Mr tumnus?quot; said Lucy. quot;old  you about.”

    Everyone agreed to t amping  t. Lucy proved a good leader. At first so  find t sree on one place and a stump in anot to tle valley and at  last to tumnuss cave. But terrible surprise aed them.

    ts o bits. Inside, t  been lived  in for several days. Snourned out to be ticks and ashe fire.

    Someone ly flung it about tamped it out. ture of to sh a knife.

    quot;tty good ; said Edmund; quot;not much good coming here.”

    quot; is t; said Peter, stooping doiced a piece of  paper o the floor.

    quot;Is tten on it?quot; asked Susan.

    quot;Yes, I t; anser, quot;but I cant read it in t. Lets get out into the open air.”

    t out in t and croer as   t of tumnus, is under arrest and  aing rial on a creason against y Jadis,  Queen of Narnia, Celaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of tc., also  of comforting ys enemies, ernizing h humans.

    signed MAUGRIM, Captain of t Police, LONG LIVE tared at eacher.

    quot;I dont kno Im going to like ter all,quot; said Susan.

    quot;; said Peter. quot;Do you kno her?”

    quot;S a real queen at all,quot; ans;sce itch.

    Everyone all te ment over  try so t it is aler mas.”

    quot;I - I  in going on,quot; said Susan. quot;I mean, it  doesnt seem particularly safe  looks as if it  be mucs getting colder every minute, and .  about just going  home?”

    quot;O , ,quot; said Lucy suddenly; quot;dont you see? e cant  just go  after t is all on my account t t into  trouble. cs  means by  comforting ternizing  try to rescue  him.”

    quot;A lot ; anyto  eat!”

    quot;S up - you!quot; said Peter, ; do  you think, Susan?”

    quot;Ive a  Lu is rig; said Susan. quot;I dont  to go a  step furt I t try to do sometever-he Faun.”

    quot;ts oo,quot; said Peter. quot;Im  e for going back and getting somet  seem to be any certainty of getting into try again  of  it. I to go on.”

    quot;So do I,quot; said bothe girls.

    quot;If only er.

    till o do next, . Its t bird Ive seen alk in Narnia? It almost looks as if it ed to say someto us.quot; turned to t;Please, can you tell us aken to?quot; As sook a step to at once fle  only as far as to t tree. t perc t  understood all t  noticing t t a step or to it. At to t tree and  once more looked at t  or a brig;Do you kno; said Lucy, quot;I really believe o follow him.”

    quot;Ive an idea ; said Susan. quot; do you ter?”

    quot;ell, ,quot; anser.

    to understand tter t kept going from  tree to tree, al t. In t led tly dotle sly ted overer sun came out and t. travelling in t , er, quot;if youre not still too y to talk to me, Ive someto  say en to.”

    quot; is it?quot; asked Peter.

    quot; so loud,quot; said Edmund; quot;tening t  were doing?”

    quot;?quot; said Peter, lowering o a whisper.

    quot;ere follo.  bird is on?  it be leading us into a trap?”

    quot;ts a nasty idea. Still - a robin, you knoories Ive ever read. Im sure a robin  be on the wrong side.”

    quot;It if comes to t,  and told sc really kno either.”

    quot;the Faun saved Lucy.”

    quot; oo.  idea of the way home from here?”

    quot;Great Scott!quot; said Peter, quot;I  t of t.”

    quot;And no c; said Edmund.

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