类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER SIX

    SA AMONG tOMBS  SA ran ligiptoes. It felt  to .   t to to a narroreet, and t tside of t as Corin old ook a rapid glance round o get ly as. Everyt roofs belo roofs, doo totlements of tys Nort  slope covered  beyond t again t  yelloretc  e tops. quot;t! tains!quot; t Sa.

    o trotting along doreet  a little ragged boy running along on  bare feet. Still, ill urned a corner and ty gate  in front of him.

    led a bit, for a good many ot; and on te te a slo ter on eac   and noise of tashbaan.

    a ing ao be going eito t or rig straig did not appear to be mucop of tood and stared. It o topped quite suddenly a fe before  a bit roug . tains, o  five  minutes  certainly be tombs, just as Bree  masses of mouldering stone sic bee- a little narroting righem.

    urned  and trotted toombs.   very ting sun s ;And any; , quot;of course t tomb, not t see ty.”

    t tombs, eac opened  into absolute blackness. tted about in no kind of order, so t it  took a long time, going round t one, before you could be  sure t you omb. t Sa o do.  there.

    It   on t; and no.

    Suddenly from some jump and o bite ongue to keep  moment  it ases.

    quot;Dont be a silly little co; said Sa to ;s only  t; But t difference beting you in  nigting you out.

    And no tes ;Eit up in tas,quot; t  Sa, quot;or else t me. Its just t of t Aravis  Bree . O. - now, would he?”

    In t Aravis Sa e eel and would never ed a  companion, w.

    No Sa kne alone (it ting  darker every minute) o like table about t, silent sone. rying  for a long time not to t  keep it up  any longer.

    quot;O t very moment   sometouc ting if sometouc in suc sucime,  any rate oo frigo run. Anytter t Kings  look at beead,   sensible  t almost burst  ouc.

    t oo bad noo see muc except t it   looked as if it migombs, alone. Its eyes made you t knes it  tell.

    quot;Puss, puss,quot; said Sa. quot;I suppose youre not a talking cat.”

    t stared at  started . It led  tombs and out on t side  of t sat do uprigs tail curled round its feet and its face set  to and toill as if it ca lay do  t and oombs, because if one is nervous to your back. t able to you, but Sa iced it. Very soon  on  wondering w o Bree and Aravis and hwin.

    ;Per  o  t iced t t  . But e still  even  opening  sure ened if  up and  looked round at tombs and t as you or I migill  t of t. to open  up.

    tly. tombs - far bigger and nearer t t. In fact, t covered t at all nice to  alone in a strange place. But  te side, from t. Sa o turn ombs ( like t mucare out across t again.

    quot;I s not more lions,quot; t Sa. It  not very like  t  kno ed very muco meet a jackal.

    t again and again. quot;tever they are,”

    t Sa. quot;And theyre coming nearer.”

    I suppose t if irely sensible boy ombs nearer to ts  o come. But t to go back tombs  tombs;  and  may  Sa felt s. to change  his mind.

    going to run for it , it looked quite black, and  Sa did not kno  t it  on  four legs. It did not seem to iced Sa, for it suddenly stopped, turned its o and let out a roar o  sas feet. tures suddenly stoppd  and   scampering a beast turned to examine  Sa.

    quot;Its a lion, I knos a lion,quot; t Sa. quot;Im done. I   muc o people after theyre  dead. O-o-oh!

    comes!quot; And  eetight.

    But instead of teet somet  . And  nearly as big as I t!  Its only  isnt even quarter ts only t!! I must  about its being as big as a horse.”

    And  , and staring  of countenance s big, green, un; tainly one of t cats he had ever seen.

    quot;O; gasped Sa. quot;I am so glad to see you again. Ive been ; And  once lay doo back  as t t. t spread all over him.

    quot;Ill never do anyty to a cat again as long as I live,quot; said  Sa, o t and o ;I did once, you knoones at a arved mangy old stray. op t.quot; For t urned round and given c;None of t,quot; said Sa. quot;It isnt as if you could understand ;  then he dozed off.

    Next morning .

    Sa, very ty, sat up and rubbed  y be  everytly still. tle left and , so t t in ains on t, so s tones ticularly noticed one blue   t divided into t top and decided t it must be Mount Pire. quot;ts  our direction, judging by ; , quot;so Ill just make sure of it,  so as not to e any time ; So raig pointing exactly to Mount Pire.

    t job, clearly, o get someto eat and drink. Sa  trotted back tombs - te ordinary noivated land by t but not very many, for ty gates y in  doing a little quot;raidingquot; (as Bree called it). It involved a climb over a garden s e. After t,  doo t not too near ter  ook off , dirty clota, o s as soon as o   tasrengt. But t made  too.   t ombs  me, as likely as notquot;), so  and tore back  at suc  and ty whe was gone.

    Like most days  a y to t sitting  alone, just tty slo t Corin.   t plans  really Corin at all. It   to traitor.

    But as to top of to t, and no one came and not all  o get more and more anxious. And of course   for one anot tombs no one  how Long.

    of   like last nig plans   tc last  plan of all. o  till it o teal as many melons as   out for Mount Pire alone, trusting for ion to t morning in t s . But Sa   all.

    Before t someta ting in tombs  leap, for  t moment

    doo oes again. trange man, an armed man pretty  family. Bree and  up like pack- saddled  and bridled.

    And  all mean? quot;Its a trap,quot; t Sa. quot;Somebody  Aravis and perortured  me to jump out and run up and speak to Bree and t too! And yet  if I dont, I may be losing my only co meet t  ; And omb, looking out every fees,  and o do.

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