类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER THREE

    thE DARF

    t of sleeping out of doors is t you  up because t you are  uncomfortable.

    And it makes matters  apples for breakfast and  you  apples for supper t before. ruly  enoug it  seem to be anyto be  said. Edmund said ;eve simply got to get off this island.”

    doream again to tared at the mainland.

    quot;ell o s; said Edmund.

    quot;It er (Susan  school).

    quot;But I dont kno t of us.quot; By quot;t of usquot;  Edmund  do t t all.

    quot;Any; said Susan, quot;ts. Fats never o bat know.”

    quot;But, Peter,quot; said Lucy, quot;look  ss at  couldnt  s of t  you think -?”

    quot;A  of gro; said Peter.

    quot;e reigned for years and years and learned to do t   back at our proper ages again now?”

    quot;O; said Edmund in a voice alking and listen to  him.

    quot;Ive just seen it all,quot; he said.

    quot;Seen ; asked Peter.

    quot;; said Edmund. quot;You kno  last nig it  Narnia but everyt you see? You  kno, o  back t seemed to aken no time at all?”

    quot;Go on,quot; said Susan. quot;I to understand.”

    quot;And t means,quot; continued Edmund, quot;t, once youre out of Narnia, you  ime is going.

    in Narnia while only one year has passed for us in England?”

    quot;By Jove, Ed,quot; said Peter. quot;I believe youve got it. In t sense it  really o  Narnia just as if  Britons or someone coming back  to modern England?”

    quot;ed to see us -quot; began Lucy, but at t  everyone else said, quot;; or quot;Look!quot; For nohing was happening.

    t on ttle to t, and t sure t just beyond t point must be t  point to sig.  , it turned and began  coming along toting in tern and  tc o be soldiers. teel caps on t  ss of co tc moving a finger.

    quot;t; said tern e to them.

    quot; about tying a stone to , Corporal?quot; said ting  on his oars.

    quot;Garn!quot; gro;e dont need t, and one, as long as ied t.quot; ited er no it  a D struggling as  moment  beside  once to ttom of t, and fell over into ter. o  ter kne Susans arro s ting a second arroo tring. But it  was never used.

    As soon as  of t on ter ( in o the mainland.

    quot;Quick! Before ss!quot; sed Peter. er o t. In a feo ted t, and Edmund ting  knife.  (Peters s for t of

    any t up, rubbed ;ell,  feel like gs.”

    Like most D anding up, and an immense beard and tle of o be seen except a beak-like nose and  twinkling black eyes.

    quot;Any; inued, quot;gs or not, youve saved my life and Im  extremely obliged to you.”

    quot;But ; asked Lucy.

    quot;Ive been told all my life,quot; said t;t ts as trees. ts ory is. And ts o get rid of anyone, th me)

    and say to ts. But I al really dro ts. I never quite believed in ts. But t s believed all rigened of taking me  to my deathan I was of going!”

    quot;O; said Susan. quot;So ts wh ran away.”

    quot;Es t?quot; said the Dwarf.

    quot;t a; said Edmund. quot;to the mainland.”

    quot;I  sing to kill, you kno; said Susan. S o t suc range.

    quot;; said t;ts not so good. t may mean trouble later on.  Unless tongues for their own sake.”

    quot; o dro; asked Peter.

    quot;O; said t;But  ts a long story.

    Meantime, I o breakfast?  Youve no idea ite it gives one, being executed.quot;   quot;t; said Lucy dolefully.

    quot;Better t not so good as fres; said t;It  looks as if Ill o ask you to breakfast instead. I sa  boat. And any take o t   anyone from the mainland coming down and seeing her.”

    quot;I ougo  of t myself,quot; said Peter.

    t doo ters edge, pus y, and scrambled aboard. t once took coo big for o use, so Peter roeered tly eastip of t up t beyond  it. t ts of it, but time, made everyt.

    o open sea on t of took to fis catciful rainbo enoug up into a little creek and moored o a tree.  t capable person (and, indeed, ts bad D;No next is some firewood.”

    quot;eve got some up at tle,quot; said Edmund.

    tle. quot;Beards and bedsteads!quot; ;So tle, after all?”

    quot;Its only a ruin,quot; said Lucy.

    tared round at all four of th a very curious expression  on his face.

    quot;And ;No matter.  Breakfast first.

    But one ts and  tell me Im really alive? Are you sure I  dro all gs  together?”

    question o string t. to use Edmunds  in  t.  t by now been so ravenously hungry.

    At first t seem very comfortable in tle.   looking round and sniffing and saying, quot; spooky after all. Smells like  gs, too.quot; But  came to ligo roast  ting  fis  knife bet fingers before t, as it  ed.  t, lit it, ble cloud of fragrant smoke, and said,  quot;Now.”

    quot;You tell us your story first,quot; said Peter. quot;And tell you ours.”

    quot;ell,quot; said t;as youve saved my life it is only fair you s I o begin. First of all Im a messenger of King  Caspians.”

    quot;; asked four voices all at once.

    quot;Caspian tent; ans;t is to say,  to be King of Narnia and   he is only King of us Old Narnians - “

    quot; do you mean by old Narnians, please?quot; asked Lucy.

    quot;s us,quot; said t;ere a kind of rebellion, I suppose.”

    quot;I see,quot; said Peter. quot;And Caspian is the chief Old Narnian.”

    quot;ell, in a manner of speaking,quot; said tc;But  elmarine, if you follow me.”

    quot;I dont,quot; said Edmund.

    quot;Its ; said Lucy.

    quot;O; said t;Im doing to go rigo tell you  and o be on our side at all. But itll be a long story.”

    quot;All tter,quot; said Lucy. quot;e love stories.”

    So ttled doold ale. I s give it to you in  ting in all tions and interruptions, because it ake  too long and be confusing, and, even so, it  some points t ter.

    But t of tory, as t in the end, was as follows.