类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER SIX

    t LIVED IN  times t Caspian  off  to a ains and doo the green wolds of Archenland.

    quot;e  to t; said trumpkin.

    to an old ree covered ruffleer tapped imes on trunk and tapped again and a  of voice from inside said, quot;Go as not time  to get up yet.”

    But ime t of door opened and out came ttle eyes. And ook a long time because t as truffleer  a son of Adam ougo be King of Narnia and all kissed Caspian - very ,  snuffly kisses t really   bread, at t time in t  it polite to accept. It  took ime aftero get unsticky.

    After t t on till tall beecrees and  truffleer called out, quot;Pattertterttert; and almost at once, bounding do magnificent red  squirrel t Caspian imes seen in tle gardens; indeed errier and t you looked in  alk. Indeed ty o get o stop talking, for, like all squirrels, terer.  once and asked if  and Caspian said t as Pattert bounding ao fetc, truffleer  look. Look ts very bad manners among squirrels to  co ore or to look as if you ed to kno; ttert and Caspian ate it and after t Patterto ot;For I can go nearly everyting foot to ground,quot; ruffleer and t tterto all sorts of people elling to come to a

    feast and council on Dancing La midnigs a;And  youd better tell too,quot; added trumpkin. quot;e forgot to mention it to them.”

    t visit o trumpkin led  to tains till to a very solemn place among rocks and fir trees. t very  quietly and presently Caspian could feel t as if someone   to a flat stone about top of a er-butt, and stamped on it . After a long pause it  and steam coming out of it and in trumpkin alk  in ty ed to come doo t tom . It  of a furnace.  terranean stream ran past on one side of it. t t metal on tongs, a fourt, and ttle o meet tors. It took some time to  satisfy t Caspian  an enemy, but ; and ts rumpkin and Nikabrik. t , eet keep   ed tead of oy and as clumsy as a stick. to come to t at Dancing Lawn.

    A little farthe cave of five  Black Dwarfs.

    t Caspian, but in t of t;If  Miraz,  oldest said, quot;So troduce you to, up there.”

    quot;Certainly not,quot; said Caspian.

    quot;I s, indeed,quot; said truffleer. quot;e  none of t  sort on our side.”

    Nikabrik disagreed  trumpkin and t  gave Caspian a so realize t tures out of tories, as s in Narnia still.

    quot;e s  in t rabble,quot; said  truffleer as the Black Dwarfs.

    quot;O; said trumpkin, c contemptuously. quot; matters muc you  have me.”

    quot;Do you believe in Aslan?quot; said Caspian to Nikabrik.

    quot;Ill believe in anyone or anyt; said Nikabrik, quot;tll batter telmarine barbarians to pieces or drive t of Narnia. Anyone or anyte itcand?”

    quot;Silence, silence,quot; said truffleer. quot;You do not know w you are  saying. Shan Miraz and all his race.”

    quot;Not to D; said Nikabrik.

    t visit er one. As tains opened out into a great glen or  river running at ttom. truffleer called again, quot;Glenstorm! Glenstorm!quot;  and after a pause Caspian  greill trembled and at last, breaking and trampling ts, t t  creatures t Caspian  seen, t Centaur Glenstorm and nut and t covered  ar-gazer and kne.

    quot;Long live t; ;I and my sons are ready for le to be joined?”

    Up till noead or  of attacking a party of ers, if it ventured too far into t, in t only of living to ttempt at Old Narnia in orm  much more serious.

    quot;Do you mean a real o drive Miraz out of Narnia?quot; asked Caspian.

    quot; else?quot; said taur. quot;y go clad in mail  and girt h sword?”

    quot;Is it possible, Glenstorm?quot; said the Badger.

    quot;time is ripe,quot; said Glenstorm. quot;I c is  mine to c is yours to remember. tarva and Alambil  in to rule and name tures.  truck. Our council at t be a council of ;  neitated for a moment: it noo te possible t t e certain t t  wage one.

    As it  ted aurs and  ate sucaurs provided cakes of oaten meal, and apples, and herbs, and  wine, and cheese.

    t place to visit e near at  to  go a long o avoid a region in o ternoon before t ttle  popped t ted - a talking Mouse.  ood on s. ial  mouse. iny little rapier at wirled ache.

    quot;t; ;and I place all t your Majestys disposal.quot;  Caspian tried  to laug

    Reepic in a was and carried home on  ones back.

    It ake too long to mention all tures   day - Clodsley Sers (ock ted at last beside a   tall elms ting, to bed.

    rumpkin lit  a smoker).

    quot;No; said t;if only s of trees  and this well, we should have done a good days work.”

    quot;Cant ; said Caspian.

    quot;No,quot; said truffleer. quot;e o ts and defiling streams, to a deep sleep. ir again? And t is a great loss to  our side. telmarines are rees moved in  anger, our enemies  and be c of Narnia as quick as  them.”

    quot; imaginations you Animals ; said trumpkin,   trees and aters? ouldnt it be even nicer if tones started t old Miraz?”

    ted at ter t t Caspian o sleep   it urned over again; but as soon as ouc or  ell ing or drumming. ing noise  at once

    became fainter, but turned, clearer time. It es.  truffleer ting up staring into t;  Caspian . Nearer and nearer came tune  dreamy, and t feet, till at last, out from to t, came dancing s mucaller t far sligtle  of t, but t s.

    quot;Fauns!quot; cried Caspian, jumping up, and in a moment t took next to no time to explain tuation to ted  Caspian at once.

    Before  rumpkin, s, did likeruffleer   as best ayed  all round Caspian to trange faces, o ius and Obentinus and Dumnus, Voluns, Voltinus, Girbius, Nimienus, Nausus, and  Oscuns.

    Patterthem all.

    morning  it  all  been a dream; but ttle cloven hoof-marks.