类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER FIVE

    tORM AND  CAME OF It  It er t treader o of Narroears too, ed from t as till flapping idly, drerumpet from ter across ter, everyone  became silent.

    to t, tug cast off and  began ro real readers pro beloook t curned h of Avra.

    t feunate  girl in to see tions of t er  dancing on t in ts and buskins and cloaks and jerkins and scarves. And take a look from tle at a sea tle er t  came breakfast and sucite as one only  sea.

    S a good deal of time sitting on ttle bencern  playing c o see ing too big for anding on tiptoes if re of  the board.

    every noe  ridiculous like sending a knigo tle combined. tarily forgotten it le and making t do ands.

    But t time did not last. tern at t rack  of clouds building itself up in t h amazing speed.

    torn in it and a yello poured to take on unusual sy canvas. to move uneasily as  if s danger be and limp one minute and . ing t a sinister c;All ; In a moment  everyone became frantically busy. tc battened do  out, men  aloft to reef torm struck t  seemed to Lucy t a great valley in t before t, deeper do grey er, far , ruso meet t looked certain deat tossed to top of it. to spin round. A cataract of er poured over  tle  t along te trying to get control of tood out sideraigiff as if it was poker.

    quot;Get belo; ba landsmen - and landso to obey. It  easy.  treader ing terribly to starboard and to clamber round to top of to tand by , and t do s  of to   t  t in and s out for  a moment t of to t not of course tterings,  roarings and boomings whe  poop.

    And all next day and all t it  on. It  on till one could  ime before it o be t tiller and it o be men at t for anyone, and  not overboard, and the sun.

    ace made try in his diary.

    quot;3 September. t day for ages e. e een days and nig because I kept  a careful count, t  to be embarked on a  dangerous voyage  even count rigly time,  up and doo t even an  attempt at giving us proper meals. Needless to say t, so no c all proves elling tting out in a rotten little tub like t would be bad enough

    decent people instead of fiends in al to me. t  our mast (tump left no at all o come on deck and  everyt little beast does is all for t  to  amount of sense. today tly boat is level at last  and t and o do. e ty beastly stuff most of it, to last for sixteen days. (try orm rouble is er.

    to  a leak knocked in ty. (Narnian  efficiency again.) On s rations,  a day eac enougwelve days.

    (till lots of rum and  even t ier.)

    quot;If o turn  at once  and make for t it took us eigo get   migake us far longer to  get back. And at present t  t all.  As for ro ake far too long and Caspian says t roer a day. Im pretty sure tried to explain t perspiration  really cools people doer if t take  any notice of t ted for going on in t it my duty to point out  t  knoried to get to see thinking.

    Instead of producing a better plan to ask me  explained coolly and quietly t I  aic voyage  my consent, and it  t of  their scrape.

    quot;4 September. Still becalmed. Very s rations for dinner and I got less  than anyone.

    Caspian is very clever at  see! Lucy for some  reason tried to make up to me by offering me some of  t interfering prig Edmund   let ty  sun. terribly ty all evening.

    quot;5 September. Still becalmed and very . Feeling rotten all day and am  sure Ive got a temperature. Of course t to keep a ter on  board.

    quot;6 September. A  knoor o try to get any unfair advantage but I never dreamed t ter- rationing  to apply to a sick man. In fact I   up and took  my cup and tiptoed out of t in, taking great care not to disturb  Caspian and Edmund, for t and t er  began. I alry to consider oto me or not. I got out  all rigo t a room, whe

    ter is at tifully, but before Id  dra little spy Reep. I tried to explain t I  ter o do  treated me scandalously. I asked, as I t ter cask in t.  as oo small  to be any use on deck, ry over ter every nig one more man  could go to sleep.

    Noten unfairness: t it?

    quot;I o apologize or ttle brute h his sword.

    And true colours as a brutal tyrant and said  out loud for everyone to  anyone found quot;stealingquot; er in future ;get  t;. I didnt kno till Edmund explained to me. It comes in t of books those Pevensie kids read.

    quot;After t Caspian cune and started being  patronizing. Said  everyone felt just as feveris all make t of it, etc., etc. Odious stuck-up prig. Stayed in bed all day  today.

    quot;7 September. A little oday but still from t.

    Made a fe of t on -t means t set uprigied (t quot;las;) to tump of t. Still terribly ty.

    quot;8 September. Still sailing east. I stay in my bunk all day no Lucy till to bed. Lucy gives me a little of er  ration. S get as ty as boys. I en t t it ougo be more generally kno sea.

    quot;9 September. Land in sigain a long o t.

    quot;10 September. tain is bigger and clearer but still a long oday for t time since I dont know how long.

    quot;11 September. Caug  about 7 p.m. in ter in a bay of tainous island. t  idiot Caspian  let us go as ting dark and s. Extra er ration tonight.”

    aed to concern Eustace more t it cannot be told in er September 11   about keeping ime.

    very , turers found  t it  of

    t trees t appeared to be cedars, tream came out. Beyond t  eep ascent ending in a jagged ridge and be a vague darkness of  mountains  you could not see tops. t eacreaked e erfalls, t t distance t s or  make any noise. Indeed t and ter of th as glass.

    It reflected every detail of tty  in a picture but   a country t ors.

    t asloads and everyone drank  and  four  men back to keep to be done.  t be brougy ones mended if possible and all  refilled; a tree - a pine if t it - must be felled and made into a ne; sails  must be repaired; a ing party organized to s any game t yield; cloto be o be set rigreader  t a  distance - could  s Narroer - lean, pale, red-eyed from lack of sleep, and  dressed in rags.

    As Eustace lay under a tree and  sank. as to be no rest? It looked as if t day on to be quite as  sea. tful idea occurred  to tering about tually  liked tly t ake a stroll inland,  find a cool, airy place up in tains,  rejoin till t it  care  to keep t so as to be sure of   like to be left bery.

    once put o action. ly from rees, taking care to go slo  anyone co  find ion died a ure on a quicker  and more determined stride.

    t  of teeply up  in front of  manageable if , and ted and mopped eadily. t tle as ed it, ace, as Eustace,  ten minutes.

    Slos, ed  to o t of t to meet  doains closed in all round  not cold, and urned t to find t comfortable position to enjoy himself.

    But  enjoy  for very long.  for t time in o feel lonely. At first to  time. t test sound. Suddenly it occurred to

    o leave .

    At first ried to do it too quickly, slipped on teep grass, and  slid for several feet.

    t too far to t - and as  side. So o tarted from, and began t afreso .  After t to be going better.  very cautiously, for  see  more till perfect silence all around  is very  unpleasant to o go cautiously ;hurry,  hurry, hurry.”

    For every moment terrible idea of being left beronger. If  ood Caspian and t all  t t c  they were all fiends in human form.

    quot;At last!quot; said Eustace as ones  (scree, t) and found ;And nohe fog is clearing.”

    It  increased every moment and made ed. terly unkno.