类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER TEN

    ted ts royally. It o see  tes and diso table and not to see anyone carrying t o do in invisible  t. t t point of eac  fifteen feet up in t op quite suddenly about t from tained anyte rous.

    quot;Im beginning to feel very inquisitive about t; o Edmund. quot;Do you t all? More like  frogs, I should say.”

    quot;It does look like it,quot; said Edmund. quot;But dont put to Lucys  too keen on insects; especially big ones.”

    ter if it  been so exceedingly  messy, and also if tion  consisted entirely of agreements. t everyt of t it   be easy to disagree ; I al; or quot;Getting dark no nig; or even quot;Aer.

    Po stuff, aint it?quot; And Lucy could not  trance to t of taircase - s from airs next morning. But it was  a good meal

    ot boiled s, curds, cream, milk, and mead. t Eustace er he had drunk any.

    morning it ion or a day ist. It  of side looking very like somewhere in  England.

    S up and dressed and tried to talk and eat ordinarily at breakfast.  ter being instructed by t airs, so to ttom of tairs, and began going  up t once looking back.

    It e lig raig top of t flig fligick-tock-tick-tock of a grandfato  to turn to  up t fliger t s he clock any more.

    Noop of tairs. Lucy looked and sa tly t ed and very many doors opened  off it on eacood still and couldnt ain, or anyt ting of .

    quot;t door,quot; so  did seem a bit  it s. to reac so  room after room. And in  any room t be t  it  do to t t. S out on

    made no noise.

    quot;tever to be afraid of yet,quot; Lucy told ainly it , sunlit passage; per too quiet. It range signs painted in scarlet on ty, complicated  t mig be a very nice meaning eit   t t  tly ugly - or not so very ugly - but ty eye- yourself you art imagining t turned to them.

    After about t  real frig almost certain t a tle bearded face  of t o stop and look at it. And it  a face at  all. It tle mirror just top of it  and a beard , so t o t looked as if to you. quot;I just caugion ail of my eye as I  past,quot; said Lucy to ;t  s quite

    ; But s like t  on. (I dont kno a  magician.)

    Before s door on t, Lucy o  s to it at last. And the door was open.

    It  o  ceiling iny little books, fat  and dumpy books, and books bigger t sructions t s bot any of to read  it standing (and any so stand  o t. So at once surned to s the door.

    It  s.

    Some people may disagree  t I te  rig  t t it  to o stand in a place like t  be just t to be done.

    One t o give s in t ed  o begin at till so it; obviously   t t;But it migake me days and  ; said Lucy, looking at t;and I feel already as if Id been in  this place for hours.”

    S up to tingled   ricity. Sried to open it but  couldnt at first; t ened by t was!

    It ten, not printed; ten in a clear, even rokes and trokes, very large, easier t, and so beautiful t Lucy stared  at it for a  about reading it. t; and in tal  letters at tures.

    title page or title; traig  first tant in ts (by ootaking a sure of toot it would   your

    oeet it too long, and tted all round t as if they were really flying.

    Lucy could ear  first page, but   as interesting. quot;But I must get on,quot; sold  for about ty pages reasure, o remember tten, o  forget ted to forget, o tell o  call up (or prevent)  or rain, o produce enced sleeps  and o give a man an asss o poor Bottom). And tures became.

    to a page  one iced ting.  sice t o make beautiful  utteret beyond t of mortals. Lucy peered  at tures o te clearly. t ure of a girl standing at a reading-desk reading in a ly like Lucy. In t picture Lucy (for ture errible expression on ing or reciting someture ty beyond t of mortals o  range, considering ures  first, t  ture noe as big as to eacer a fees because sy of till see a sort of likeness to  beautiful face. And noures came cro tournament in Calormen and all t because of y. After t it turned from tournaments to real erebinte   lords iful beyond t of mortals, ure looked exactly like ty  expression. And Susan y of Lucy, but t didnt matter a bit  because no one cared anyt Susan now.

    quot;I ; said Lucy. quot;I dont care. I will.”

    S care because srong feeling t snt.

    But ing, e sure ture before, s face of a lion, of taring into  ed suc gold t it seemed to be coming toe sure after it  really moved a little. At any rate she

    expression on e h.

    Surned over t once.

    A little later so a spell  about you. Noo try t made you beautiful beyond t of mortals. So s t to make up for not  , so tell you ed  for someto happen.

    As not tures. And all at once s ted - a picture of a train,  ing in it. S once. ton and Anne  Featone.

    Only no   outside t;coming onquot;)

    s they were saying.

    quot;Serm?quot; said Anne, quot;or are you still going  to be all taken up h Lucy Pevensie. “

    quot;Dont knoaken up,quot; said Marjorie.

    quot;O; said Anne. quot;You   term.”

    quot;No, I ,quot; said Marjorie. quot;Ive got more sense t. Not a bad  little kid in  I ting pretty tired of erm.”

    quot;ell, you jolly  erm!quot; sed Lucy.  quot;ttle beast.quot; But t once reminded  salking to a picture and t ther world.

    quot;ell,quot; said Lucy to ;I did tter of . And I  did all sorts of t term, and I stuck to  many ot too. And to Anne Featone of all people! I s of otures. No. I  look at any more. I  , I  and  effort surned over t not before a large, angry  tear .

    On t page so a spell quot;for t of t.  tures iful. And   on for to ttom of tten t s all. Sory  as if it ures oo.  to to t;t is t story Ive ever read or ever s for ten years. At least  Ill read it over again.”

    But  of to play. You couldnt turn  back. t-urned; t-.

    quot;O a s; said Lucy. quot;I did so  to read it again. ell, at  least I must remember it. Lets see . . . it  . . . about . . . os  all fading away again.

    And even t page is going blank. tten? It  a cup and a sree and a green  much.

    But I cant remember and w shall I do?”

    And s day ory is a story ory in the Magicians Book.

    Surned on and found to ures at all; but  t o make  to make  sure of all t out loud. And s once t it al letters at top of tures began appearing in t ten in Invisible Ink and ting gradually sead  of t Invisible Ink) t. tures and contained many figures t Lucy did  not muc, quot;I suppose Ive made everyt only t be lots of ot a  place like t sure t I  to see them all.”

    At t moment s, falls coming along t sold about t and making no more noise t. It is alter to turn round  to hing creeping up behind your back. Lucy did so.

    t up till, for a moment (but of course s kno),  s as beautiful as t oture, and stle cry of deligretc. For ood in t of all   came from inside o t he was purring.

    quot;O; said s;it o come.”

    quot;I ime,quot; said ;but you  made me  visible.”

    quot;Aslan!quot; said Lucy almost a little reproac;Dont make fun of me. As  if anything 1 could do would make you visible!”

    quot;It did,quot; said Aslan. quot;Do you t obey my own rules?”

    After a little pause he spoke again.

    quot;C; ;I think you have been eavesdropping.”


    quot;You listened to wo sc you.”

    quot;O? I never t t  it magic?”

    quot;Spying on people by magic is t s s mean.”

    quot;I dont to forget w I heard her say.”

    quot;No, you .”

    quot;O; said Lucy. quot;  been for t friends -  all our lives perhaps- and now we never shall.”

    quot;C; said Aslan, quot;did I not explain to you once before t no one is  ever told w would have happened?”

    quot;Yes, Aslan, you did,quot; said Lucy. quot;Im sorry. But please -”

    quot;Speak on, dear .”

    quot;So, read t story again; t  remember? ill you tell it to me, Aslan? Oh do, do, do.”

    quot;Indeed, yes, I ell it to you for years and years. But no meet ter of this house.”