类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER FIVE

    PUDDLEGLUM   JILL.  began serribly and no all pleased at being  finding y belfry sort of place,  completely dark, and almost completely full of oo set off for somely, for bed - on the Owls  back.

    quot;O; said Scrubbs voice. quot;After all, it is an  adventure.”

    quot;Im sick of adventures,quot; said Jill crossly.

    S to climb on to Glimfeated coldness of t  o t. tars. Far beed less, in one of to made o be back in t deligc on t   tightly round her.

    It o tle distance ao one anot; sound tired,quot; t Jill.  S realize t  adventures in t  to rengtern Seas  h King Caspian.

    Jill o pinco keep a t, siffly off Glimfeat ground. A co be in a place  trees. quot;tu-wu- whoo!”

    Glimfeat;ake up, Puddleglum. ake up. It is on the Lions  business.”

    For a long time t  appeared and began to come nearer. it came a voice.

    quot;O said. quot; is it? Is t a flood? Or dragons?”

    reac turned out to be t of a large lantern.  Stle of t. o be all legs and arms. talking to  soo tired to listen. Sried  to o  ser, sooner or later, sooping to enter a lo and ;t we can do. Youll lie cold and oo, I  s wonder.

    ont sleep a  likely; even if t a torm or a  flood or t fall doop of us all, as Ive kno make  t of it -quot; But s asleep before the voice had ended.

    e next morning t trariangular opening let in t.

    quot;; asked Jill.

    quot;In t; said Eustace.

    quot;A w?”

    quot;A Mars ask me  is. I couldnt see it last nigting up. Lets go and look for it.”

    quot;ly one feels after sleeping in ones clot; said Jill, sitting  up.

    quot;I  t  to o dress,quot; said Eustace.

    quot;Or  Scrubb  up, yahe same.

    tside e unlike t of Narnia t flat plain o countless little  islands by countless cer. times t an acre in  extent.

    Clouds of birds antly aligterns,  in ted about, but all at a good distance from one anot for t several miles  to t of t a tree in sig marsretco lo tang in t direction t to tioned   mars  its loneliness. t ts rise.

    quot; to, I ; said Jill.

    quot;t; said Scrubb, as if ;I expect- must be ; And tting o t fifty yards a first  because  so still.

    quot;I suppose ter go and speak to ; said Jill. Scrubb nodded. t a little nervous.

    As turned its ig mouted  like a steeple,  brim. t could be called  rat tiny reeds.  once t ook a serious view of  life.

    quot;Good morning, Guests,quot; ;t mean it   probably turn to rain or it mig  get any sleep, I dare say.

    quot;Yes ; said Jill. quot;e .”

    quot;A; said t;I see youre making t of a bad job.

    ts rig up, you o put  a good face on things.”

    quot;Please,  kno; said Scrubb.

    quot;Puddleglums my name. But it doesnt matter if you forget it. I can alell you again.”

    t do mucaller t men  wer.   him.

    quot;Im trying to catco make an eel ste; said  Puddleglum.

    quot;t  get any. And you  like them  much if I do.”

    quot;?quot; asked Scrubb.

    quot;s not in reason t you s of victuals, t youll put a bold face on it. All tcry to ligrying -! t  may be .

    You could lig inside t all t it outside, and t it out. inder-box.

    You  kno, I expect.”

    But Scrubb  sort of t adventure. togeto tly dry) and  succeeded in ligy. t  and took care of it  channel.

    After t so t a good deal  fres very hungry.

    Presently te of ation of  catc a  big pot on, mended t range,   of tobacco (some people say t iced t all. It trickled out of ted along t. It  Scrubb  coughing.

    quot;No; said Puddleglum. quot;take a mortal long time to cook,  and eit faint tle girl - but  Id better not tell

    you t story. It migs, and ts a to keep your minds off your alk about our plans.”

    quot;Yes, do lets,quot; said Jill. quot;Can you o find Prince Rilian?”

    till t possible. quot;ell, I dont kno youd call it ; ;I  dont kno anyone can exactly  stands to reason  likely to get very  far on a journey to t at time of ter coming on soon and  all. And an early er too, by t you mustnt let t make you  down-ed.

    Very likely, ains, and rivers to cross, and  losing our  to noto eat, and sore feet,  get far enougo do any good,  far enoug to get back in a  hurry.”

    Boticed t ;;, not quot;youquot;, and bot  t. quot;Are you coming h us?”

    quot;O as  suppose s; and  y coug. trumpkin. . And youll  find t after terrible dry summer. And I s tacked us. Mark my words.”

    quot;And art?quot; said Scrubb.

    quot;ell,quot; said t;all t  looking for Prince Rilian started from t same fountain ly. And as none of t exactly  say  on.”

    quot;eve got to start by finding a ruined city of giants,quot; said Jill. quot;Aslan  said so.”

    quot;Got to start by finding it, ; ans;Not alloo  start by looking for it, I suppose?”

    quot;ts , of course,quot; said Jill. quot;And t-”

    quot;Yes, w; said Puddleglum very drily.

    quot;Doesnt anyone kno; asked Scrubb.

    quot;I dont kno Anyone,quot; said Puddleglum. quot;And I  say I

    Ruined City. You  start from tain, to go  across Ettinsmoor. ts s any direction as most people and I never got to any ruins, so I  deceive  you.”

    quot;tinsmoor?quot; said Scrubb.

    quot;Look over t; said Puddleglum, pointing ;See  ts of cliff? ts ttinsmoor. But t and us; the river Shribble. No bridges, of course.”

    quot;I suppose , t; said Scrubb.

    quot;ell, it ; admitted the Marsh-wiggle.

    quot;Per people on Ettinsmoor ; said  Jill.

    quot;Youre rig meeting people,quot; said Puddleglum.

    quot; sort of people live t; she asked.

    quot;Its not for me to say t all rig; ans;If you like their way.”

    quot;Yes, but ; pressed Jill. quot;tures  in try.

    I mean, are t?”

    tle. quot;P; ;Dont you kno told you. ts.”

    Jill  to ;I bet ; t made her feel braver.

    quot;told me long ago,quot; said Scrubb - quot;t time  en ts in ribute.”

    quot;ts true enoug; said Puddleglum. quot;t peace .  As long as ay on our o do us any ill, t get near any of  t t seen, its just possible we mig a long way.”

    quot;Look ; said Scrubb, suddenly losing emper, as people so easily  do ;I dont believe t; any more t. I  dont t us if ttle c.”

    e expected to give  ;ts t, Scrubb. ts to talk. Put a good face on it. But o be very careful about our tempers, seeing all times ogether.

    ont do to quarrel, you kno any rate, dont begin it too soon. I knohese

    expeditions usually end t   t-”

    quot;ell, if you feel its so ; interrupted Scrubb, quot;I tter stay behind.

    Pole and I can go on alone, cant we, Pole?”

    quot;S up and dont be an ass, Scrubb,quot; said Jill ily, terrified lest  take  his word.

    quot;Dont you lose , Pole,quot; said Puddleglum. quot;Im coming, sure and  certain. Im not going to lose an opportunity like t  Im too flig take life seriously enoug once, t a times. Puddleglum, togetoo full of bobance and bounce and s. Youve got to learn t life  isnt all fricasseed frogs and eel pie. You  someto sober you do.  ere only saying it for your os  as ers beginning, looking for a Prince t  probably isnt ty t no one  t doesnt steady a c kno; And ogetalking of going to a party or a pantomime. quot;And no; ;lets see ting on.”

    t believe t t, and  it ;s food for ; er tea, in tins (as youve  seen men  tle. , but t  it very nasty.

    t of t in preparations for an early start tomorrow  morning.

    Puddleglum, being far t, said s,  of bacon rolled up inside to carry t, and tinder-box. Scrubb o carry bot  to ing   under Caspian)  bo rings, and bad lig  eitting anyt t out for   Cair Paravel, but Jill o be content  t as soon as tarted sparring t;Ahere you are.

    I t as mucs ; t up.

    All t to bed early in time t. t er saying, quot;Youd better try for  some sleep, you

    t t I suppose any of us onig; instantly   off into sucinuous snore t,  got to sleep, s about road-drills and erfalls and being in express trains in tunnels.