类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER TEN

    tRAVELS It t;; sed travellers.

    quot;I am tand a ; came t;tell me quickly he Deep Realm?”

    quot;e fell do,quot; said Puddleglum, truthfully enough.

    quot;Many fall dourn to t lands,quot; said t;Make  ready noo come o the Deep Realm.”

    quot; does s ; asked Scrubb cautiously.

    quot;I do not kno; said t; to be questioned but  obeyed.”

    explosion and  immediately a cold ligtle blue in it, flooded t ting  a dense crotle gnomes barely a foot o stately figures taller tood as still as  statues. Apart from t, t; some ails and ot, some   beards and oted noses, and long, soft noses like small trunks, and great blobby noses. Several  in one respect t, after  t glance, Jill almost forgot to be afraid of t so chem up.

    quot;ell!quot; said Puddleglum, rubbing ;t  teaco take a serious vie kno t felloac one he -”

    quot;Get up,quot; said thmen.

    to be done. travellers scrambled to t and joined ed touc a moment like t. And  t feet, on oes, some thers none.

    quot;Marc; said they did.

    t came from a large ball on top of a long pole, and tallest of t ts c tural cavern; ted,  and gaso a tastic sony floor sloped do ed dark, underground  places. And  lo,  t-bearer stood aside, and tooped do  t ones) and stepped into a little dark crack and disappeared, s s no longer.

    quot;I cant go in t! I cant! I ,quot; sed. t ted t her.

    quot;Steady, Pole,quot; said Puddleglum. quot;t be cra didnt get er on. And t t get any rain.”

    quot;O understand. I cant,quot; wailed Jill.

    quot;t on t cliff, Pole,quot; said Scrubb. quot;You go first,  Puddleglum, and Ill come after her.”

    quot;ts rig; said tting doable.”

    quot;Comfortable!quot; said Jill. But s do y place. You o go flat on your face for   s at last a dim ligunnel grey, and so a cave so large t it scarcely seemed like a  cave at all.

    It  range lantern. t  of trange sall like trees, but flabby like musood too far apart to make a forest; it  (a greeniso come bot  strong enougo  reache roof

    of t , sleepy place to marc   sort  of sadness like soft music.

    range animals lying on turf, eit tell ;  Puddleglum did not knohem were.

    quot;Do t; Scrubb asked t  being spoken to, but replied, quot;No. ts t  of Overland into turn to t lands. It is said t t the world.”

    like a box  cave t t t dare to speak again. t of ter. trange  beasts.

    o a  a lo ,  entrance and Jill could go t  bending  brougo a  smaller cave, long and narro t t, lay an enormous man fast asleep. s, and  like a giants, but noble and beautiful.  rose and fell gently under to t. A pure, silver  lig came from) rested upon him.

    quot;?quot; asked Puddleglum. And it was so long since anyone  Jill wondered he nerve.

    quot;t is old Fatime, ;And no are done in turn to t lands. t the world.”

    And out of t cave to anoto anotill Jill lost count, but al, till t of t and depting.

    At last to a place o be lit again. to a cave so  t except t rig of trip of pale sand ran doo still  er. And ttle jetty, lay a s mast or sail but o go on board o t of t running round inside the bulwarks.

    quot;One to kno; said Puddleglum, quot;is wop, I mean rip before?”

    quot;Many aken s t; replied t;and-”

    quot;Yes, I kno; interrupted Puddleglum. quot;And feurn to t lands.  You neednt say it again. You are a c you?”

    toget  blanket  doern o to move. tern cast its lig er, fading  into absolute blackness.

    quot;Oever ; said Jill despairingly.

    quot;No you let your spirits do; said t;t to remember. ere back on t lines. e o go under  ty, and . ere folloructions again.”

    Presently t, flabby cakes of some sort e. And after t, t ill roill gliding on, still dead  blackness ahead.

    en t and ate and slept again, none of t t it  you began to feel as if you   s darkness, and to wonder w been only a dream.

    t given up  anyt last  ts as, like t of tern. te  suddenly, one of ts came close and t ter t t several saring till t, t some  of ts a looked like  still there was hardly any noise.

    quot;By Jove,quot; said Scrubb. quot;A city!quot; and soon t .

    But it y. ts  t ttered cottages in our  ttle bits of ts  seaport. You could make out  in one place a ed great palaces or temples; and  ally about treets, broad squares, or up great  fligeps.

    tinued movement made a sort of soft, murmuring noise as the ship  drew nearer

    and nearer; but t a song or a s or a bell or ttle of  a wheel anywhere.

    ty , and nearly as dark, as t-hill.

    At last t alongside a quay and made fast. travellers aken aso ty. Cros, and t fell on many  sad and grotesque faces. But no one serest in trangers. Every  gnome seemed to be as busy as it  t. But t pad-pad-pad  on.

    At last to o be a great castle, t o cross a courtyard, and to  climb many staircases. t to a great murkily lit room. But  in one corner of it - oe different sort of  lig, yello of a staircase one. t seemed to come from top. tood one on eacries, or footmen.

    t up to t ;Many sink doo the Underworld.”

    quot;And feurn to t lands,quot; t ersign. t togetalked. At last one of ting said, quot;I tell you t affair. e   keep top drait prison till urn to t lands.”

    At t moment tion errupted by o Jill t delig came from above, from top of taircase; and it ly he voice of a young man.

    quot; coil are you keeping do; it sed.  quot;Overworlders, ha!

    Bring to me, and t presently.”

    quot;Please it your o remember,quot; began Mullugut t .

    quot;It pleases my o be obeyed, old mutterer. Bring t; it called.

    Mullugutioned to travellers to folloaircase. At every step t increased. tapestries  sains at taircase- ed tains and stood aside. tiful room, ricapestried,  fire on a clean  glass sparkling on table. A young man o greet  them. he was

    didnt seem quite rigogettle bit like .

    quot;elcome, Over; ;But stay a moment! I cry you mercy! I   not  you t met me by ttinsmoor where by my  Ladys side?”

    quot;O w; exclaimed Jill.

    quot;And  lady t; asked Puddleglum, in no very  friendly voice. And Scrubb, , quot;Because if it  o send us off to a castle of giants o eat us.   o know?”

    quot;; said t ;If you  so young a

    to t my Ladys  of t . You do not knorutancy, gentleness, courage, and t. I say   you ser. Meanhe Deep  Lands?”

    And before Puddleglum could stop ed out, quot;Please rying to find Prince Rilian of Narnia.quot; And t a frigaken; t be enemies. But t serest.

    quot;Rilian? Narnia?quot; ;Narnia?  land is t? I  must be a ts of t  I kno it range fantasy t broughis - how do you call him?  - Billian?

    trillian? in my Ladys realm. Indeed, to my certain kno;  t to ;I


    quot;e old to look for a message on tones of ty Ruinous,quot;  said Scrubb.

    quot;And he words UNDER ME.”

    t laugily t;You ; ;t noto your purpose.  asked my  Lady, ster counsel. For t is left  of a longer script, imes, as s, wh  was under me.

    From  some great king of t giants, o be cut in tone over he  breaking up of

    some stones, and ts  only t can still be read. Is it not  t jest in t you s tten to you?”

    ter doo Scrubb and  Jill; for it seemed to t to do   at all, and t taken in by a mere accident.

    quot;Dont you mind ; said Puddleglum. quot;ts. Our guide  is Aslan; and  King caused tters to be cut, and  his.”

    quot;t be a long liver, friend,quot; said t her of his laughs.

    Jill began to find ttle irritating.

    quot;And it seems to me, Sir,quot; ans;t t be a long liver too, if s  it.”

    quot;Very s; said t, clapping Puddleglum on t;And you  truto e bounty to  sucal c kno strange  afflictions, and none but tience ience, said  I? But it goes far beyond t. S kingdom in Overland, and,  ale is too long for  you to ing and standing. s. Please you, be seated, gentlemen. Little maiden, sit in t all.”