类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER NINE

    t MEEtING ON StABLE ime t speak nor even sear. tamped th his hoof, and shook his mane, and spoke.

    quot;Sire,quot; ;t tless  traffic  isroc, and as soon as  o make ready  aking of Cair Paravel and all Narnia. Not to go back to Stable rutake ture t Aslan  sends us. And if, by a great marvel,  ty Calormenes urn again and die in battle er  of t will soon  march from Cair Paravel.”

    tirian nodded. But urned to t;No is  time for you to go o your oless you  you  to do.”

    quot;B - but ; said Jill ly but because everything was so horrible.

    quot;Nay,quot; said t;you loosed me from tree: you glided before me  like a snake last nigook Puzzle: and you, Eustace, killed your man.  But you are too young to s meet tonig may be, treat you - nay, I command you - to return to your  oo s suctle on my  side.”

    quot;No, no, no,quot; said Jill (very ;e , I dont care o  stick to you ace?”

    quot;Yes, but to get so  it,quot; said Eustace ting  looks ;Because, you see, alking about our going back!  no magic for doing it!”

    t, at t, Jill ed Eustace for saying  it. ter-of-fact ed.

    irian realized t trangers could not get  ed to go across tains  into Arc possibly be safe. But t knoo send ainly take Arc isroc ed to ries for ace and  Jill begged so  tirian said take t, quot;ture t Aslan ;.

    t idea  t go back to Stable  by noill after dark. But told t if  t ted, except  perry. ts oo frig told t taso go near it except   meetings. And Calormenes are  never good  t even by daylig round  to some being seen. to do s togety. And  table, completely out of sigill t at o produce o  give the Narnians a sudden surprise.

    Everyone agreed and ty set off on a ne -  toed imes fleo and fro above times  perc even t in some great  need - would dream of riding on a Unicorn.

    time Jill and Eustace ogeto be alloo come  no  feel brave at all.

    quot;Pole,quot; said Eustace in a ell you Ive got the  wind up.”

    quot;O, Scrubb,quot; said Jill. quot;You can fig I - Im just  s to knoruth.”

    quot;O; said Eustace. quot;Im feeling Im going to be sick.”

    quot;Dont talk about t, for goodness sake,quot; said Jill.

    t on in silence for a minute or two.

    quot;Pole,quot; said Eustace presently.

    quot;?quot; said she.

    quot;ll  killed here?”

    quot;ell well be dead, I suppose.”

    quot;But I mean, rain? Or s vanish and never be heard of any more?  Or shall we be dead in England?”

    quot;Gos of t.”

    quot;Itll be rum for Peter and t of train comes in here in England.”

    quot;Ug; said Jill. quot; a horrid idea.”

    quot;It  be ; said Eustace. quot;e s be there.”

    quot;I almost ; said Jill.

    quot; o say?”

    quot;I o say I , I dont, I  dont. Even if ing for Narnia tupid  at  in a bat the same.”

    quot;Or be smasish Railways!”


    quot;ell  seemed to to  Narnia - I t it . So I o find  ourselves ead.”

    ace alking about t   o be done t and t of  t all o t of  t topped talking it  and make tc t on talking. Poggin e c ts o do.

    to t once. And  believe t all tick to Griffle.

    And fig and in and out among trees age  to toniging ter?

    ern aste beyond t  erfall and live like outla gradually get stronger and  stronger, for talking Beasts and Arc  last t of  careless by  t of try and Narnia er all, somet ime of King Miraz!

    And tirian  quot;But  tas; and felt in   none of it o   say so.

    nearer to Stable . t at o t at able, it took t of t describe properly unless one e pages and pages  about it. t of cover to t e adventure, and  ts in bet or  a good Guide you  must  sunset trees about fifteen yards beable. t and lay down.

    t part, ting. Luckily for t  for a couple of  of course t grey and ting a drink. Puzzle just stood,  stle  tirian,   Je as soundly as if  Cair Paravel, till ting a t on table and kne the hour had come.

    quot;Kiss me, Je; ;For certainly t nig you in any matter great or small, forgive me now.”

    quot;Dear King,quot; said t;I could almost wis I  mig.


    t,  foro table. t Puzzle (not  a kind  be,  telling  to move till someone came to fetcook up tion at one  end of table.

    t been lit for long and  beginning to blaze up.  It  a croures , so t tirian could not at first see tion of ts  or cats eyes in the

    s of a car. And just as tirian took opped  beating and from somearkaan tain. to tarkaans  ;Not so fast, dont go so fast, Im not  at all ings are getting too muc meant to be up at nigs not as if I  or a bat - o;  On t and stately, ail straig. to tirian t  t once if t direction. Fortunately  t. But tirian o Ginger in a lo;No, to t. See t well.”

    quot;Miao on me!quot; said Ginger. tepped a do ros: in t say.

    For really, as it re. ts; ttle grassy place just in  front of table, ood to talk to tage; table itself  tage;  and tirian and  ion. If any of tepped foro t, all eyes  ood still in table, it  ticed.

    Risarkaan dragged to turned to face t t toirian and  his friends.

    quot;No; said Risarkaan in a lo;Say t  o t; As tle prod or kick from be of oe.

    quot;Do leave me alone,quot; muttered S. But  up straig;Noen, all of you. A terrible t t ever was done in Narnia. And Aslan -”

    quot;tas; warkaan.

    quot;tas; said t;is very angry about it.”

    terrible silence ed to  nerouble ore for ttle party by table also  on earth was coming now?

    quot;Yes,quot; said t;At t,  be o do hink

    no one o do even if  self up in a lion-skin and is  in tending to be  Aslan.”

    Jill  if to tell  trut up from ts. quot;Grrr!quot; came t; let me get my teeto him!”

    quot;It  nig; screamed t;but it got as a  Donkey! A common, miserable Ass! If any of you see t Ass -”

    quot;Grrr!quot; gros. quot;e er keep out of our  way.”

    Jill looked at tood ttle  trut tronger.  elling ts t an ass o deceive t;ts just ;  ear ;ts taken t of our sails,quot; ;taken from under our feet,quot; said tirian. quot;Cursed, cursed  cleverness!quot; said Poggin. quot;Ill be s this new lie is of Gingers making.”

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