chapter 8

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 8

    Confucius, as some of you may knoory of Co an end; in ructed. t c  not only confusion in t also confusion in men s minds. I  in tion of t ,years t bet and t I must noell you t in t bet and time found tem of institutions, establiss, accredited dogmas, customs, la, an immense system of society and civilisation ed ancestors. In tem to be carried for to feel_t tem  of tion, t it by no means corresponded s of tual life; t, for t omary, not rational. No in Europe to-day is called t_t of liberalism, t of enquiry, to find out t in C of correspondence of ty and civilisation s of tual life, set itself not only to reconstruct a ney and civilisation, but also to find a basis for ty and civilisation. But all ttempts to find a ney and civilisation in Cisfied tellect of t satisfy t; otisfied t, did not satisfy t bet and t no of t and y and civilisation o reconstruct made tisfied ion, and in tisfaction produced, ted to pull doroy all civilisation. Men, like Laotzu, tolstoy in Europe to-day, seeing ting from t bet and t ture and constitution of society and civilisation. Laotzu and Czu, t brilliant of Laotzu s disciples, told to tion. Laotzu said to t;Leave all t you o tains, to ts cell in tains, to live a true life_a life of t, a life of immortality.quot;

    But Confucius, e of society and civilisation, t  in ture and constitution of society and civilisation, but in track ion aken, in taken for tion of society and civilisation. Confucius told t to tion. Confucius told t in a true society and true civilisation_in a society and civilisation rue basis men also could live a true life, a life of t. In fact, Confucius tried o put society and civilisation on t track; to give it a true basis, and t truction of civilisation. But in t days of   prevent truction of tion_  to do is- to save t it may after again; so Confucius, seeing table destruction of tion , t ion, ament of t, I say,  service hem.

    Confucius, I say,  service for tion. But t is not test service est service , in saving tion, erpretation of t civilisation, and in t nerue idea of a State_a true, rational, permanent, absolute basis of a State.

    But to and Aristotle in ancient times, and Rousseau and

    Spencer in modern times also made a syntion, and tried to give a true idea of a State. Noion made by t men of Europe I ioned, and tion_tem of py no seems to me, is to and Aristotle and of  Spencer  become a religion or t of a religion, ted faition, o even tion in C in t in t; Nur saemtlicur; nur saemtlic is real life; only true ; Noem of teac rue and binding by t least, by tion in a people or nation. In tianity and Budds teaco be true and its rules of couduct to be binding by tion, otle and of  Spencer  become a religion even in t, I say, is to and Aristotle and of  Spencel_t of a religion for tion as he learned of China.

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