chapter 40

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 40

    I  t to say , t origin and cause of t t origin and cause, _t origo not only of t of all today, _is tries and in America, _especially in Great Britain. It  Britain er treaty of Portsmoutreaty of Portsmout of tiser, broke t, _t, broke orsed t on terrible  is, I may incidentally say  Britain, t ted from Great Britain and America into C on tion and t nigening to destroy t valuable asset of civilisation of today, t t Britain_today, unless it is at once put doroy not only tion of Europe, but all civilisation in the world.

    * t Britain, _especially tis;greatquot; Dr. Morrison, t;timesquot; correspondent in Peking,  for t;open doorquot; in Manced to the Russo-Japanese war.

    No seems to me, ens to destroy all civilisation in today_is ty, _t, ta of Loyalty sucizensa of Loyalty ect ts of all countries from t only to maintain civil order in tries but also to keep peace in t is more, ta of Loyalty, _tizenss Magna Ca of Loyalty, by enabling all good men and true to imate rulers to aries to keep peace and maintain order in tries and in t t,  policeman,  soldier; in one  militarism.

    No to say a  militarism, about German militarism. I  t origin and cause of t Britain. No to say  if t origin and cause of t Britain, t and immediate cause of t in Germany. ted to ion of t;e ood t must finis; te ion must  of tion. Indeed t Britain, as I said, broke t in t ted  of tion made emper  Britain and t in Germany. tizens;Do not go a-gainst - t trample upon to follo; * Noo go against  t I o trample upon to follo a of Loyalty, ters and Statesmen in a country  to t to t to tect temptation to go against  t protect ta of Loyalty again ry feel ty a of Loyalty imposes upon tect temptation to trample upon to follo protect t. ta of Loyalty, _tizenss Magna Ca of Loyalty,  do, whis war.

    t o ty said: quot;Let your cry be for free souls raty is tally important liberty, ty ary only so far as it favours tion is in

    (Sory in t II eh. .. )

    itself a better t; tion . tone; t t. quot;

    tries no  only to get out of t to save tion of Europe, _to save tion of t is for to tear up t Magna Cas of liberty and Constitutions, and make a ne of liberty, but a Magna Ca of Loyalty; in fact to adopt tizenss Magna Ca of Loyalty such as we Chinese have here in China.


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