Chapter IX

类别:文学名著 作者:海伦·凯勒 本章:Chapter IX

    t important event in my life  to Boston, in May, 1888. As if it erday I remember tions, ture eacon.

    to Baltimore tless, excitable little creature, requiring ttention of everybody on train to keep me amused. I sat quietly beside Miss Sullivan, taking in erest all t sold me about iful tennessee River, t cotton-fields, t tations, rain and broug opposite me sat my big rag doll, Nancy, in a ne me out of times, ions, I remembered Nancys existence and took  I generally calmed my conscience by making myself believe t she was asleep.

    As I s o refer to Nancy again, I ell er our arrival in Boston. S--to eat, alt titution secretly carried o give oo muc saon,  for t me reproachfully.

    rain at last pulled into tation at Boston it iful fairy tale rue. t;once upon a timequot; ;far-aryquot; was here.

    e  titution for to make friends tle blind c deligo find t t.  joy to talk il terpreter. In taugry. It took me some time to appreciate t t my ne see; but it did not seem possible t all tily in my frolics  as I noticed t talked to t told tood my oions, yet I  vaguely t since t  of quot;second sig; and I  prepared to find one c anot. But tented t I lost all sense of pain in their companionship.

    One day spent  , and I looked eagerly from one pleasant experience to anotly by. I could not quite convince myself t t, for I regarded Boston as tion.

    on ed Bunker  lesson in ory. tory of t on t ed me greatly. I climbed t, counting teps, and

    stair the ground below.

    t day  to Plymouter. t trip on t voyage in a steamboat. ion it  t o cry, because I feared if it rained o  of doors. I erested, I t rock on oils and great deeds seem more real to me. I en tle model of tleman gave me at Pilgrim s curves, t in tre and t;1620,quot; and turned over in my mind all t I kne tory of the Pilgrims.

    ion gloerprise! I idealized t and most generous men t ever sougrange land. I t ted years later to learn of ts of persecution t make us tingle  gave us our quot;Country Beautiful.”

    Among ton t and er. to me  memories ed tiful  Beverly Farms. I remember   ttle curly-z o meet me, and est of to my  and a lump of sugar. I also remember t time I played in t  Breer. Mr. Endicott told me about t s came sailing by from Boston, bound for Europe. I saer t, and o me; indeed, I on quot;ty of Kind s.”

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