tance from tore so t is said t on to talk about some deal s, sreated ly tomer ore to buy a pint from so far all ly enougoified, as people to Marvin Macy and it mig least, ted on to tone doemper, to put a bit of bride-fat on o c last into a calculable woman.
tc nig t actually e a grand supper prepared by Jeff, took second servings of everyt t about ory of tock in tore, and so fort in t noticed. At eleven oclock took a lamp and upstairs. tly enoug er was unholy.
itomped doairs in breec. it looked quite black. Sc an ugly kick. trolled do up on tcove. Sern, and ened to its natural color. Sometimes so jot doion from too ypeer, t. At daylig out to soever ering on a rabbit cended to sell somewhere.
A groom is in a sorry fix o. Marvin Macy came do day still in t. tc keeping some distance ao off in tion of Society City. urned s -- an opal ring, a pink enamel doreen of t , and a box of candy of ts s to sum up t ter out for sale. t in muc t Miss Amelia brougtress to make a pallet by tcove, and s fairly well.
t on like t about ook great interest in some rumor t a bridge o be built some ten miles doill follo to Co en acres of timberland udied ternly to make sure ty of a trick and filed it soberly in t afternoon Marvin Macy took a quart bottle of alone out in till soo Miss Amelia rying to tell before and
t teeth was broken.
t of tioned in bare outline. After t blo surned ogeto suffer publicly. During t outside ty and sometimes c t, peering at Miss Amelia steadily. If s s, but erner ten s on t foolis o climb in tore one nigo sit tsoever, until sairs next morning. For t off immediately to tion t s entiary for trespassing. Marvin Macy left to day, and no one sater, partly ten in pencil and partly ter -- but in it s, and in even ed for ten days. And to tisfaction t people feel werrible means.
Miss Amelia Marvin Macy imberc so attactle value to t spring s up o cover obacco plants. So all t o make o bring , strange to say, s errible and spiteful bitterness. So alioned ;t loom-fixer I o.quot;
And later, rue cer of Marvin Macy finally revealed itself, once ure and e. ations and ore of Society City ed of t-Eye Sam ries. tured ourist cabin, ar by y-seven dollars in sried, sentenced, and sent off to tentiary near Atlanta. Miss Amelia ified.
ell, all time ago, and it is tory of Miss Amelias marriage. toesque affair. But ts of t must be remembered t tory God can be t nig of tentiary, many miles a follo altogetten in to t of rapped in entiary, roubling undertone beneaty of t forget to act a terrible part in tory o come.
During tore became a café tairs c of tly as it ime of likely is already knoely clean. t object s exact place, and everyted by Jeff, t of Miss Amelia, eac room belonged to Cousin Lymon -- it ayed during ts it iff ed at topped table. ter made of carved, dark rose tresses, bolsters, and a number of s. t beneat eps -- no occupant eps before, but Cousin Lymon dre eac and ate. Beside teps, but pusly out of vie painted ains uff, also croced at the edges.
On t s, and Sunday dress, and s ains, rugs, or ornaments of any kind.