The Ballad of the Sad Café-9

类别:文学名著 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 本章:The Ballad of the Sad Café-9

    tsteps be;Cousin Lymon, your dinner is set out upon table.quot;

    quot;My appetite is poor tonig; said ting s snuff all t;t;

    quot;Just a pick,quot; said Miss Amelia. quot;t, t.quot;

    toget back into t café, and sat doable  one in t t of stle. Miss Amelia ient and isfied ient could errified it tle arms dangling loose along o go home.

    ill silent. e carefully, making no noise o ite and ting down er  Miss Amelia and again held his peace.

    It ypical Saturday nigry ated for a moment at to come inside. togetry couple, t ttle s. t early, and by midnig of tomers ill played cumpy MacP tle on able ( allo in tions  yet gone a al to bed soon after nig Lymon less and s suggest t t.

    Finally, at one oclock,  tly to Miss Amelia: quot;I got a letter today.quot;

    Miss Amelia  one to be impressed by ts of business letters and catalogues came addressed to her.

    quot;I got a letter from my brot; said henry Macy.

    tepping about topped suddenly. o sense any cmosp eaced.

    Miss Amelia sco quot;You are o it,quot; she said.

    quot; of tentiary.quot;

    t umpy MacP.

    quot;; asked Cousin Lymon. o gro;?quot;

    Miss Amelia slapped able. quot;Because Marvin Macy is a --quot; But er a fes s;o be in t penitentiary t;

    quot; did ; asked Cousin Lymon.

    tly o ans;ations,quot; said Stumpy MacP  sound complete and t unmentioned.

    tient.  bear to be left out of anyt misery. to  it tantalized ion of subjects  orn doein, or tion of any event t ime. Aside from ty, took a great interest in robbers and crimes of all varieties. As rutted around table tering t;released on parolequot; and quot;penitentiaryquot; to  altioned insistently, o find anyto talk about Marvin Macy before Miss Amelia in the café.

    quot;tter did not say very muc; said ; say w;

    quot;; said Amelia, and ill ;  ;

    Sable, and made ready to close t Marvin Macy may  o brooding, for ser back to tc it in a private place.  off do ime on t porcer Merlie Ryan o make certain claims, to s on t nig o come. But totention, for t  t of t Merlie Ryan alked for a time in t last t t o netting over ed until  on goer a long time  to sleep.

    t autumn ryside  t tobacco  year. After t summer t cool days  sness. Goldenrod grey roads, and to carry off a feo ted sco get an education. Boys ed foxes in ter quilts  on t potatoes bedded in tra to come. In te sumn sky. tillness like t of t cold nigimes, late in t le of train t goes ty City on its o th.

    For Miss Amelia Evans time of great activity. S il sundoy.  ao t frost, because sraded for tremendous ended to make mucterlins, and sausage.

    During ty about Miss Amelia t many people noticed. Sen, ling uneful trickery. Srying out rengting up s, or poking oug doo ypeer and e a story -- a story in raipsing along be-tails, and  look, and wone of love.

    t cold spell came at last.  floc a roaring fire in tcove, t out of doors to judge tly people began to come in from try to find out  of to kill t  round tryside. tered and a loarted in t. tamp of footsteps, ter air. Miss Amelia  of the work was done.

    Sicular business to do in C day, so after making sure t all o leave. So come , simes, but o leave tion and ed to remain. to trouble Miss Amelia, as so o o be terribly o go any distance a after asking imes, s urge ick and dre t back from told  to trespass beyond t boundary. S after dinner and intended to be back before dark.

    No is not so rare to ruck or an automobile pass along too someor comes to argue oion t o get a car on credit, or to pay doric icebox sucise in tore  asking meddlesome questions, finding out all roubles, and ruining allment plan. Sometimes, especially since toly people in automobiles get lost and stop to inquire  road again. So, late t afternoon it o ruck pass top in truck, and truck  on its way.

    tood in t all man, . t, and a  of tooled leatin suitcase and a guitar. t person in too see ting gears and come around to investigate. tuck  did not step out altogeto full vie eac  trangers meeting for t time and sly summing up eac are tcer a fes o follow along carefully, keeping many paces away.

    It ely kno to Marvin Macy ,  to to c o a sort of numb confusion. t t vats, t about tumpy MacP knoly o do. Marvin Macy still smiled   cer looking over t doo t case and guitar on t porcores, and t of torudged along quietly at some distance bes, and tle face still very pale.

    It e. ter sun ting, and to t ts fleo ts; lamps oopped before Miss Amelias premises and read t ating to trespass, le ble, and t umpy MacPood around ty and looked on. Very little ood by , and t of tered togetood some from everyone, and  take he face of Marvin Macy.

    quot;Did you ime in tentiary?quot; asked Merlie Ryan, h a silly giggle.

    Marvin Macy did not ans slo and  to stand directly beumpy MacPhail.

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