The Quilt Maker-1

类别:文学名著 作者:安吉拉·卡特 本章:The Quilt Maker-1

    One tinies like blind men c at a and nor even see t not too mucal abstract expressionist about my life, I trust; ory to live on t possible terms  my rig my left is doing and, fresinise my dreams. Abandon, truct tion painter metapake it apart, formalise it, put it back togetrive for sometoucentional, altogety, for I do believe o choose.

    In patced  neglected, obviously, because my sex excelled in it -- s ts been, isnt it? Not t I  fine art, mind; nevert took a ists to catc abstraction t any ordinary o be able to put togeten years,  making a song and dance about it.

    cely flexible yet  in t in erial o turn up in ty frocks, sackclots etc. t  or torn, remnants, bits and pieces left over from making blouses. One may appliqué upon ones patc and flo  of glazed cz left over from covering armcains, and do all manner of t.

    ty of materials; but not, necessarily, much.

    For tterns from angles and y en used up old love letters.

    itc start in t;crazy patc;, cogetrary s at the makers whim.

    Patience is a great quality in tchwork.

    t it, taps living; it syntly bot.

    Born and bred as I estant nortradition, I am also pleased apones of t and hard work.

    Patchwork. Good.

    Someo ation in on, texas, o. ion (o carry about all our money for us because  trust me ). Individual compartments in a large vending macation contained various cellops and candy bars. tment orian pincusiously selected the smaller peach.

    quot;?quot; asked to whom I was married.

    quot;Somebody else mig t; I said.

    quot;s t to you?quot; he said.

    I date my moral deterioration from t.

    No; ly. Dont you see, from tory,  up? It  -- truly it  -- t I didnt t.  it  all my basic training, all my internalised values, told me to leave ted it more than I did.

    anted it; desire, more imperious by far test respect for t t time, my oery to me. Age  clarified t on matters of t I ; and ts quite enoug, true confessions of t type, take your business to anothank you.

    t of tory is, if t told me I o take ttle peac ruttle peaco me.

    Formerly, I  I learned to take the small one because I had never been punished, as follows:

    Canned fruit y, food-rationing and so on. Sunday teatime; guests; a glass bo and, by time my mot teapot on table, I itiously contrived to put a of t catcry -- ten years old; and chubby.

    My mot me licking my sticky fingers and laug get any more, but  as much as anybody else.

    I and, time tly natural for me to take ttle peac alate of mind I hen!

    As any fool could old en years of grab, grab, grab didnt to make up for lost time.

    Until it is like cras barrier, ternal calendar, on  like fudge, ender inexorability of time of e, yet, ts less  did, my gums recede apace, I crumple like cy.

    ty is t you are, along tted span, nearer to deato birt t, indeed, are  ever, in some sense, past t   know. . .

    So,  to London, to t ains in tall, narroerraces. treets t alo be sleeping, tual Sunday afternoons; and in ttle to nig pounce, sometimes, of an oy is a top of a  pokes tones, ufts of grass and rag. ood doves rees at ttom of t burglars, but ts nothing new.

    Next-doors c again. Its Aprils quick-c: one day, bare; t dripping its curds of bloom.

    One day, once, sometime after t tle peac tinent bet;Me Butterfly, you Pinkerton.quot; And, t ly at time, so it proved, except,  urned  me sufficient good taste.

    A small, moist, green als of ttering copping train. t on o tted s;  t ed, not ti, but y, ty, tingness of tion.

    quot;t; he said.

    quot;Next year, t; I said comfortably; I ranger  attuned to ty, I believed t life  for regret.

    quot;s t to me?quot; he said.

    You used to say you  me. t made me feel like today and gone tomorro is not to a person o spend t of ones life, after all. And, after all t, for ty-t to t, like a fis comes ears at ts eyes, but tears wears.

    time ed over your face.

    tree in next-doors garden is forty feet all as t . In fact, it  one but tricks up its arboreal sleeve; eacrick involves ts of transformations and t performs regularly as clocke spring. thus:

    one day, in April, sticks; ter, flohen --

    til, one fine day, tree turns into a busy toranced circle of cats beloer, tree bears not cs picked perfectly clean by quick, clever beaks, a stone tree.

    t of Lettys ended  montember! Dandelions come before ts of fuzzy seed. ts a long bolster of creeping buttercups. After t, bindributes its s everytys garden, it se post t sustains t above Letty  to dry, by means of a pulley from airs kitco tty  been on speaking terms for ty years.

    I dont knoy and tairs fell out ty years ago  Letty already an old ty is almost blind and almost deaf but, all ting t neite brotoucten reason, perhaps for no reason.

    Letty lives in t .

    Correction. Used to live.

    Oy realism  skeletons on gravestones, to: quot;As I am no; the birds will come and peck us bare.

    I . It could ty or tairs, pissed out of tting it all , sed by ted nig my ear nervously to to seek t;; said Letty in t. t lives upstairs later claimed sucked up under ty minutes, seeking to rouse ty  on calling quot;; teleps, ically, leaping out of trike>http://www?</strike>

    But t black, any of us, of course.) First, tried t door, but it ed on tion against burglars. tried to force t door, but it  budge, so t door and unfastened tc Letty for fear of burglars,  bedroom, and ed up tairs: quot;;

    So ttered oo, splintering terrible mess.  tairs, mind, sleeping sly t, or so ser claimed. Letty  of bed, bringing tting s, in a grey s, an old patcly streaked at one edge , and s been able to pick angle on til tucked  surprised to see t s;;?  help come?

    quot;; tion, trics customary trigger. quot;Eig; s t to be proud of. (See h age, one defines oneself by age, as one did in childhood.)

    ten. Double it. ty. Add ten again. ty. And again. Forty. Double t. Eigain sometains a middling babusains a small babusains a tiny babusum.

    But I am furtole tty. For one tte; I am a skinny redhead.

    y years. (ty  dyed my y. I freserday.

    o a boer; you mix to a paste using, say, t is best not to let oucal, or so te is no longer greyis no er  smells deliciously of spinaco quot;fixquot; t, stiff paste into ts of your hair.

    ( t?)

    Youre supposed to  of t I can never be boto do t, so, for t feer I ips are as if ine-stained. Once to t in an impermeable substance -- a polytc to cook. For one s. For t of vague russet he head. Six hours: red as fire.

    Mind you,  pays dorigines  effects -- Persian ian ani  tones of red, from t brick red usually associated o a dark, burning, courtesan plum or cockatoo scarlet. I am a connoisseur of ;an unpretentious ;, t kind of t people turally redain tempestuous alloa  ter arted dyeing my o acquire tionality of rederesting psyc be let out  thers.

    tys  morning, to get elltale scales of self is no and pepper colour and, I  been ime I on, texas, bus station. At t time, I ely fruity -- tangerine-coloured --  as brutal as t of Joan of Arc at take suc risk no, inge on me. t is because I am going grey.

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