Lizzies Tiger -1

类别:文学名著 作者:安吉拉·卡特 本章:Lizzies Tiger -1

    o toiger, treet, in a very poor  ime of test parsimony in t  difficult and tised a little touco prick ion of greater productivity. In anoten years time, tates ies, le outbreak of summer couc a toucypo o bill when he had buried his wife.

    For, at t time, t freseen, Lizzie four -- stern and square, a squat rectangle of a ced Lizzies retc back over eac tig and morning  lump of little girl around in   a demonstrative c sion easily, except to ted sometuitively feminine in spite of o court it.

    t cottage on Ferry -- very   taker lived on unconcerned among tiff furnis marriage. s and pieces oday if turned up fresique store, but in time  dreary interior, tiny , mildetern like brains, top of ters sleeping in one room in one ty bed.

    On Ferry, in t part of touguese fres eeto ed cive; every year more cory sle t summoned to labour as bells o prayer.

    tood, or, rat a bibulous angle on a narroreet cut across at an oblique angle by anotreet, all t cookie jar of broken gingerbread  ters uffed  fence and raised voices in unknoongues and side t roerfeit  sometimes used to scream.

    Sucecture of two girls early childhood.

    A  and stuck a poster, siger, on to a picket fence. As soon as Lizzie saer, sed to go to t Emma  a cent. teen-year-old  time, t skivvy just quit e t so mucer on t tal for t er, purpled  off, tore it up.

    t ime. Emma  s cookery and Faty of anotly skivvy until sucime as plague struck, already pondered t-efficiency of remarriage; ly uncooked  almost put ing mood, but t is not to say emper. So t, ten-like upon cruly loved t daughter, whose obduracy recalled his own.

    Emma unhandily darned a sock.

    "Get t co bed before I lose my temper!"

    Emma dropped t in dour lines of affront as sed on tling stratress -- oat straest and c -- sat  t in a sunbeam. Sment. It  midsummer, only six oclock and still brigside.

    S on to tool upon o tcood open for air beo Father.

    Next-doors lean and famisself at t concealed ts on trotting doreet, ent. S be denied. tinkled in  might signify a profane church.

    "ts a tiger," Emma old ed ter on their fence.

    "A tiger is a big cat," Emma added instructively.


    A very big cat.

    A dumpy, red-striped, regular cat of tic variety greeted Lizzie op a gatepost as sumped determinedly along Ferry Street; our cat, Ginger, imental er protracted spinsterimes call Miss Ginger, or even Miss Ginger Cuddles. Lizzie, ernly ignored Miss Ginger Cuddles. Miss Ginger Cuddles sneaked. t put out a pao detain o suggest sook second ts as to , for all t decision  one firm foot before t t idea   t all  tan, barking dog of unforeseen breed t  could go  pleased.

    ts easy-going grin took a fancy to Lizzie and, yapping tle figure in te pinafore as it marc to pat its head. She was a fearless girl.

    t took a fancy to tle on one particular tree. to t clo sook tle legs could not keep up ten-year-old put o a field on town.

    "See top?" te striped tent of scarcely imaginable proportions, into o spare inside for anot red and riped tent, side and, besides tents, bootalls, dotted about t most of all s number of people, for it seemed to  to be out tonig,  all ern jahose ice-blue eyes.

    Sranger among trangers, for all  to to faces. tures of teristic gloom; and te smiles of tuguese, er tripping off tipsy-sounding tongues.

    "y by to slito pick a pocket or to complete treat, who knows?

    Above ting tones of ts unique to ted industrial cities, sunsets never seen in team t set tion t made us all modern.

    At sunset, t of Neal, a Roman sensuality; under ternly voluptuous sky, Lizzie abandoned o tated smells and never-before- fat in a vat of frying dougs; ; s; cries of vendors; crack of rifles from te-faced cloered a banjo, age. too muco take in at once, too muco take in at all -- too ric for  saken a little beyond  igo, a sense of profound strangeness overcoming her.

    All unnoticeably small as saken up by tossed about among insensitive sticoats, too close to to see mucic bustle of t tced up ement so t so colour up in t by tide of to a long table where hard cider was sold from a barrel.

    te tableclot and sticky , metallic odour. An old in mugs at t, mug after mug, and to oto a tin box -- splaso table to prevent rade urned t off and cider cascaded on to table.

    t into Lizzie, tablecloto  darkness and crouc inuous stream from t until sed t into  very sensitive spot imate sively at the nape of her neck.

    So face , decently dressed in a sligepusly filled  to ance,  quiver of t  drank, tossed its pink snout, and trotted off out table.

    Lizzie did not ate. S past ts. ts tail disappeared beneat piled   to find  in t time in an abrupt margin of pitc of to a , t; able; bes, but irring, and t bird.

    to rootle t o stroke it, it ss ears out of its eyes and took off at a great pace into tryside. tention ely diverted from tment by t of a man o ts, leaning slig sound repeated itself. Fumbling  of rousers, urned round and tripped over Lizzie, because tle unsteady on  and so be seen among t doook hold of her shoulders.

    "Small cy into tle, ted rig of   s of moustache pale half-moon of his smile.

    "Small girl," ed er a closer look.  speak like ordinary folks.  from around ts. ugged at rousers. ook firm   it tenderly up beting thighs.

    "Small girl, do you knohis is for?"

    S buttons; serge; somet and moving. S mind it.  e or th: "Kissy, kissy from Missy?"

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