John Fords Tis Pity Shes a Whore-1

类别:文学名著 作者:安吉拉·卡特 本章:John Fords Tis Pity Shes a Whore-1


    Joist of tragedy, tis Pity S;Deep in a dump Jo/it.quot; (Choice Drollery, 1656.)

    Joagecoacine (1946); S;My name is Joerns.quot; (John Ford, Andrew Sinclair, New York 1979.)

    t, icks nailed togeto make a cross because time, yet, to carve a stone.

    Did s anguis killed algia for t beo tiness? Neit vast sky, t he bedrock of an ocean in which she drowned.

    Sold ;Look after your sister.quot; tle;   to build. Deatence of tche girl was younger.

    t careless sky upon , and time t a rock: quot;Beloved ; beneat top  for his own name.

    America begins and ends in tude. Up ic sno in ters of tlantic, ually restless albatross. America, orso of a  time of tory, a , a  laced so tig snapped in t a belt of er tcher and your cold head, your cold head.

    Its central paradox resides in t top  knotom inent, you kno once t teamericanos, or I  speak of t silences tinents multitude of tongues.

    Blond ctle girl in ging. In t call them Johnny and Annie-Belle.

    Annie-Belle ramp t  spare time enougo pause and consider turn. No, sir. A womans work is never done and she became a woman early.

    t paterfamilias o too ces of birto teen, fourteen, increasingly astonis and rendered seen. ty so pray in Gods , like t of split logs. Annie-Belle kept imes, but not mucy land, t surday-nigune, mocked ter at he preacher.

    Silence and space and an unimaginable freedom w imagine.

    Since  of to s in cone. t celebrate to give t was a hard life.

    ters  time tarted. ters oral  about a ;Out t little o talk to cept co;

    did t, and o keep flies out of tter; in er, of t kno a stranger o toake o ty and so on, but, since ion began and ended  t of t of  lig er should.

    Sub. Seen. It  time t year. S on to dry  in ted from talogue,  caug  o be an a of it, tangling up tticoat, ttle, nobody to see  t Jo tone. Giddy, o tangling  see o cover herself.


    Imagine an orcra bee petticoat  lace, er-darkened tle trickles running doible as ligender land.

    t;Love t; send he jogged mirror falls.

    quot;Seven years bad luck --quot;

    In ts of to see t faces t, superimposed upon one anot at every feature, t once t never existed until nohe pure face of America.


    (Long s) Farmhouse.

    (Close up) Petticoat falling on to porch of farmhouse.

    isconsin, Oa, Nebraska, tas, yoming, Montana . . . Oerritories! t green vastness, in whing is possible.


    (Close up) Johnny and Annie-Belle kiss.

    quot;Love t; up.


    No. It  like t! Not in t like t.

    out ouc hair. he was giddy.

    Annabella: Met well.

    Giovanni:  you and I. I ter.

    Annabella: Yes, you know I do.

    And t, t toget; tumbling togeto see too young to kno do it, yet even in t not do it. . .do o do? From ccry curning from t heir own.

    [Music plays.]

    Giovanni: Let not this music be a dream, ye gods.

    For pitys sake, I beg you!

    [She kneels.]

    Annabella: On my knees,

    Brot, I charge you

    Do not betray me to your mirte.

    Love me, or kill me, brother.

    [he kneels.]

    Giovanni: On my knees,

    Sister, even by our mot, I charge you

    Do not betray me to your mirte.

    Love me, or kill me, sister.


    Upset er-tub, spilling over discarded petticoat.

    Empty rocking-chair, rocking, rocking.

    It is t mysterious to me. te. I imagine e or ype, urns tiful oils and ss. s of tinguis;; of sucook root, so  il now.

    And I imagine elligence nouris dense oil  live in Eden and of ture of t.

    For surely it cannot be this bliss? ho could forbid such bliss!

    as it bliss for oo? Or ? quot;Look after your sister.quot; But it was ser  as she fed him.

    Giovanni: I am lost forever.

    Lost in tes, ake off  s see o touco it than farmyard ways.


    Dinner-table. Ministers  for her husband and her son.

    MINIStERS IFE: taint rig aint rig there, growing up like savages, never seeing nobody.

    MINIStERS SON: Serribly pretty, Mama.

    ters er turn to look at t comprehensively.

    t tless. o ary, once-monts took a c togetc made in t;log cabinquot; pattern by time toget came out of t telling o put t out, singuisactility of the dark.

    Sy of defloration. According to ers  girl. And yet t seem to urned to ting space around to t of t grave ted in ter came, ts in ted and all he birds came back.

    A dusk bird  cone xylopra.


    Annie-Belle, in apron, comes out on ead porcrikes metal triangle.

    ANNIE-BELLE: Dinners ready!


    Supper-table. Annie-Belle serves beans. None for herself.

    JO eating anytonight.

    ANNIE-BELLE: Cant rigonight.

    t cone.

    ed to run a, furt, to Utao California  Fat enoug; , s on, not  t of t them.

    ters son, in , came courting Annie-Belle. entative manner and mild eyes;  long survive in ting Annie-Belle alted o go to college. quot;  college ; said   ao go out and visit  on the line.

    Sound of ting ts, the very sound of loneliness.

    Soranzo:  to love?

    Annabella: Not you.

    Soranzo: hen?

    Annabella: ts as tes infer.

    S back and fort. s , s queasy.


    Johe prairie.

    ANNIE-BELLE: I think he likes me, Johnny.

    Pan blue sky, .

    Noance bethem.

    t, ted lig, filtered t by self.

    Correction:  by self.


    Rotles on a fence.

    Bang, bang, bang. Jos ttles one by one.

    Annie-Belle on porcub. tears run down her face.


    Fat up on railing, glass and bottle to hand.

    Sun going down over prairies.

    Bang, bang, bang.

    (Fat of vietles off the fence.

    Clink of fattle against glass.


    Ministers son rides along track in long s.

    Bang, bang, bang.

    Annie-Belle, clean dress, tidy  of o porctle against glass.


    Ministers son tet.

    In tage roses, sbrier, daisies.

    Annie-Belle smiles, takes posy.


    o a daisy.

    MINIStERS SON: Let me . . .

    takes tle wound.

    . . . make it better.

    Bang. Bang. Bang.

    Clink of bottle on glass.

    (Close up) Annie-Belle, smiling, breat from her posy.

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