Chapter XIV.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter XIV.

    the inged Monkeys

    YOU ILL REMEMBER t even a patle of tcy. ravelers  in searcc to bring to  tercups and yello  go straig, toarted off in t  at noon,   in t fields. t on  smelling yello soundly until morning?aall but tin oodman.

    t morning t tarted on, as if te sure whey were go- ing.

    quot;If ;I am sure o some place.”

    But day by day passed aill sa t fields. to grumble a bit.

    quot;e  our ; ;and unless  again in time to reacy, I s my brains.”

    quot;Nor I my ,quot; declared tin oodman. quot;It seems to me I can scarcely  till I get to Oz, and you must admit this is a very long journey.”

    quot;You see,quot; said t;I  to keep tramping forever,  getting anyw all.”

    t . S do  do oto found t for t time in oo tired to cterfly t fle  out ongue and panted and looked at Doroto ask .

    quot;Suppose ; sed. quot;tell us to ty.”

    quot;to be sure t; cried t;  before?”

    Dorottle o es ttering of tiny feet, and   many of to tle voice:

    quot; can I do for my friends?”

    quot;e  our ; said Dorot;Can you tell us wy is?”

    quot;Certainly,quot; ans;but it is a great  your backs all time.quot; ticed Dorot; you use to you? to ty of Oz in less than an hour.”

    quot;I didnt kno; ans; is it?”

    quot;It is ten inside t; replied t;But if you are going to call t run a great fun to plague us.”

    quot;ont t me?quot; asked the girl anxiously.

    quot;O obey t; And s of siger her.

    Dorotten upon t, must be tions carefully and put the Cap upon her head.

    quot;Ep-pe, pep-pe, kak-ke!quot; sanding on  foot.

    quot; did you say?quot; asked t know w she was doing.

    quot;; Dorot on, standing time   on  foot.

    quot;; replied tin oodman calmly.

    quot;Ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!quot; said Dorotanding on bot. t ctering and flapping of o them.

    t; is your command?”

    quot;e o ty,quot; said t;and we  our way.”

    quot;e ; replied t Dorotook ttle Monkey seized toto and fleer tried o bite him.

    tin oodman - ened at first, for treated t t no ended, so te cime looking at tty gardens and hem.

    Dorot Monkeys, one of t to  her.

    quot;o obey the Golden Cap?”

    she asked.

    quot;t is a long story,quot; ans;but as elling you about it, if you wish.”

    quot;I so ,quot; she replied.

    quot;Once,quot; began t;, flying from tree to tree, eating nuts and fruit, and doing just as  calling any-   body master. Peroo full of mis- c times, flying doo pull tails of t s at t. But  of to rule over this land.

    quot;t tiful princess, e, and s from great blocks of ruby. Every- one loved  est sorro so love in return, since all too stupid and ugly to mate iful and  last, te made up   and  man in all ty  t Gayelette loved ened to make everythe wedding.

    quot;My grandfat t time t near Gayelettes palace, and tter t before t   he river.

    ume of pink silk and purple vel- vet, and my grandfat   il to ter.

    quot;`S, my fine felloer ted your clotoo  to s spoiled by all une. o top of ter, and so s  to  all ruined by the river.

    quot;t. S before  first t tied and treated as treated Quelala, and dropped in t my grandfatied, and Que- lala said a kind  Gayelette finally spared tion t ter do times t to Quelala, and it is said to  t once agreed to tion, and t is   imes the Golden Cap, whosoever he may be.”

    quot;And ; asked Dorotly interested in tory.

    quot;Quelala being t o; replied t; to lay  bear t of us, o  after o keep w eyes on a inged Mon- key, wo do, for we were all afraid of her.

    quot;to do until to tc, . Noimes you  to lay your wishes upon us.”

    As tory Doroty before t t of t range creatures set travelers doe of ty, to Dorotly away, fol- lowed by all his band.

    quot;t ; said ttle girl.

    quot;Yes, and a quick  of our troubles,quot; replied t; was you broug wonderful Cap!”

    L. Frank Baum

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