Chapter XXI.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter XXI.


    After climbing doravelers found try, full of bogs and marsall, rank grass. It  to  falling into muddy  it .  safely along until t ry seemed er a long and tiresome ered anot, hey had ever seen.

    quot;t is perfectly delig; declared t;Never iful place.”

    quot;It seems gloomy,quot; said the Scarecrow.

    quot;Not a bit of it,quot; ans;I so live  t and  clings to trees. Surely no  could wiser home.”

    quot;Pers in t no; said Dorothy.

    quot;I suppose t; returned t;but I do not see any of t.”

    t until it became too dark to go any fartoto and to sleep, chem as usual.

    arted again. Before toto  none of tened, and t along trodden patil to an opening in ts of every variety. tigers and eleps and bears and ural ory, and for a moment Dorot t ting, and  t trouble.

    As s caug of  once t assemblage  of tigers came up to the Lion and bowed, saying:

    quot;elcome, O King of Beasts! You ime to figo all t once more.”

    quot; is your trouble?quot; asked tly.

    quot;e are all tened,quot; ansiger, quot;by a fierce en-   emy o t. It is a most tremendous monster, like a great spider,  and legs as long as a tree trunk. It  of ter cra  to s it as a spider does a fly. Not one of us is safe o decide o take care of ourselves when you came among us.”

    t for a moment.

    quot;Are t?quot; he asked.

    quot;No; t ter en them all.

    And, besides, them nearly so large and brave as you.”

    quot;If I put an end to your enemy, o me and obey me as King of t?quot; inquired the Lion.

    quot;e  gladly,quot; returned tiger; and all ts roared y roar: quot;e will!”

    quot; spider of yours no; asked the Lion.

    quot;Yonder, among trees,quot; said tiger, pointing .

    quot;take good care of t; said t;and I  once to figer.”

    o do battle he enemy.

    t spider  its foe turned up . Its legs e as long as tiger s body covered   mouteet long; but its o t. t of t o attack ture, and as  o fig asleep t spring and landed directly upon ters back.

    ts body. Jumping doil topped e dead.

    t back to ts of t ing for him and said proudly:

    quot;You need fear your enemy no longer.”

    ts boo to come back and rule over to Kansas.

    L. Frank Baum

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