Chapter XXIII.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter XXIII.

    Glinda tcs Dorothys

    is to see Glinda, aken to a room of tle,  of ted o  sin and oiled s.

    e presentable to a big room hrone of rubies.

    Siful and young to ts over e but tle girl.

    quot; can I do for you, my c; she asked.

    Dorotold tcory:  o tures t h.

    quot;My greatest o get back to Kansas, for Aunt Em o me, and t ter t, I am sure Uncle  afford it.”

    Glinda leaned for, upturned face of ttle girl.

    quot;Bless your dear ,quot; s;I am sure I can tell you of a o get back to Kansas.quot; t;But, if I do, you must give me the Golden Cap.”

    quot;illingly!quot; exclaimed Dorot;indeed, it is of no use to me noimes.”

    quot;And I t times,quot; answered Glinda, smiling.

    Dorotco t; will you do w us?”

    quot;I urn to ty,quot; ;for Oz s ruler and t he hammer-heads.”

    quot;By means of to carry you to tes of ty,quot; said Glinda, quot;for it he people of so wonderful a ruler.”

    quot;Am I really ; asked the Scarecrow.

    quot;You are unusual,quot; replied Glinda.

    turning to tin oodman, s; will be- come of you wry?”

    a moment. t;to me, and ed me to rule over ter tc back again to try of t, I ster to rule over them for- ever.”

    quot;My second command to t; said Glinda quot; to t be so large to look at as t you are really brighe inkies wisely and well.”

    tc t;urned to  will be- come of you?”

    quot;Over t; ;lies a grand old forest, and all ts t live t back to t, I would   pass my life very here.”

    quot;My to t; said Glinda, quot;so carry you to your forest. t to t er be free for ever- more.”

    tin oodman and tcly for hy exclaimed:

    quot;You are certainly as good as you are beautiful! But you  yet told me o get back to Kansas.”

    quot;Your Silver S,quot; replied Glinda. quot;If you o your Aunt Em t day you came to try.”

    quot;But t have had my wonderful brains!”

    cried t;I mighe farmers cornfield.”

    quot;And I s ,quot; said tin oodman. quot;I migood and rusted in t till the world.”

    quot;And I s; declared t;and no beast in all t o me.”

    quot;true,quot; said Dorot;and I am glad I o t no eac  desired, and eaco rule besides, I to go back to Kansas.”

    quot;t; said tc; curious t t to any place in teps, and eacep o do is to knock togetimes and com- mand to carry you wo go.”

    quot;If t is so,quot; said t;I o carry me back to Kansas at once.”

    Sting enderly. tin ood- man, o s.

    But s, stuffed body of tead of kissing ed face, and found s ting from her loving com- rades.

    Glinda tepped dotle girl a good-bye kiss, and Doroto her friends and herself.

    Dorotook toto up solemnly in  good-bye sogetimes, saying:

    quot;take me o Aunt Em!”

    * * * * * Instantly sly t all sling past her ears.

    took but teps, and topped so suddenly t simes   before she knew where she was.

    At lengt up and looked about her.

    quot;Good gracious!quot; she cried.

    For sting on t be- fore  after toto  of ohe barn, barking furiously.

    Dorotood up and found socking-feet.

    For t t forever in t.

    L. Frank Baum

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