Woman Work

类别:文学名著 作者:玛雅·盎格鲁 本章:Woman Work

    Ive got to tend

    to mend

    to mop

    to shop

    to fry

    to dry

    I got company to feed

    to weed

    Ive got ss to press

    tots to dress

    to be cut

    I gotta clean up t

    t the sick

    And tton to pick.

    Shine on me, sunshine

    Rain on me, rain

    Fall softly, dewdrops

    And cool my brow again.

    Storm, blow me from here

    it wind

    Let me float across the sky

    til I can rest again.

    Fall gently, snowflakes

    Cover me e

    Cold icy kisses and

    Let me rest tonight.

    Sun, rain, curving sky

    Mountain, oceans, leaf and stone

    Star shine, moon glow

    Youre all t I can call my own.

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