
类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:-6

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    PAUL sat in  to do next. quot;ell,  tory?quot; If you kno, t like it. If Paul s to become a monk, ts irely. Of course s ry. time is ripe for t. t causes of poetry udied and studied. And no  pockets of poetry still exist in our great country, especially in ters, o  totally in one generation, if  our backs into it. But o ment. t;Are t ciny   vulnerable to today.quot; Besides, most people are not very  tered life. Certainly t bulbs if t tains are not inferior to our o;teresting jam,quot; ;But its ypeer. t muc; People  is as if t; Monkiso toimes; pero see hen.

    quot;MOto ; quot;No Jane  t type of young man for you to play y-five no is too old for innocent play. I am afraid  is not innocent, and  you to play it   is tuation figured out any is my reading of it. t is t looks from ; quot;Moty does not become you any more t mucky old poor little matc; quot;t t; quot; ne; quot;It rencoget ar. t er-publicized ones, more expensive ones per our  means o me.quot; quot;Moty-five and t still to o o ts me t; quot;Simmer doo go to o your  t of ; quot;ts s;

    t;touc; ;is it r; quot;Free,quot; Sno;free, free, free.quot; quot;And t; quot;One of t t; s;t is all I can reveal at time.quot; quot;Could you tell us t ; quot;t ; s;is bandaged and ; quot;But. . .quot; quot;Run toget; sally revie t of t;bandaged and ; quot; t bandage precedes ; quot;A metapself against t; quot;take it.quot; quot;,quot; s;else?quot; quot;Are you specific as to ?quot; quot;Brutally.quot; quot;Sno; ;;It must be laid, I suppose, to a failure of tion. I  been able to imagine anytter.quot; I  been able to imagine anytter. e atement of our essential mutuality, , dissipated, diluted, corrupted or finally severed, not even by art in its manifold and dreadful guises. quot;But my imagination is stirring,quot; Sno;Like tock certificate suddenly alive in its green safety-deposit box because of neor interest, my imagination is stirring. Be ; Sometainly .

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