The President

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:The President

    A noxious old sack, 6 8quot;, excaudate, because of an operation.

    trangeness, and complexity of t ouc deal of fainting lately. Is t at fault? I ting, I remember, in Ro City Center; t;t; Sylvia . I  t. Is  for trange fello -- not like ts  like taft. Not like s, or oodroiced a lady sitting in front of me, apped ;Madam,quot; I said, quot;your ced.quot; quot;C; sating t;C o you?quot; t was smiling in his box.

    A big lady, 7 1quot;, h a dog.

    quot; deal about deaty,quot; Sylvia said. quot;t many people from City, and t exceptions, are s an obsession, as it ; Oters carried ter  into tchen.

    quot;Our period ure ories as a period of tentativeness and uncertainty, I feel,quot; I said. quot;A kind of parentic top I see a little boy ;te ;te didnt ; I said. Sylvia ad?justed alian res?taurant. quot;Not o City College and sat around terias t; she said.

    People are fainting. On Fifty-seventreet, a young girl dropped in racks in front of o discover t ser belt under o tore ion Army major -- a very tall man ;Sed,quot; I said to talked about t, tion Army major and I. quot;Ill tell you ; ;I t somet. I t under ; tion Army major s;Im not saying t t tremendous, stagger?ing. t if anybody -- any one man. . .quot;

    is going to  is t planning? No one kno everyone is con?vinced t  off. Our exed age o t of to be able to say, quot;y.quot; And t, t tiny, strange, and brilliant man, seems cankered and difficult enougo take us time, people are fainting. My secretary fell in tence. quot;Miss Kagle,quot; I said. quot;Are you all rig; S of tiny silver circles. Eaciny silver circle ial:

    A little lady, 5 2quot;, h a cane.

    I gave er tle brandy in it. I spec?ulated about ts mottle is kno ed herself in var?ious guises:

    A ;, able spirit.

    @. ;Aquot;?  is he in your life, Miss Kagle?

    Little is kno  ts t obsess us obsess oo. Copulation. Strangeness. Applause. S be pleased t  o, a mode of ;Miss Kagle. Drink it do  you on your feet again, Miss Kagle.quot; I regarded h my warm kind eyes.

    At toes to quot;t; Outside t mounted policemen collapsed en bloc. trained ed t delicately among t (only forty-eig t t it  must ain intuitions. I am convinced t uitions (altain of very little else about ions, I am not sure). I could tell you about o ern tibet -- about told off tructing o rub up  out of   me instead simply note rangeness,   great t;I love you,quot; Sylvia said. t stepped tain. e applauded until our arms . e sed until t off flares enforcing silence. tra tuned itself. Sylvia sang t ire cast slipped into tra pit in a great, sore up our tickets.

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