Hiding Man

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:Hiding Man

    Enter expecting to find ty (I. A. L. Burligame  it is not, tting  side, er moments t t if ile,  (no bulb be sign, no certainty t it leads anyle Attack of t People. Previously observed films at same ter, Cool and t of t, Diary of a ending toed offscreen rapes, obscene tortures: man y, cut to girls face, to pliers, to mans face, to girl, scream, blackout.

    quot;Its better ing voice sligo carry over Pinocc people. Voice pleasant, eyes beer? C, indifference, pique, se. Keep eye on EXIt,  boy in lobby, e for? quot;Of course its never been full.quot; Apparently to be a conversation. quot;Not all tter of fact, youre t one to come in, ever.quot;

    quot;People dont alell trut;

    Let . Boy in lobby -s, printed t of tion, duties: lying, spying, tapping ting fires, civil disorders. Seat myself on opposite side of ter from Negro and observe film. Screen torn from top to bottom, a large rent, faces and parts of gestures fall off into t Joanding, psycanding, falls back at onrus people. Young lieutenant defends Army nurse (uniform in rags, tasty t) from obvious sexual intent of splinter men.

    quot;Dont you kno; calls friend in friendly tone. quot;Didnt you see t;

    quot;ture is on. And youre ;

    Signs after all mean everyone, if to be exceptions let ted: soldiers, sailors, airmen, ces, dogs under suitable restraint, distressed gentlefolk, people o peek. ell-dressed Negroes beers, ttempt to scrape acquaintance, te of menace as in Dragstrip Riot, as in terror from teur nigo deal?

    quot;t keeps running,quot; alleges friend. quot;ts ing. Continuous performances since 1944. Just keeps rolling along.quot; tilts rically. quot;It  even any good t;


    quot;I dont ts an interesting question.quot;

    Friend looks bland, studies film. Fires arted in many areas, trust myself to t so also are treets, opening doors, looking strangers in t live  placing ance, as in  planes, women. Flig is always possible.

    quot; I meant ; continues friend, animated nouring, quot;oters.  lost in t you in a minute. But most people, t; I. A. L. Burligame e ores ectives ings of Sons and Daug s? Keep moving, counterpuncion of motives reveals appeal of dark places o do ance. But because I feel imation  people do old, NO LOItERING, NO PARKING BEtEEN 8 AM AND 5 PM, KEEP OFF t. Negro moves ts closer, loially.

    quot;Of course its no concern of mine. . .quot; Face appears gentle, interested, as -cum-strangler in Circus of ;Of course I couldnt care less. But frankly, I feel a certain  of seriousness.quot;

    quot;I am absolutely serious.quot;

    On tagonist is purely, simply o be: er. But ? All of life is rooted in contradiction, movement in direction of self, t be room for irony.

    quot;t are you doing ; Friend sits back in sliding seat . quot;Surely you dont imagine table place?quot;

    quot;It looked good, from tside. And t you.quot;

    quot;A I am  do you kno me? Notely not;

    quot;So could I be anybody. And I notice t you too keep an eye on t;

    quot;tic for eac; Said smoot;Names Bane, by t; Ligations. quot;Not my real one, of course.quot;

    quot;Of course.quot; Pipe signal to confederates posted in balcony, be signs? Or is all tal, concealing vain , empty brain? On screen famous scientist o contain puppet people, involving mutant termites t try is in a panic, all Street  looks grave. And -s, e?

    quot;Im a dealer in notions,quot; friend volunteers. quot;Dancing dolls, learn ing analysis by mail, secrets of eternal life, coins and stamps, amaze your friends, pagan rites, abandoned, trated ion of rare daggers, gurkilettos, bo;

    quot;And w are you doing ;

    quot;Like you,quot; ;atcure. Just dropped in.quot;

    e resume vieives in igniting conversation: (1) Agent of terespionage, (4) talent scout for Police Informers Sc researctack of t People, (6) Plain nosy bastard unconnected  tenable, if (6), ered in remark quot;People dont alell trut; in remark quot;I notice you too keep an eye on t; Also discourse tern, too curious, too kno. Cover story to rare daggers, gurking, to even t inept operator, as in government elevision, uranium, systems development, public relations? Also disguise is commonplace, ends fascination s on screen,  o my certain kno last  empting to suggest tability of time? Odor of sness from someify at tance, w does ? Now  very well.

    quot;tell me exactly  is you ; orious mission.

    Bomb fails to fire, Burligame reacts not. Face ty, in rocious p care less. Bane noask con amore, it is clear t  sent by , tion are not clear.

    quot;Look,quot; pleads cs, en for trayal.  confide in me, tle longer, sometimes I times my eyes close  instruction. tcter tell you my real name.quot;

    Possible emotions in tant sincerity: repugnance, , camaraderie, denounce o ties (till auties). And yet, is t circumstance before  real life, risk and danger, as in Voodoo oman, as in Creature from the Black Lagoon?

    Bane continues. quot;My real name (?) is Adrian  is tumely, it able. tems, in 1944 I mailed a letter in , I moved t day, it  urn to accuse me. My life since er anotford, atkins, atley, atloson, att, noity is gone, blown away, w;

    Bane-o sob, cooling system scy life a texture of mysterious noises, starting and stopping, starting and stopping, rol of t only at tory, ive,  termites devouring puppet people at a great rate, decorations for tists, tasty nurse for young lieutenant, t   real after all. Cing exists on every level, ttempt to deny  to be true. Bane-rains credulity, a pig in a poke, if not (6) or (1) am I prepared to deal y? But oleration, unnatural, it s occasions, telegram in t, rail disasters, earthquakes, war.

    quot;I squot; (my voice curiously tentative, fluting), quot; boy in t Our Lady of ted me to go out for basketball, I , Fatic priest said I avoided o seek out occasions of sin, in addition to tion to various oted before an interested group of my contemporaries.quot;

    Bane-ens, ceases sobbing, mean U. S. Army, t Joions, oonates on launcronger and ser, are t, is time in truth passing?

    quot;Fatook ed on knoo knoo believe. Or believed too mucely. to one o slogans ted to my confessor t certain aspects of tual compared unfavorably ion scene in Bride of Frankenstein. ;

    Bane-hipkiss pales, he himself is shocked.

    quot;But because  ed interest in me,  to make clear t invite terest, it embarrassed me, I  my fault t in all t undernourised sufficient  o pusy to t?quot;

    quot;You could ; Bane-hipkiss says reasonably.

    quot;t unately only t of a good Act of Contrition, Fating ed doo return. Running past people doing tations of t tiny Negro lady, somebodys maid, our only black paris in t roe, er: impure ts, anger, dirty ;

    Bane-ravels ts nearer ( a time?), to ;Impure ts?quot;

    quot;My impure ts icularly detailed and grap t time principally Nedda Ann Busreet from us and ing revelations of beauty, t being just rig, 18 October 1943, a particularly cransfer of pants from person to clotes subsequent exposure in state of nature. Before s to turn out t.quot;

    quot;Extraordinary!quot; Bane- is clear t confession is doing ;But surely t extended some sort of spiritual consolation, counsel. . .quot;

    quot; of a Baby Rut;


    quot;ed me to gro . y title.quot;

    quot;But it  of kindness.quot;

    quot;t old  going out. In terious eadfast refusal to understand tions, erest in female parts ly pursued, as under ioning intended to bring fortail, including self-abuse and compulsive overconsumption of Baby Rutterfingers, significance of   pointed out to me by t;

    Bane-urbed,  is a disturbing story, t disgust, life is not all Vistavision and to plumb. tion of risk is tions and foundations, fe sinners.

    quot;Became ticlerical. No longer loved God, cringed at y limericks involving rotally alienated. t became clear t t so one-sided as  first appeared, t t.quot;


    quot;to me by a renegade Brot overbrig good in secret recesses of , ing t issue.quot;

    quot;Good God!quot; expletes Bane- flavor here of. . .

    quot;It is kept rigorously up-to-date by tor, a ratical man. As are, in my experience, most cionaries just under episcopal rank. Paradoxically, t.quot;

    Bane-;You still believe in saints?quot;

    quot;I believe in saints,


    quot;Poor boxes,

    quot;Ashes on Ash ednesday,

    quot;Lilies on Easter Sunday,

    quot;Crèches, censers, choirs,

    quot;Albs, Bibles, miters, martyrs,

    quot;Little red lights,

    quot;Ladies of tar Society,

    quot;Knights of Columbus,

    quot;Cassocks and cruets,

    quot;Dispensations and indulgences,

    quot;the efficacy of prayer,

    quot;Right Reverends and Very Reverends,

    quot;tabernacles, monstrances,

    quot;Bells ringing, people singing,

    quot;ine and bread,

    quot;Sisters, Brothers,

    quot;t of sanctuary,

    quot;the papacy,

    quot;Bulls and concordats,

    quot;t Judgment,

    quot;heaven and hell,

    quot;I believe it all. Its impossible not to believe. ts .quot;

    quot;But t;

    quot;It ball I didnt believe in.quot;

    But t  ritual y of otuals, otions, for instance Blood of Dracula, Amazing Colossal Man, It Conquered t, t one believes  vision ly exalts and vilifies to Amazing Colossal Man all  rols, ts, tately pairs, I remember t dodging into doorreets!

    Bane-, opens mouto speak.

    quot;I ;

    quot;Confess,quot; I urge, quot;feel free.quot;

    quot;I  ;

    Under tibet, ts even in the lamaseries.

    quot;t reminds me of somet; I state, but Bane-o ;Look!quot; As Burligame srips aands grinning e! I pretend imperturbability. quot;t reminds me, regarding t I eresting example. . .quot;

    But errupts.

    quot;Your position, s,quot; ates, quot;but on t alloegrity of our operation to be placed in question,  some lemons just like any otakes it into o flee us, art a trend. It o use t; (ily) quot;to get close to you, it ;

    Barefaced Bane-tles on,  last been taken, must ill t, into tool, out t;I am empoo use force,quot; s, frowning.

    quot;Regarding t I ; I state, quot;or beginning to make, tcself a ritual, many people vieand ;

    quot;At present I ; ;ly?quot;

    quot;No,quot; I affirm, quot;pay attention to ture, it is trying to tell you sometion is not so frequent in times t one can afford to diddle it a;

    quot;I must ; ;t to a man filled ; ates proudly, quot;is my middle name.quot;

    quot;I  stir.quot;

    quot;You must.quot;

    Notle priests feet, sides, a cunning smile on face no of o demonstrate purity of intent. Strange  of t, fearful reddis to sky, as in It Conquered tness from beneats is overpotempted to , join needle to deadly body of instrument, crouc in mystical ecstasy, I grasp , plunge needle into neck, o a lump among ts, in a moment he will begin barking like a dog.

    Most people  t to be afraid, most vieelevision, smoke cigars, fondle  gladiolus, iris, p Screaming Skull, teenage ere ion of ation not certified by eenage erereets under s  t is dangerous to ignore a vision, consider Bane-o bark.

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