Up, Aloft in the Air

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:Up, Aloft in the Air

    Buck sa tuation betakable signs of a leaning in ion. te, sometimes  simes  s fall, sometimes  care, and in every ried to prove   meant dressing in unusual clots. But ter er all togeter all tly seen and done since first identifying Cleveland as Cleveland? quot;Nancy,quot; ;Im too old. Im not nice. to consider, Peter.quot; oucing imated from t famous period!

    turbojet, t;s; landed on its  t landed so  of tory of lig  trip. quot;to establis errain,quot; sant coolness, made more intense by t glare of toms trees. te. It rip, amid air ricality of jet fuel and te music of ex. ttern, a to tel.

    quot;I understand,quot; Nancy said. And looking at ely, Buck conjectured t sand, unscrupulous as t may sound. Probably,  my el elevator. quot;Do you t to  Kennedy?quot; ;t of your land?quot; But ty made up for all t, or most of it, in a curious . Or my , Buck t, ers ua (alt tel). quot;I am named,quot; Perpetua said, quot;after typeface designed by t of our century.quot; quot;Yes,quot; Buck said calmly, quot;I kno face.quot; Sold ly tory of lemen entered ts blanctuce and romaine and radisoo flying for ts, wh grass.

    Bravery  onigling up tters are decided, for good or ill. Patic in  s played teleperooms. ted a drink and danced ancient police dances of custody and enforcement. Magically t back under ted Guam doors; it o make your  cry. quot;t Perpetua,quot; Saul complained, quot;ing me like turned lo urned unopened, covered age Due stamps?quot; But Buck had, in all seriousness, hurried away.

    t ed flank of a bold 707. quot;In case of orange and blue flames,quot; e on a ;disengage yourself from t by cs bottom if necessary. Do not be s; it is camel and very t t you be alarmed, because tuation is very alarming. You are up in t, side and a ragged  ; And now, Nancy.  o him.


    quot;Arent ;


    quot;It doesnt matter.quot;

    quot;Not to you. But to me. . .quot;

    quot;Im ing our time.quot;


    quot;I felt as;

    quot;Its being ;

    turned togetomobile. ts ired, so very tired. tened to eful  of ot;But, t; Buck said, but then Nancy laid a finger on his lips.

    quot;You appear to me so superior, so elevated above all ot; s;I contemplate you range mixture of y, admiration, revenge, love and pride t very little superstition o make me wors;

    quot;Yes,quot; Buck said, for a foreign sculptor, a Bavarian doubtless, ;You Can take Your Love and S Up Your ,quot; covered tone dust and grog. t ts plying tic instruments of Cleveland, trum sly, fingers! tlers did not ate for a minute. quot;ory ; Buck reflected, and ook ts enormous sappua danced up to  amazing bro love of ence, ions;; s;and good and evil. In fact to tell you about, I can  it all out before curfe;

    t many people ed. quot;t to Cleveland, t; one man said; and grog floary of State for Erotic Affairs fleions capital, to see for  first o terminal. quot;Can I icket for Miami?quot; icket clerk at ta Airlines counter ;Noto Miami t; tered. quot;alk to ; Nancy asked ;e bird of  and future ;

    But Saul ime, from t tion everys true!quot; And so it  under t sky. e ;Incredible, incredible,quot; Buck said to ;Even by t ed it!quot; Perpetua glimmered at ;Even by t; sed, quot;of ; For a moment. . .

    quot;Nancy,quot; Buck exclaimed, quot;you are just about t damn girl in Cleveland!quot;

    quot; about your exas?quot; Nancy asked.

    quot;Soo,quot; Buck said, quot;as a matter of fact t, t nice girls like you and  make life  every man could  least five.quot;


    quot;Yes, five.quot;

    quot;e ; Nancy said.


    ter city of Laan, lay like t of all our eau t evening.

    t engines, ;But t; And it ry, molecular, croants ransistor radios next to tiny ears. A itude overcame ;Bum, bum,quot; s . tizens of Akron, after t t, riangles iful Oransistorized citizens and contempt for geometry, ing for our o nap so  and see our two girls, Manfred and Bella!

    t telepel room, Che Akron elcome Service.

    quot;elcome! new o Akron! ;


    quot;Are you in love ants of Akron yet?quot;

    quot;I just came from t.quot;

    quot;If not, or even if so,  to invite you to t-acquainted party of tes Club tonig 8:30 p.m.quot;

    quot;Do I o be a college graduate?quot;

    quot;No but you o  and tie. Of course t t color pants are you ;

    Buck  streets of Akron. ing ideas. Suddenly ed by a sop of t buildings in Akron, a group of Akron lovers consummated a four- as ciny figures falling, tainly an air-minded country, America! But I must make myself useful. ered a buns green bun, and dallied  green girl t;poppetquot; and quot;funicular.quot; t into treet again to lean against tche crimson sidewalk.

    quot;Can you point me to t;

    quot;My name is not . quot;

    quot;ell Pat w;

    quot;I  o orient you, slum not for t t slumlife in Akron  ay o be erected, ions ructures are over t ;

    quot;t. quot;

    At t, or, next to a man breaking . quot; are you fello; Buck cried aloud. quot;e are expressing our rage at t; t;O ted! e are going to call it Ruesday, ts  it, by gar!quot; Buck stood in a ;You mean tic love?quot; quot;tic rage also,quot; t;Akron is rage from a certain point of vie; Angel food covered t squares. And ? Everything?

    quot; is t point of vieo ;t of viee of Akron,quot; t yeoman ced, quot;or, as ty fat, t; And in trange lig;Do you kno is?quot; quot;?quot; Buck asked. quot;S,quot; t;isnt t disgusting?quot;

    ted Buck to sup ree, starlings fretted and died, but belo Co tten napery. And t rod over tiny sin ed out t nigo make room for a greater one. It ;; and quot;yesquot; and quot;yes, yesquot; tal o eig;Do you like pencil games?quot; s;Not. . . especially,quot; Buck said, quot;I. . .quot;

    But a parade talion of ed tense moment to come dancing by, s in praise of rubber goods expanding in every direction. tons of t in terglos. quot;It is impossible to discuss serious ideas during a parade,quot; ts said to Buck, and to continue expressing t of t.

    quot;Goodbye!quot; Buck said. quot;Goodbye! I  forget. . .quot;

    te-and-gold elcome Service uniforms ;leg.quot; Look at all t quot;legquot; glittering to o toledo.


    quot;Ingarden dear,quot; Buck said to tty oledo, ;oledo? ?quot; s. Seriously into to see if ;t; s;t of ty Constantine Cavity.quot; A frost of emotion clouded ;es a juju drugstore in t section of ty and never goes anyo make one of iful appearances.quot; quot;Constantino Cavity!quot; Buck exclaimed, quot;even in texas  take me to see  once.quot; Abandoning o e (and it ter one!) Buck and Ingarden ruserically to tore of Constantine Cavity, Buck inventing as to say to t, to speak of poetry in America.

    as t tell. Cadenzas of documents stained tern Alliance, already, pero redeem it. quot;Do you too muc; Ingarden asked Buck. But before ;O up!quot; S Mrs. Lutcerest in tor he American way if anyone could.

    At Constantine Cavitys drugstore a meeting of toledo Medical Society  to utter o ;Cavity, y, but call t, and  were

    Dr. Caligari

    Dr. Frank

    Dr. Pepper

    Dr. Scholl

    Dr. Frankenthaler

    Dr. Mabuse

    Dr. Grabow

    Dr. Melmoth

    Dr. eil

    Dr. Modesto

    Dr. Fu Manchu

    Dr. ellington

    Dr. atson

    Dr. Brown

    Dr. Rococo

    Dr. Dolittle

    Dr. Alvarez

    Dr. Spoke

    Dr. ch

    Dr. Spain

    Dr. Malone

    Dr. Kline

    Dr. Casey

    Dr. No

    Dr. Regatta

    Dr. Il y a

    Dr. Baderman

    Dr. Aveni

    and otors. tuffy ors ion of censure against t. An end to t! Let us be grave. It  Cavity  ed t, and Dr. Spain, after iny poet.

    Kline advances.

    Cavity rises to , .

    Ingarden h.

    Spain fades, back, back. . .

    A  from Spain to Kline.

    Buck is down.

    A luau?

    t opens. . .

    No! No! Get back!

    quot;. . . and if t or, and doo s reasons t reason kno of,quot; Cavity finis was done.

    quot;; said one doctor, and tore inspecting trange

    no resolution of censure could possibly. . . But of course not!  hinking of?

    Cavity  tcome of ted to Buck and Ingarden itled quot;In t; quot;Long Ago and Far A; quot;; and quot;o . C. illiams.quot; t of tors danced against t floor of tore to ts poems. A rime of ened on t;Even in texas,quot; Buck antino Cavity. Are you true?quot;


    quot;You do?quot;

    quot;t of fine people in t;

    quot;You are, you are!quot;

    quot;Not essentially. Not in;

    quot;Youre very autic I t;

    quot;ts all rigicity is t ;

    quot;Kiss me please.quot;



    tes of tion in terburner and t decided to quot;ditc; tunate. quot; is your life-style, Cincinnati?quot; Buck asked t jetering belorial diamonds. quot;orpor of toledo?  is your posture, Cincinnati?quot; Frostily t city approac.

    Upon making contact i Buck and suced flig;dropquot; proceeded to a el.

    quot;Is t a flask of grog you ;

    quot;Yes it is grog as it ;

    quot;ts ;

    armed by t  to ;O; ;I must be in t; tirred sleepily. quot;Is t you ; s;ime?quot; quot;No, its Buck,quot; Buck said to tty in s dra ;I must be in t; ed. quot;Buck, get out of tely!quot; t;My name is Step scene.quot;

    quot; are you doing tomorro; Buck asked.

    ;datequot; ep 10 A.M., Buck slipped off to an innocent sleep in his own bed.

    Morning in Cincinnati! ti sunligely around ty,  no one. Step in arved. quot;tell me about your Cincinnati life,quot; Buck said, quot;ty of it, ts erested in.quot; quot;My life ocratic,quot; Step;polo, canned peaci family. s not muce ing stranger from t; quot;Im really from texas,quot; Buck said, quot;but Ive been tle trouble rip. I dont really trust too muc sure trust; quot;ruster all?quot; Step;Are you blue Step; Buck asked. quot;Am I blue?quot; Step followed, sed ionships.

    quot;Is teistic activity in to;

    quot;Like ;

    Buck tepaxicab as a ing t i like you?quot; quot;All t-class girls are like me,quot; Step;but t mention.quot;

    A faint sound of. . . A rands of. . .

    Dr. o ttle pool in vanPelt Ryans garden (of course!) and everyone rangers met and fell in love over tting a grip on Dr. eel band played arias from ozzeck.  beloening o be. . . quot;Not t ; Buck said reac buckle. quot;t; the pines.

    quot;You seem to be a nice young man, young man,quot; vanPelt Ryan said, quot;altric plant came to toerization?quot;

    Buck remembered tephanie de Moulpieds knees.

    quot;Id rat ans question,quot; ly, quot;but if tion youd like me to ans;

    vanPelt turned aeel band played quot;Red Boy Blues,quot; quot;ts All,quot; quot;Gigantic Blues,quot; quot;Muggles,quot; quot;Coolin,quot; and quot;Ed; Alt  too personal. t a nice sound. able placed t purpose. quot;I groimately involved ; Buck t, quot;is t my fault? Is it a fault?quot; tremely romantic ballads quot;I Didnt Knoime It as,quot; quot;Scratc; and quot;Misty.quot; ted in recent issues of Mind pressed do  to kno is not ion, it is Mrs. Lutcs into flame,  ;tell turn off. . .tion.quot;

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