类别:文学名著 作者:Anonymous 本章:PART 8

    Seps into t to to airs t lead to ts your turn. Boo me.

    [Cut to trance to tair leads to tairs and close trong Man and he corner]

    Mulan [wions?

    Yao [w? [Mulan slaps him] Ow.

    [Mulan, Yao, Ling and C smiling, giggling and trying to act lady-like including holding fans and waving fans]


    ting down hun Bald Man #1s sword]: Concubines.

    hun Bald Man #1: Ugly concubines.

    Ling [ily, speaking to Yao]: Oe.

    [ten apple falls out from beneat and turns so as not to expose the loss of figure]

    Sting o his hand]: Aww.

    [Sarts to squawk. Mushing]

    Muso Cri-Kee sitting above s unnedfalcon doesnt do anything]

    [ back to Ling. Ling, Yao, and C t to simulate ao to omaco stoop over on to crack rong Guy lunges at Yao and misses, stretco rike by turning o  elboo tomac upper cut knocking o ts on o pull his head back]

    Mulan [calling out]: Shang, GO!

    [S from beairs]

    [Cut to She balcony]

    Sire of your arrogance old man. [yelling and putting  t] Boo me!

    Emperor: No matter ain cannot boo it.

    So strike the Emperor]

    [Sime to block triking bloo a columnand um to sop of o be on o  So  o  beer tairs]

    Mulan: C the Emperor.

    Canding in front of ty.

    [Cs up to Mulan o tche Emperor leave]

    Shan-Yu: No!

    [So elbos So tc Ling and Yao no of sight]

    Yao [motioning o follow]: Come on!

    [Mulan looks do So approac to spy s taugo Sion. the crowd cheers]

    S t find throng of people] Yrraaaaahhhh!

    [Surns and looks back and sees Mulan looking concerned,  os  of Mulan to ask o leave and takes out o S collar]

    Sook aory.

    [Mulans ss So . Surns toward Mulan]

    Mulan: No! I did! [Mulan pulls o look like she did when she was a soldier]

    S Mulan]: tains.

    [Sarts after Mulan as ss on airs andto tcbe t. Mulan runs ach Mulan]

    Muss the plan?

    Mulan: Ummmm.

    Mus have a plan?!

    Mulan:  a ower] go. Mushu--

    Muser. Cmon Cri-Kee. [Muso a kite and useto soar over toower]

    [Cut to Sco Mulan so get out of S to fall and break ter o a stop. Mulan gets up on to catco to and spies Mus tower]

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