类别:文学名著 作者:菲利普·普尔曼 本章:EIGHT - FRUSTRATION-1

    Lyra o adjust to ory, and t couldnt be done in a day. to see Lord Asriel as  to accept Mrs.

    Coulter as  too, and felt confused.

    But, being Lyra, s fret about it for long, for too explore and many gyptian co amaze. Before t  (in  least) and s ales of y fatly made captive.

    “And turkis at Jordan for dinner.

    And an o kill my fat, and one full of poison. And  no one else saw —”

    “ sort of poison?” demanded a thin-faced girl.

    “Poison out of a special turkis,” Lyra invented, “co lure out and t a sponge soaked in  bites it and cant get c and milk t of it. Any turk done, and lemen, I  to propose a toast of friendsurkiso.

    And to so be friends, hers wine.

    “And t refuse to drink  giving deadly insult, and  drink it because  able. And ting ting and looking at o eithe poison or own up.”

    “So w did he do?”

    “. It took es to die, and orment all time.”

    “Did you see it happen?”

    “No, cause girls ent allo table. But I seen ering from , to puss....”

    And so on.

    Mean doors, searctics and outing papers and interrogating everyone le girl; and in Oxford tiest boxroom to t cellar, and so . Micill t protest asserting t rigion Lyra  drone of t visible, because tatute airso keep a certain  above fen country, but  carry? Best to keep under cover inctive hair.

    And sioned Ma Costa about every detail of tory of ails into a mental tapestry even clearer and sories s from ttage, t in t, the clash of swords—

    “S God, girl, you dreaming?” Ma Costa said. “Mr. Coulter  out ruck  remember; you ougo, little as you  s er,  out ime and turned it on   bet. t, Come out, Mrs. Costa, and bring tting up suc daemon botook you up and dandled you and sat you on  , and called for he floor.”

    By tition of tory Lyra ly convinced s, and even volunteered details of ters coat and t. Ma Costa laughed.

    And  ter and pored over it like a lover ure of t?  s? asnt ser?

    Remembering o focus aken at random, and clicked to point at t if ser just so in  it in a particular lazy , to move more purposefully. Instead of its ions around t sure to anotimes it  times times five or more, and altood not, s from it, unlike anytalaimon , sometimes as a mouse, s felt as if a s of sunligruck to ligic line of great ance—someted. And Lyra t times  all h.<dfn>http://www.99lib.net</dfn>

    So titude of boats and t as got time to sit at t, and as soon as ts s t on tform and sat beable. Jo o make a sign for silence;  put   on table and looked at the hubbub died.

    “ell,”  I asked. And better to call on to come up  t.”

    A stout black-bearded man climbed onto tform and laid a able.

    “ts our gold,” y-eight men.”

    “te. t man stood at tform as Jo, and t, and eacable, and announced ter. tas  of tefanski family, and naturally tony  to volunteer. Lyra noticed ing from foot to foot and spreading efanski money and ty-three men were laid before John Faa.

    o Joood up to address the audience again.

    “Friends, ts a muster of one y men. I thank you proudly.

    As for t from t of it t youve all dug deep in your coffers, and my  for t as well.

    “ o do next is to cer a s em free. From  be some figo do. It  be t time, nor it  be t, but o be uncommon cunning. But  going to come back  our kids. Yes, Dirk Vries?”

    A man stood up and said, “Lord Faa, do you knohem kids?”

    “e s a tter. t, but ure it is  knoo tell you all trut even kno  is, good or bad, t no rigo reac by nigtle c ts of t?”

    t t meeting stood up and said, “t c, tting in t roo rescind our ancient privileges on account of to pass a la to free movement in and out t  to kno of o suc a gyptian c as I  t a landloper c us all in danger?”