Chapter 4

类别:文学名著 作者:奥修 本章:Chapter 4

    Returning to the Source

    30 October 1969 am in Meditation Camp at D, India

    Question 1



    t t needs to be understood is t triump mean to conquer.

    to triumpo knoh.

    to kno deat is to conquer it.

    to be conquered.

    As soon as one knotle h ceases.

    Some enemies exist, and t in reality do not exist but only seem to exist.

    Deatence; it only seems to exist.

    And so, do not take triumpo mean t some we s.

    ting il someone points out to ;Look closely, tance.

    It is merely an appearance.

    quot; If t t  he shadow.

    Conquering t even tiniest so be fougtempting to do so would go crazy.

    One riump.

    t if deat, ty .

    t consist of t die -- no, its not like t.

    In this world no one ever dies.

    t -- the only difference.

    In sleep ion.

    t in sleep ion we are fully conscious.

    If someone o become fully aion.

    For example, if o put a person under anestic, and in ate bring retco a garden his.

    After  be able to tell us anything.

    to take o t t in before.

    In bot to tiful surroundings in t instance, wance he rising sun.

    So altedly reacate as you e, to reacate is as good as not reac all.

    In sleep ion, but .

    Eac ravel to then we come back -- unaware.


    And yet, in spite of returning from totally una, one mig;I feel very good this morning.

    I feel very peaceful.

    I slept  night.


    do you feel so good about?   be only because you slept -- surely you must  o you.

    But in t, except for a vague idea of feeling good.

    One w nigs up refreshe morning.

    ting source in sleep -- but in an unconscious state.

    One  nigired in the previous evening.

    And if a person does not sleep  becomes difficult for o survive, because ion he source of life is broken.

    o reac is essential he should.

    t punis in t deat deat occurs in a fes.

    t punis ever devised on eart letting a person go to sleep.

    Even to tries like Co go  sleep.

    torture a prisoner goes t alloo sleep for fifteen days, is beyond our imagination --  goes mad.

    o divulge all tion   the enemy know.

    o blabber, totally unas implications.

    In Cematic methods have been devised.

    For six mont alloo sleep.

    Consequently, totally insane.

    tely forget  toy t try is -- t everything.

    Lack of sleep to complete disorder, into chaos.

    In t condition to learn anything.

    ured in Korea returned from t terrible s agonistic to America and in favor of communism.

    First t alloo sleep, and ed into communism.

    Once tities o ced suggestions told ts.

    So before tely brainwashed.

    Looking at ts were dumbfounded.

    If a person is denied sleep,  off from the very source of life.

    Atinue to groio as sleep continues to get lighter.

    In countries here.

    And in countries whe increase.

    But totally strange t of an unconscious state.

    A person roubled the following day.

    less and troubled mind be receptive to God? A mind isfied, tense and angry, refuses to accept God, denies ence.

    Science is not at ttom of t; tic condition of sleep is at t of it.

    In Ne least ty percent of t sleep  tranquilizers.

    Psycs believe t if tion prevails for t  a single person o sleep  medication.

    People ely lost sleep.

    If a man o ask you o sleep, and your ans;All I do is put my ;  believe you.

    t be some trick  knoo it -- because oo, and nothing happens.

    God forbid, but a time may come, after a t natural sleep, and people o believe t a time, people simply rested their pillows and fell asleep.

    take tion, a mytory from the Puranas.

    t believe it to be true.

    t;t possible, because if t isnt true about us,  be true about anyone else?quot;

    I am dratention to all of to meditation as easily as you go to sleep today.

    t  to sleep in Ne is difficult even today.

    It is becoming difficult to sleep in Bombay, and soon it  in D is just a matter of time.

    today it is o believe time ation -- because nos keep hovering around and you remain where you are.

    In t, meditation o nature as sleep is for to nature.

    First meditation disappeared; nos .

    t lost , t which are unconscious.

    itation t become irreligious, and ally irreligious.

    there is no hope for religion in a sleepless world.

    You  believe ed to sleep.

    otally on how he sleeps.

    If  sleep h rage.

    If, on trary, a person sleeps deeply, tinuously flow in his life.

    Underlying ionsy.

    But if ionships will go haywire.

    eacudents -- all of them.

    Sleep brings us to a point in our unconscious oo long.

    Even t person only reaco en minutes of ly eight hours sleep.

    For ten minutes ely lost, dro not even a dream exists.

    Sleep is not total as long as one is dreaming -- one keeps moving betates of sleep and wakefulness.

    Dreaming is a state in which one is half-asleep and half-awake.

    to be in a dream means t even t asleep; external influences are still affecting you.

    t during till  night in your dreams.

    Dreams occupy tate between sleep and wakefulness.

    And t sleep -- tate,  ever reacate of sleep.

    And t you dont remember in t you dreamt all nig.

    Muc in America.

    Some ten big laboratories ing on t eigo ten years.

    Americans are serest in meditation because t sleep.

    t peration may bring t it may bring some peace into their lives.

    ts ion as notranquilizer.

    introduced meditation in America, a po ;I enjoyed your meditation immensely.

    It is absolutely a non-medicinal tranquilizer.

    Its not a medicine and yet it puts one to sleep -- its great.

    quot; Yogis are not the real cause.

    tly life in America is filled ension.

    So in America ranquilizers -- someo bring sleep to people.

    Every year, millions of dollars are being spent on tranquilizers in America.

    ten big laboratories are conducting researco undergo nigable, painful sleep.

    All kinds of electrodes and ttaco peoples bodies, and to find out w is hem.

    One incredible discovery ts  man dreams almost t.

    aking up, some people said t dream, whey did.

    But in fact, all of t.

    t tter memories remembered dreaming, w recall dreaming.

    It ely o slip into a deep, dreamless sleep for ten minutes.

    Dreams can be scanned through machines.

    Nerves in tive during our dreaming state, but as tops, to be active as es a gap has occurred.

    t at t time t somewhere.

    It is interesting t t inside tate, but as soon as o dreamless sleep, the machine shows a gap.

    t know w gap.

    So dreamless sleep means the machines range.

    It is in t man enters the divine.

    to detect this gap.

    ternal activity as long as the man disappears somewhere.

    And ter ten minutes, tarts recording again.

    It is difficult to say en-minute interval.

    American psycs are very intrigued by t mystery.

    t is t next to God, sleep is tery.


    You sleep every day, yet you  sleep is.

    A man sleeps all t not sleep.

    t kno sleep is t w.

    Remember, you are only as long as sleep is not.

    And so, you come to know only as muche machine knows.

    Just as in tops and is unable to reacransported, you cannot reachan a machine as well.

    Since you do not come across t gap eitery; it remains beyond your reach.

    to  in ;I-am-ness.

    quot; And the ego keeps growing, sleep becomes less and less.

    An egoistic person loses y to sleep because ing itself ty-four hours a day.

    It is t  reet.

    t tire ty-four  at t of falling asleep, o get rid of it.

    Obviously, it becomes difficult to fall asleep.

    As long as ts, sleep is impossible.

    And, as I told you yesterday, as long as ts, entering into God is impossible.

    Entering into sleep and entering into God are exactly one and t ters into God in an unconscious state, ion one enters into God in a conscious state.

    But this is a very big difference.

    You may enter God t you o know God.

    But if, even for a moment, you enter meditation you e -- and it ransform your life totally.

    teresting t once a person enters meditation, enters t emptiness wakes him, he never remains unconscious -- even when he is asleep.

    a t tays a all.

    In fact, no one sleeps as beautifully as a yogi does.

    But even in  sleep, t element in ered into meditation remains awake.

    And every nigers sleep in tate.

    tation and sleep become one and two remains.

    ters sleep in full consciousness.

    Once a person moves ation, ate in his sleep.

    Ananda lived h Buddha for many years.

    For years  near Buddha.

    One morning ;For years I ching you sleep.

    Not once do you ever c in tion.

    Your limbs stay est movement.

    Many times I  up at nigo cher you have moved.

    I ayed up nigc, rest in tion; you never ever change sides.

    Do you keep some kind of a record of your sleep t?quot;

    quot;I dont need to keep any record,quot; Buddha replied.

    quot;I sleep in a conscious state, so I find no need to change sides.

    I can if I  to.

    turning from one side to anot a requirement of sleep, its a requirement of your restless mind.

    quot; A restless mind cannot even rest in one place for a single nig alone during the day.

    Even sleeping at nigime ts restlessness.

    If you c niginuously restless time.

    You will find he day.

    In  niging in muc  of breatired.

    At nigs in mucs during the day.

    nighe day.

    night as well.

    tal difference bet of suc t at niged, unconscious; everytinues to function as usual.

    So Budd;I can c to, but there is no need.


    But  realize

    A man sitting in a chair keeps jiggling his legs.

    Ask ;? Its understandable if t op immediately.

    t even move for a second, but ion as to w.

    It slessness ation in tire body.

    Inside is tless mind; it cannot be still, in one position, even for a moment.

    It ing -- tting, the body will change sides.

    ts es, you find it so difficult to sit still in meditation.

    And from a t spots to tcurn.

    e do not notice til  ation.

    e realize t sort of a body t doesnt  to remain still in one position even for a second.

    tension, and tement of tir up tire body.

    For about ten minutes everyten minutes are available only to one o everyone.

    Ot to five minutes; most people get only te of deep sleep.

    ttle juice  one minute of reaco to making our next ty-four hours work.

    ever little amount of oil t s period, ilize it to carry on our lives for a full ty-four hours.

    tsoever amount of oil it receives then.

    t enouged to make tly so it can become a flaming torch.

    Meditation brings you sloo the source of life.

    t is not t you keep taking a  out of it, you are simply in tself.

    t is not t you refill your lamp ire ocean of oil becomes available to you.

    to live in t very ocean.

    it kind of living, sleep disappears -- not in t one doesnt sleep any more, but in t even whin remains wide awake.

    t no more.

    A yogi stays aally.

    And ws disappear.

    s in tate are called dreams in tate.

    t difference bets and dreams: ts are sligtle primitive in nature.

    Of t.

    In fact, cribes, can tures, not in words.

    Mans first ts are alures.

    For example, ;I am hungry.

    quot; A c; .

    o go to t, but  form the words.

    tion starts mucer; pictures appear first.

    knoicular language, ures to express ourselves as well.

    If you o go to a foreign country and you dont kno to drink er, you can cup your palms to your moutranger and t you are ty -- because  ures arises.

    And teresting t languages of  in different places, but tures is universal -- because every mans picture language is the same.

    e ed different  pictures are not our invention.

    Pictures are the human mind.

    A painting, tood anywhe world.

    to co understand a sculpture at King by Leonardo.

    A sculpture at Kood by a C is by you.

    And if you visit ty in folloings either.

    You may not understand titles, because t you will ing.

    tures is everyones language.

    t it is not useful at night.

    e again become primitive at night.

    e disappear in sleep as we are.

    e lose our degrees, our university educations, everything.

    e are transported to a point wood.

    ts  nighe day.

    If  to make love during terms of  at nigo express love except through images.

    ts do not seem as alive as dreams.

    In dreams the whole image appears before you.

    ts wcself.

    t the language of images.

    In ter joy being ening to me live.

    You  feel tening to talk on a tape, because , on tape there are only words.

    to us, more natural.

    At nigurn into pictures; ts all there is.

    ts disappear too; ts disappear, dreams disappear as well.

    If ty of ts, t y of dreams.

    And remember, dreams dont alloo sleep, and ts dont alloo awaken.

    Make sure you understand bot let you sleep, and ts do not let you awaken.

    If dreams disappear, sleep otal; if ts disappear, aotal.

    If total and total, t mucs betwo.

    t  rest.

    One ally aotally, but in botates ly the same.

    Consciousness is one, unche body changes.

    A  rest.

    to t attained in sleep, my ansained if you can remain awake even in your sleep.

    So my metation is a sleeping metering into sleep h awareness.

    ts o relax your breato calm dos.

    All tion for sleep.

    t often  some friends go to sleep during meditation -- obviously; tion for sleep.

    And,  know wo sleep.

    ts ion: stay a totally relaxed, let totally relaxed, more relaxed t normally is while sleeping.

    But stay ahin.

    it your a fall asleep.

    tial conditions of meditation and sleep are t tion.

    t condition is t the body should be relaxed.

    If you suffer from insomnia, t tor eacion.

    o do t let any tension remain in your body; let your body be totally loose, just like a fluff of cotton.

    iced  sleeps? t.

    iced a baby sleeping? tension anyws arms and legs remain unbelievably loose.

    atcense in them.

    So tor o relax totally.

    tion applies to sleep: thing should be relaxed, deep and slow.

    You must iced t jogging, ter.

    Similarly, self at er and tion increases.

    For sleeping, tion suation s te to jogging -- and thing will relax.

    So tion is: relax your breathing.

    s run faster, to circulate rapidly in this happens, sleep becomes impossible.

    tion of sleep requires a sloo the brain.

    ts o the brain.

    it a pillo tly, t te from o toe.

    y moving ups flo t of the body.

    So ter ty one o put under o raise it.

    As t easy to fall asleep.

    it-moving ts, to run faster too -- because for its movement a t o rely on blood as the vehicle.

    to er.

    You must iced t when a person is angry his veins swell.

    to make more space to let extra blood run them.

    he blood pressure also decreases.

    In anger, turn red.

    to tra blood t runs the veins.

    In t state, ts move so fast t to floer.

    And breater.

    akes er -- because ts move so rapidly, to function so fast, t all tart rus great speed.

    So tions for meditation are primarily to sleep: relax your body, relax your breat go of ts.

    And so, for sleep as ation, tial conditions are equally true.


    In tation you remain fully as all.

    So t in asking tion.

    tionsation, between samadi, deep sleep.

    difference betate.

    Sleep is unaation is awakening.

    Question 2


    t ation.

    to be understood.

    Sleep is t wurally, w is self-he only difference.

    the word hypnos also means sleep.

    andra, sleepiness.

    One is ts oivated, induced.

    If someone y sleeping, to do somet it.

    If a man lies doo tinuously t  enter ake o respond accordingly too.

    to relax, to sloo quiet down.

    If an environment for sleep is created art functioning accordingly.

    t concerned s, t.

    If you feel  eleven oclock, and if your clock stopped at eleven oclock t, one look at tomac;time to eatquot; -- even t mig oclock in the morning.

    It is not eleven oclock yet -- till t if tomacomach works mechanically.

    If you are used to going to bed at midnigrikes t may be only ten oclock.

    tely say, quot;It is twelve oclock.

    time to go to bed!quot;


    t it is.

    A  body.

    A sick body is one o sleep; you feel   to eat.

    A body  is a he body follows us like a shadow.

    Difficulty arises .

    So  to be ordered, t it o be made to follow commands.

    Most of our illnesses are just pseudo.

    Almost fifty percent of our ailments are false.

    t t t is because mans pretense is on the increase.

    Make sure you understand this well.

    itter economic conditions the number of diseases.

    But t  y to lie  on growing.

    Man not only lies to oto oo.

    es new diseases as well.

    For example, if a man cy,   to accept t  and so o go into tplace; o face ors.

    All of a sudden  has made him bedridden.

    ted by his mind.

    It age.

    Nos tending to  this illness is incurable.

    In t place, it is not an illness at all, and treatment he sicker he will become.

    If medicine fails to cure you, kno curable tion -- t o do ion.

    You may curse tors stupid for not finding t treatment for you; you may try ayurvedic medicine or naturopatreatment; you may turn to allopathing will work.

    No doctor can be of any use to you, simply because a doctor can only treat an autic illness -- rol over something pseudo.

    And teresting t you keep busy creating illnesses like t, and you  to remain.

    More ty percent of female sicknesses are false.

    omen  love only w.

    akes time off work, pulls up a cs by her bedside.


    So tention from ly falls ill.

    ts ime.

    t by being ill tire household.

    An ill person becomes a dictator, a tyrant.

    If t;turn off t; it is immediately turned off.

    If t;Put off ts and go to sleep,quot; or quot;Everyone stays o go out,quot; the household do as he says.

    tatorial tendency in a person, t sick -- because o  t this is dangerous.

    tually contribute to his sickness.

    It is good if a s beside  is understandable.

    But absolutely  stop going to tribute to her sickness.

    It is too costly a bargain.

    A mot pay too muctention s attention, he will fall ill.

    s ill, be less   no association betablished in his mind.

    t get t w ell ories.

    Instead, t love becomes associated h joy and happiness.

    e ed love  is very dangerous because it means t we misery so love can follow.

    And so whosoever longs for love will fall sick, because he knows sickness brings love.

    But love is never to be found through sickness.

    Remember, illness brings pity, not love, and to be an object of pity is insulting, very degrading.

    Love is a totally different thing.

    But we have no awareness of love.

    I am saying is t tions -- if  to be ill, ts ill.

    hypnosis is useful in curing such illnesses.

    t for a fake illness, fake medicine  real medicine.

    If  ill and rid ourselves of the illness.

    to t value.

    today, tal in a developed country  a ist on its staff.

    In t, tist, because tor is totally useless, for  is of use.

    s tient under ions t he is feeling well.

    Do you kno only t of all snakes are poisonous? But generally, a man dies even from te of a non-poisonous snake if e can kill a man.

    tras and exorcism are also able to e.

    Mantra cing and exorcism are in otechniques.

    A man is bitten by a poisonous snake.

    All t is needed noo convince  the snake has been nullified.

    t now .

    It is as there.

    And if o be fully convinced t a snake ually bitten him, he would die.

    because of te, but because of t a snake ten him.

    I have heard

    Once it  a man stayed overnight in an inn.

    e dinner at nig early t morning.

    A year later urned to the same inn.

    to see him.

    quot;Are you all rig; raveler.

    quot;I am all right.

    s tter?quot;

    quot;e e frig; said the innkeeper.

    quot;You see, t nigayed o t and o you.

    Four ote ter.

    e couldnt figure out  quite early.

    e  you.


    raveler ;? A snake in my food?quot; and dropped dead.

    A year later! he died of fear.

    For sucs, hypnosis is very useful.

    ted around ourselves can be neutralized by another falsehood.

    Remember, if an imaginary t, dont try to remove it  would be dangerous.

    First of all, t your foot.

    A false to be pulled out horn.

    So, ion betation and o pull out tuck in your body.

    An example of ell you to feel t the body is relaxing.

    this is hypnosis.

    Actually you yourself  t relax.

    In order to nullify tion, .

    ere it not for your false assumption, feeling just once t t will relax.

    tions I give you are not really to relax your bodies, but to take a the body can never relax.

    t be done  creating a counter-belief in you t the body is relaxing.

    Your false concept ralized by t, and w is relaxed.

    Relaxation is a very natural quality of t you ension t noo get rid of it.

    this is as far as hypnosis goes.

    o feel this is hypnosis.

    But only up to t.

    folloeration -- up to t tation.

    Meditation begins after tate of awareness.

    o ness t t t ts ill moving -- c ccate of nessing is meditation.

    ever is before t is only hypnosis.

    So ivated sleep.

    sleepy, , e sleep.

    Sleep can also be invited if  and move into a state of let-go.

    But meditation and  one and thing.

    Please understand this.

    As long as you are feeling according to my suggestions, t is hypnosis.

    Once you feel my suggestions stopping and a is tart of meditation.

    Meditation begins  of tate of nessing.

    yourselves into a reverse kind of hypnosis.

    In scientific terms, t  is dehypnosis.

    e are already ized, alt aricks e this hypnosis.

    e  of our lives under the influence of hypnosis.

    And o be ized,  realize w we are doing.

    e live t our lives like this.

    If tic spell ering y.

    For example, a man is learning to ride a bicycle.

    to practice, arts out on a wide road.

    ty feet one on the edge.

    Even if to ride blindfolded on t tle cting tone.

    But t yet know o ride a bicycle.

    t tone first and t   tone grips him.

    ts it.

    As soon as tting tone grips ized.

    to say ized means o see tone alone.

    arts turning toone.

    turns, ts.

    turn ion is, and tention is on tone because o  it.

    So tone remains.

    ized by tone, o.

    the more he is pulled.

    Finally s tone.

    atcelligent person mig tone.

    keep ? Obviously, ized.

    rated on tone in order to save op of it, and t tone.

    one, omatically turned t direction, because ttention.

    to concentrate on tone.

    ized by tone; oone, and o it.

    In life, en make takes her avoid.

    e become ized by them.

    For example, a man is afraid  angry.

    In tuation, ting angry ty-four times in ty-four hours.

    tting angry, tized by anger.

    to be angry ty-four hours.

    Anoto look at beautiful  excite iful y-four hours.

    By and by, even ugly iful to o look like o him.

    If from be is, a man or a woman.

    Eventually ures and on posters o attract o ize him.

    ures of nude a and t t even wondering ized by mere lines and colors.

    ed to save hem; now he sees women everywhere.

    o a temple or to a mosque, or anyw women.


    A society ually becomes sexual.

    A society  criticizes; all its attention rated on it.

    ty talks of celibacy, ty-minded and leco it.

    t too mucalk of celibacy focuses ty.

    All ted by us -- and .

    tangled in this hypnosis.

    And it is difficult to break, because t along soever attempts o break it.

    In ted, and are still continuing to create for ourselves.

    And them.

    to be broken so we can wake up.

    But to cut to discover false means.

    In a ice, is meant to remove the falsehood from around us.

    And so, all sadhana is false.

    Meto help us reach God are false, because we have never been away from him.

    Only in t have we been away from him.

    It is just as if a man o sleep in D ta.

    Noa;  get back to Dwarka.

    imetable, inquiring about plane fligo get back to Dwarka as soon as he can.

    But any suggestion  take on o reac o trouble, because  in Calcutta in t place.

    to Calcutta -- it was only a dream, a hypnosis.

    ever o D o trouble.

    No paths are false.

    Even if turns to De ake would be false.

    find t  to Calcutta in t place.

    does it mean for o find a rain o Dta was.

    If o ation, buys a ticket and catcrain to Dhis will be false.

    All tations he will pass on his way back will be false.

    then he would arrive in Dwarka and wake up happy.

    But o find t  he had been in his bed all along.


    No one side God.

    One cannot, because, all over, only ep out of him.

    And so, all going is false, all returning is false.

    on an imaginary journey, urn; ther way.

    e o return.

    But once you urned, you  all methods were false, all sadhana was false.

    to bring us back from the dream.

    Once o be done t you urned.

    But t to understand because you are already in Calcutta.

    You may say, quot; you are saying is rig I am already in Calcutta.


    Question 3


    t tion traveler to Calcutta would ask.

    I o ask t;Did you ever lose God?quot; -- because, if I say I  means I .

    he is already found.

    Even h us.

    It is simply t we are under  him.

    So, if a man says, quot;Yes, I ;, aken.

    ill doesnt understand t   place.

    to knohey have found God.



    tened, people gat; tained?quot;

    Budd;I tained nothing.

    I o see t w.

    I  I already had.


    So, in sympat;too bad.

    You labored in vain.


    quot;Yes,quot; said Budd;in t sense it is true I labored in vain.

    But noo labor any more -- tage I have gained.

    No go out seeking, no o attain anyt set out on any journey -- t is my gain.

    No I am where I already was.


    e only go away in our dreams.

    e never actually reache places we feel we have.

    hence, in a sense, all religions are false; all sadhanas, all yogas are false.

    t turning.

    And yet, they are very useful.

    A village sras is very useful for tten by a snake -- even if tten by a false snake.

    Ot e from a snake here.

    Such a man once lived in my neighborhood.

    he is now dead.

    People came to o dra.

    amed a few snakes.

    ten by a snake came to  kind of snake it en, whe snake was dead or alive.

    After obtaining all tion, rick and call the snake.

    --  loose, on era.

    it matcion he door, hissing.

    te a sensation; tten man would feel dumbfounded.

    Someone bitten by a snake can rarely see or figure anyt rig bit  did it look like? ? -- ten t time.

    If ts soul to accompany his snake.

    ting this man.

    t its he ground and beg forgiveness.

    In time tart wearing off.

    told to dra the poison.

    tly go up to tten and put its mouto the man would recover.

    Unfortunately, it once  this mans son.

    into trouble because none of reatments worked.

    o me and said, quot;Please help.

    I am in trouble.

    Please tell me w I should do.

    A snake ten my son and  my pet snakes.

    I am so unfortunate, please tell me w shall I do? I am helpless.

    My son  survive!quot;

    I was surprised.

    I asked, quot;But  your treatment? People come to you from afar for t;

    quot;ts all fine,quot; ;but even I rouble if a snake o bite me; I  even be able to save myself.

    I knoricks of trade; I  trust anybody to treat me the way I do.

    quot; the boy died.

    save his son.

    False means are needed to remove the falsehood.

    And their own meaningfulness.

    to falsehoods.

    So never boto ask; in t is indeed hypnosis.

    tial stages are of age is of meditation -- and t is the precious one.

    Before you can attain to t stage, te necessary -- necessary so you can come out of trayed into.

    Never ask, quot; found God?quot; this is all wrong.

    o find?  is going to be found? t which is, is.

    to kno you  anytroyed, nothing has ever died.

    is, is.

    t day, all journeys, all going anywop.

    Question 4

    AND NO tION:  IS tION FROM th?

    Liberation from t mean t you  be born here again.

    It means t no on any plane.

    ted where you are.

    t forth on all sides.

    e cannot experience joy being in an imaginary place, we can only find joy being where we really are.

    e can only be  .

    So moving t somewhere we have never ever been.

    e are o be, wually are, we  sig.

    So freedom from birto where we are, coming back home.

    Moving into God means being exactly ually are.

    It is not as if someday you anding some you!quot; to come across one, kno is all hypnosis.

    Sucion, and meeting him will be as false as losing him was.

    t the way you will ever find God.

    Our language often proves misleading, because t;to find Godquot; or quot;to attain Godquot; gives to see God face-to-face.

    Such words are very misleading.

    Listening to ts t somebody act  one o embrace him.

    this is all wrong.

    If you ever do come across sucotally a creation of your mind -- it will be hypnosis.

    e o get out of all race our steps back to t wed in our own beings.

    ty of life; it ence being one, indivisible.

    t experience is God.

    No us prepare for tation.

    I ion.

    Move to a little distance from eacher.

    And do not talk, quietly move to a distance.

    Make some empty space around you.

    t to lie doe space enough for lying down.

    And even in to t of falling doop oneself from it.

    Yes, go to tairs, but make room for yourself.


    Because later if you fall over somebody you  distracted too.


    Yes, come down here.

    Close the eyes

    No calk, t quietly for ten minutes.

    Close the eyes


    leave the body relaxed


    leave the body relaxed.

    Leave tely relaxed, as if the body.

    Let the whole energy move inside.

    the body is moving inwards


    flowing inwards


    ting sside.

    falls doet ernal like clothing.

    Slip hin


    and leave the body relaxed.


    Experience th me.

    Experience t the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing.

    Feel it and leave totally relaxed.


    a corpse.

    Feel t the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is going on relaxing.

    Let go, let go of all grip


    do not keep o t go completely


    take arol over it, as if t ones o will happen.

    If it fallls do falls do one loses it.

    Move back a competely


    remove your feelings from it.

    the body is relaxing.

    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing.

    the body has relaxed.

    Drop, drop all grip over the body


    if it falls, let it fall.

    the body has relaxed


    as if it ely become a corpse


    as if the body is gone


    the body is no more



    we .

    thing is relaxing.

    Feel t thing is going on relaxing


    thing is relaxing


    thing is relaxing


    thing is relaxing


    thing is relaxing


    thing is relaxing


    thing is going on relaxing


    thing is going on relaxing.

    Let go


    let go of thing as well


    move furthin.

    thing has relaxed


    thing has relaxed


    thing has relaxed


    thing has relaxed.

    You hing


    thing has relaxed.

    ts are also relaxing.

    ts are also relaxing


    ts are also relaxing.

    Move as also


    let go of ts also.

    ts are also relaxing


    ts are also relaxing


    ts are also relaxing


    ts are also relaxing


    ts are also relaxing


    ts are also relaxing.

    Let go of ts also.

    ts are relaxing


    ts are relaxing


    ts are relaxing


    ts are relaxing.

    ts en minutes no remain awake inside


    for ten minutes no remain awake inside.

    For ten minutes everything has died; inside we have remained awake like a flame.

    the body is lying far away




    ts ened


    inside our consciousness is ac all.

    Do not fall asleep, remain awake inside.

    Keep ahin


    keep chin


    keep ching


    become a ch will begin


    a quietness will begin


    a void will begin.

    Noen minutes just go on cly.



    mind ely silent.

    Droo ths


    as if falling into a deep well.

    Go on falling


    go on falling.

    Stay ainess.

    Remain conscious inside, remain aching.

    And everything has died.

    t far bes have disappeared -- only we have remained.

    Just keep ching wakefully.

    keep ching.


    Sloake a feation.

    Open your eyes sloly.

    Our morning session is now over.

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