Chapter 6

类别:文学名著 作者:奥修 本章:Chapter 6

    Love is Dangerous

    31 October 1969 am in Meditation Camp at D, India

    Question 1


    LEt US LIVE IN t.

    OF DEAth?


    But ;; or quot;Lets just live and not even t; sself t even  escape t death.

    Deat it cannot be ignored; alt our lives ry not to t because deat , but because t of it is terrifying.

    t quot;I ; sends chills up our spines.

    Of course, it , if takes  s.

    Man ried to forget about deatried not to t it.

    e ire system of life in suc deat become visible.

    All mans efforts and plans too be succeeding, but there.

    ? , you are ultimately going to run into it.

    No matter ake, eventually you are going to end up there.

    Every day it approac it or not, .

    One can never run a.

    It is not t deature, so  nooo is a misapprehension.

    Deat ure -- deat.

    Alt o its completion in ture, it is actually taking place every moment.

    e are dying t.

    If  here for an hour, we will be dead one hour.

    It may take seventy years for us to die completely, nevert of it.

    During too.

    It is not t after seventy years one dies all of a sudden; deatantaneously.

    It is not a sudden event; it is a groh.

    In fact, birtitutes one end of deatitutes ther end.


    ually t day of death.

    It ake time, but tinue.

    For example, a man sets out from Dta.

    t step akes a as  step.

    tep rumental in bringing o Calcutta as tial step.

    And if tial step cant bring o Calcutta, t step cannot either.

    t ep tota, o reacta.

    itep Calcutta drew nearer and nearer.

    You may perook six monto arrive at Calcutta, but t is t it is only because arted to arrive six mont er.

    to say to you is: dont t deature, deat every moment.

    And ure? It is total of all of our presents.

    e keep on adding to it.

    It is just like er.

    At t degree ter  it  turned into steam yet.

    And t s up two degrees.

    ter urn into steam o a  started moving closer to becoming steam at t degree, and t third and so on.

    But even  ninety-nine degrees ter does not turn into steam; t will only  reaches one hundred.

    ever occurred to you t t as t degree is also a degree? ty-ninto t to there is no difference.

    So t t degree t ter urn into steam -- alter turning into steam anywhere.

    Of course, er is ing up, but urning into steam? e can delude ourselves up to ty-nint ter is still not turning into steam, but at t is bound to become steam.

    Eac closer.

    is meaningless to try to save yourself from deato postpone it by saying t deature.

    Deat; we are dying every day.

    In fact, tually no difference between w we call living, and dying.

    another name for dying gradually.

    I dont say t ture, I say c is already happening now.

    I am not asking you to think, even.

    t;; I dont say to think.

    thinking will lead you nowhere.

    Remember t can ever be knohinking.

    Actually, tactful means of falsifying facts.

    Looking at a flo it you o t it, t will be removed from you.

    You will move as where.

    o do  you are t.

    If you  to kno t it -- look at the flower.


    t puts great emphinking.

    ts whinking philosophy.

    Pual thinking.

    e he same science darshan.

    Darso see; dars mean thinking.

    to be understood a little.

    e  dars pal difference betwo.

    take po be synonymous knohing.

    t synonymous.

    ts wern darshan.

    t  consists of investigation, logic, analysis.

    t cared for something else.

    t  tain facts hem.

    ts will o be seen, will o be lived.

    And thinking.

    A man , but a lover lives it, sees it; its possible  be able to e a thesis.

    And if someone asks a lover to say somet love, ears may start rolling do;Please dont ask.

    can I say about love?quot; One  love  for   even knoa of love.

    toget processes.

    So I am not saying you s death.

    You can never kno it.

    You .

    I am saying is:  noo see it.

    I call time.

    to be seen, to be lived, t quot;I am dying, I am dying,quot; ed.

    e try our best to falsify deated a to falsify it.

    Of course  does not prove deat invariably comes.

    Even underneatill we.

    tions t deatarted approac it is sure to come.

    ? No matter , it makes no difference -- it is approacop.

    t o kno.

    I am asking is:  even kno kno is: deat ter.

    If  even knoer? And if o ter.

    If you become frig make up ter limits of a er temple at ter of it.

    By running ahe periphery, we also run away from life.

    One  and begin to understand life as well.

    Deateo knowing life.

    Eluding death is eluding life as well.

    So ; recognize ts -- I am not asking you to think.

    teresting t needs to be understood.

    to repeat, in t we already know.

    t sucs are highly original.

    No, t is never original.

    ts can never be original.

    Darshan, seeing, can be original.

    ts are alale.

    If I ask you to t t erate  a rose.

    else  about a rose ever appear in your ts? ?

    t reiterating a t.

    You may say, quot;tiful,quot; but imes imes ;t as beautiful as the face of my beloved.

    quot; imes oo? imes  before? Or you may say, quot;t; -- but too, imes  before?  good are ts? o enter t roseflo it? to  a rose.

    ts whinking is never original.

    thinker -- only seers are original.

    t condition in looking at a roseflo t it s think.

    s from y, and live in t moment he flower.

    Let t thing youve ever known.


    No one swo.

    Only ted o enter your being.

    Finding no  er, and t feel you  to knohe rose.

    ts interiority.

    A seer penetrates inside an object, side -- and t of .

    A seer penetrates ween  before he wall crumbles, disappears.

    Once Kabir asked o go to t and bring some tle.

    Kamal  as old.

    It   returned, Kabir became worried.

    And even by ternoon there was no sign of Kamal.

    Kabir grew even more worried.

    Soon it  to set, so finally, accompanied by a fe out in search of Kamal.

    tanding in the breeze.

    Kabir  over, s; are you doing ; Kamal opened his eyes.

    o  ely apologized.

    Kabir said, quot;But e!quot;

    Kamal ans;I am sorry, but ting to look at it.

    And just looking at it continuously, I dont know w I also became a blade of grass.

    Soon it  I am Kamal  grass.

    I became tself.

    t, being Kamal, I never had before.

    Its good you came, because I didnt know w was happening.

    t moving tter and t  h disappeared.


    erday flas comes in between you and her.

    You recall  to leave for t is present between you.

    s table comes back to you -- and t stands between you.

    You , you have never seen.

    And ts tionsher and son.

    Relations is no more and where darshan, seeing, has begun.

    t is really s to disrupt it.

    Remember, a relations mean tor binding two.

    As long as to bind ter is also present.

    t which binds also breaks.

    ts to bind,  day ually remains is only one; t two.

    A relations mean ions nos bet even to join you.

    treams disappear and merge into eacher.

    this is love.

    Seeing leads you into love; seeing is the source of love.

    And one w loved hing.

    No matter  to knohrough love.

    So h as well.

    e h.

    But t -- s darsurns .

    s s deato-face.

    ened; ts  all, nor is o love it.

    And t been able to love deat,  and life is a far deeper phenomenon.

    One  step, ers of the well?

    ts   will o be seen.

    You ; you o its eyes.

    And as soon as a man looks into deato c, penetrate into it, ounded.

    to  amazement, ; a great mystery lies  I kne running aually conceals self the source of supreme life.

    quot; o you: enter into deat you may reach life.

    there is an incredible saying of Jesus.

    Jesus ;troy him.

    One w.

    quot; If a seed self, it  -- self in t ree.


    If to protect itself by saying, quot;I am scared.

    I could die.

    I dont  to disappear.

    ; to rot.

    In t case, it  even remain a seed, let alone groo a tree.

    e sh.

    I o say one more t may not o you before.

    Only one ed personality, a solid knot.

    One whin.

    Anyone in fear o sever surns into a knot.

    A complex is created inside the person.


    trates deat afraid of deat run a,  -- his I disappears, his ego disappears.

    And whe ego disappears only life remains.

    e can put it t the soul.

    But since inue to remain egos, a great difficulty is created.

    In fact, only t is false.

    It will o die.

    But .

    For example, a wave rises in an ocean.

    If ts to survive as a  cannot; it is bound to die.

    will die.

    Unless, of course, it becomes ice.

    If it contracts, becomes solid, t can survive.

    But still, in t sort of survival the ocean.

    Remember, as a  is not apart from t is one he ocean.

    As ice, it parts from t separates, it becomes solid.

    In it, tracted; it has become frozen.

    As a   becomes a c  t  off from the ocean.

    And  survive in t state? soever is frozen edly melt.

    A poor  a little sooner, tle longer -- ake a little longer to melt a big wave, w sooner.

    It is only a question of time, but melting is bound to happen.

    t and it s it will disappear.

    But if to to make itself cease to exist as separate, if it o come to kno it is in fact t be any question of the waves disappearing.

    t disappears or remains, it still exists -- because it kno quot;I am not a he ocean.

    quot;  disappears as a  still exists -- in a state of rest.

    rises, it is in a state of activity.

    And resting is no less enjoyable tive.

    In fact, it is even more enjoyable.

    tate of activity and tate of rest.

    ate of activity, and ate of rest.

    It is like a restless les , and t falls back into the ocean and disappears.

    It still exists.

    ever it  is noill t it is at rest.

    o assert itself as a

    to break itself ahe ocean.

    Once you get t quot;I am,quot; t of to be .

    ts ;Break ahe all.

    quot; And eresting it is, t breaking ahe whole makes you miserable.

    And t;Iquot; says, quot;Relate ; -- sucortuous ;Iquot;.

    First t;Iquot; says, quot;Break yourself ae yourself; you are different from the whole.

    ed?quot; So t;Iquot; snaps itself a t gets into trouble -- because, as soon as t;Iquot; separates from t becomes miserable; its end approaches.

    As soon as to believe it is separate from t begins to die, its death comes nearer.

    No o truggle to protect itself from death.

    As long as it  all -- because the ocean never dies.

    Remember, an ocean can be  a  a  exist  the ocean.

    You cannot conceive of a  t in the wave.

    t  a wave.

    egral part of t in peace and rest.

    But t a rives to save itself from ties arise -- it cuts itself off from ts death begins.

    to die s to love.

    to die, are so eager to love is t love is to connect.

    ts o live  love and be miserable.

    Everyone is seeking love: somebody s to receive your love, somebody s to give you love.

    And for t find love it becomes a problem.

    But  the meaning of love is?

    Love means an attempt to reconstruct, once again, by putting different parts togetionshe whole.

    So one kind of love is ttempt to rebuild our lost relationss.

    t we call love.

    And topped our attempts to break ahe whole.

    t is called prayer.

    e love.

    And totally different meaning.

    It does not mean t tempting to integrate ts; it means he whole.

    t;I am t; and no is not attempting to connect itself her wave.

    Remember, tself is dying, and too.

    If tries to relate   into trouble.

    ts rying to relate her wave.

    t t into a relations by joining hemselves.

    ts o security.

    So man is afraid to live alone.

    One s a ion, a nation.

    ttempts by one o unite once again he whole.

    But all ts to unite are invitations to deathe ego

    t ts to become immortal by uniting  to become immortal by uniting her.

    And t is t boto die.

    al? Suc ainly not turn it into an elixir.

    tal -- t.

    For eternity poems ten about love becoming immortal.

    ality togething else.

    else can it be? And boting, sinking, fading as wened, worried.

    ted its oion.

    It says, quot;I o survive.

    quot; It ed nations; it ed s -- ing tions.

    And t of tter is t all tions are going to disappear -- tion.

    And tion of totally different thing.

    Belonging to it does not mean tself  means t quot;I am not at all different from the ocean.

    quot; And so I say t a religious man does not belong to any organization -- o a family, nor does her.

    Jesus rong words.

    In fact, only ttained to love can speak sucrong  utter them.

    One day Jesus anding in t surrounded by a crowd.

    o see him.

    People began to make way for her.

    Somebody from ted, quot;Make her.

    Let her come.

    quot; ;If you are giving o Jesus mot do it, because Jesus doesnt her.

    quot; Mary stopped, stood there in shock.

    Addressing t;As long as you  be able to come close to me.

    quot; this is being very harsh.

    e cant even imagine a person like Jesus, so full of love, can utter suc;I her.

    ; So Mary stood there in shock.

    Jesus  on, quot;Do you call ther.

    And remember, if you still  be able to come near me.


    seems to be tter? tion is t if a tempting to unite   be able to come close to the ocean.

    aves, in fact, unite e an organization mainly to save the ocean.

    On its o may disappear, t it may really disappear.

    But trut is already disappearing.

    Yet  of organization is created; a croed.

    ts wo live in a crowd;  alone.

    In its loneliness a  totally by itself -- slipping aed on bot of ther.

    creates an organization, it creates a chain.

    t;I  it doesnt matter -- I will leave my son behind.

    quot; t;Ill disappear, but Ill leave a little  er me, tinue, my name shall remain.

    quot; ts y.

    s to create anotinue furt least identify t came from.

    So its all rigo disappear -- it leaves another one behind.

    You may or may not iced t people ivity -- a painter, a musician, a poet, a er -- are not too concerned itute.

    tings ry ures  care about having a son.

    ts s, painters, sculptors, ers and poets are not overly concerned h having sons.

    t t t kind of son.

    ted a hey are gone.

    Actually, t  even longer ters book ill remain.

    A er doesnt care muc  having an offspring.

    t mean,   simply means ing  smaller waves.

    interested in ed a different kind of family.

    riving for tality.

    So ;Money , , but my ure ; -- and t is precisely w s.

    But scriptures also become lost.

    No scripture lasts forever, alt lasts a little longer.

    ures , and  lost everyday.


    In fact, in tter to ent a self, ultimately it is bound to be lost.

    to be a o face extinction -- prolonging makes no difference.

    So if you look upon yourself as a  to avoid death -- you will remain afraid, scared.

    I say to you: look at deat nor be afraid of it, nor run a.

    Look at it.

    And just by looking at it you  er into it a little, turns out to be life.

    ts fear of extinction disappears.

    t doesnt  to become frozen ice.

    tever time it  dances in the sun, is happy.

    And o t is equally s state of rest.

    t is  is  kno quot;t  ever die.

    t which is, is; only forms keep changing.

    e are all he ocean of consciousness.

    Some of us urned into ice -- most of us have.

    the ego is like ice, as hard as a rock.

    is t a fluid like er can become hard like ice and rock.

    If a desire to freeze arises in us, therwise so simple and fluid, freezes and becomes an ego.

    e are all filled o freeze, and so o see how we can become frozen, solidified.

    ter turns into ice, and tion of the ego.

    ater o cool in order to become ice, it o lose its , it o turn cold.

    t gets, t becomes.

    ts to create ego o become cold as well; o lose h.

    ts w;a warm welcome.

    quot; A welcome is always warm; a cold welcome has no meaning.

    Love means h; a cold love carries no meaning.

    Love is never cold, it contains h.

    Actually, life is sustained by h is cold, below zero.

    ts wh.

    rises in ts; everyt.

    to sing.


    So one o create an ego o become cold, and in order to become cold o lose all th.

    o lose everyt gives o his being.

    For example, love gives red brings coldness.

    So for to give up love and cling to red.

    Mercy and sympaty and ruthlessness bring cold.

    Just as ter, the freezing of human consciousness.

    the same law works: keep on becoming cold.

    Sometimes  such in him; he becomes hard like a rock.

    And remember, the more simple he is.

    ty t enables o floo oto floo him.

    A cold person becomes o flow, closed from all sides.

    No one can enter into er into anyone.

    ter, fluid, flowing.


    fear t  ract -- and ronger.

    I  at a friends house for a few days.

    e ric deal of property.

    But I  one to anyone; otherwise he was a good man.

    I o see t in very side.

    t trembled before rembled before o face him.

    People t about it a good deal before they called on him.

    Even ed to ring t.

    ayed o kno.

    I said, quot;As such, you are a very simple man.

    quot; ;I am very scared.

    It is dangerous to form a relationsionser arts asking for money.

    If you remain courteous and loving to your ures s up.

    If you dont remain stiff  money goes on increasing.

    If you talk to your servant gently, ries to behave like a boss.


    So a solid ed all around -- t  he son.


    trutter is t t eacher lovingly.

    to to ts to give  meet, ting never happens.

    ting point bether and a son.

    th a solid wall.



    t y, the more solid he becomes.

    t danger in being fluid, ty in it.

    the reason we are afraid of falling in love.

    Only after otally reassured do we ever fall in love.

    t means, first hen we fall in love.

    ts   ake all then we fall in love -- because love is dangerous.

    Love is fluid, a man migo anyone.

    It is dangerous to fall in love ranger;  nig ely certain w s are from, er is, w ies are.

    e take all take tions; only t the individual in marriage.

    e are a frig to make everyt.

    t sire being.

    Our separation from God  liquid, we have become solid.

    tion:  floer, we are like frozen ice.

    Once ion ; but o live deat t deats.

    Once s,  t birtself contains deato kno its disintegration began t it ed, tter is finished.

    Noo ice? t  being a  o be, and it  being t o be.

    ts it! tter is over! ted.

    In t acceptance the ocean.

    ts disappearance is gone, because t existed before its extinction and it inue to exist even after it  as t as the boundless ocean.

    zu  to die, somebody asked o reveal a fes of his life.

    Lao tzu said, quot;t secret is: no one ed me in my life.



    t;You never told us to be victorious.

    Please srick.


    Lao tzu ans;You made a mistake.

    You .

    I said no one could ever defeat me, and you are saying you too  to be victorious.

    totally opposite, althey look similar in meaning.

    In tionary, in t  a person  is victorious.

    I simply said no one could defeat me,  becoming victorious.

    Get out of and w I am saying.

    t;Even so, please explain to us.

    Please sechnique.


    Lao tzu said, quot;No one could defeat me because I aled.

    to defeat a defeated man.

    I ed because I never wisory.

    In fact, no one could pick a figh me.

    If anyone ever came to ced, so  ing me.

    ting one orious.

    fun can ting someone  to ;

    Actually, it gives us pleasure to destroy somebodys ego because doing so strengthens our own.

    But if a man  fun can troying suc get any kick out of it.

    tronger ours becomes.

    trength of our own.

    But talking about is already broken.

    For example, you go out to defeat a man, and before you knock  on es you and lets you sit on him.

    ate be t to run a else could you do? People c;Go on, sit on  comfortably.

    ; upid, t on t lauger resounded t your life?

    So o cely lie do;Come on, sit on me.

    You ,  you? So go ahead.

    Dont take too mucrouble, dont botoo muco exert yourself -- just come and sit on me.


    Lao tzu  on to say, quot;But you are asking something else.

    You  me to tell you technique of winning.

    If you think of winning, you will lose.

    One he loser.

    In fact, defeat begins ory.

    quot; And Lao tzu said furt;And no one o insult me.


    quot;Please tell us its secret also, because  like to be insulted eit; a disciple said.

    quot;Once again you are making a mistake.

    No one could insult me because I never desired honor.

    You ed because you are filled ion.

    I  from any place, because I al near trance wheir shoes.

    I o move from a place because I alood at ther back.

    I  t saved me from all sorts of trouble.

    No one ever forced me out of t lost! because t  place.


    No one ever ed to be in t spot.

    I he lord of my own place.

    ood, no one ever came to t.


    Jesus also says, quot;Blessed are to stand in t row.

    quot;  does this mean?

    For example, Jesus says, quot;If a man slaps your rig.

    quot;  t even give rouble of turning your ot for him.

    Jesus says, quot;o defeat you, be defeated readily.

    If ead.

    quot; And Jesus says, quot;If a man snatc, also give  immediately.

    quot;  is possible taking t away from you.

    And Jesus says, quot;If someone asks you to carry  to carry it further.


    does t by accepting ts of life totally concerning insecurity, failure, defeat, and finally deathem all.

    Ots eventually lead us noo death.

    In total defeat.

    Even in t defeats, you still survive; alted, you continue to exist.

    But in deated as well.

    Deat defeat of all; ts o kill our enemy -- ther reason.

    Deatimate defeat; after t ty for to win, ever.

    to kill an enemy comes from our desire to inflict on imate defeat.

    After t ts no more.

    Deat, and  to run a.

    And remember also, ttempts to escape inue to ohers.

    the more alive he will feel.

    otally different from ake it to be.

    t t it is caused because people dont drink unstrained er or t after sunset, no, it is not sort.

    tal reason for violence is t man kills oto forget about h.

    Killing oto kill.

    ler, Gengo assure t quot;No one can kill me, since I kill millions myself.

    quot; By killing otry to be free of our o to confirm our independence.

    tion is t, when we ourselves are capable of killing people, who can kill us?

    Deep doh.

    Deep do man is an escapist from death.

    And one o save .

    Only ;I accept deats of life -- it is a reality,quot; can be a nonviolent person.

    One can never deny death.

    ? here will you go?

    to set t it rises.

    A sunset is as mucy as tion.

    At sunset, tly  sunrise -- but at sunrise it is in t,  it is in t.


    t wher.

    tting go togetting, in fact, lies he rising.


    t one w suc.

    ts everything.


    , , and s it.

    itance comes transformation.

    ;triump; I mean t as soon as a person accepts deato knoh.

    Only ter sh is formed and unformed.

    t is only taken form and tegrated.

    Beauty hered away.


    And t , before sunrise and after sunset.

    But to see only o-face -- never before.

    So t; deat forget it?  just live?quot; I o say to , forgetting death, no one has ever lived, nor can anyone ever live.

    And one wh also ignores life.

    It is just as if I ; t just forget it?quot; If I give up t side of too, because bothe same coin.

    It isnt possible to save one side of treet.

    omatically be saved.

    If I th will be saved.

    Actually, bots of thing.

    Birts of the same life.

    t only does ting of deat, t of not dying disappears as well.

    to kno birth.

    Both comprise bliss.

    e get up every morning and go to work.

    Somebody goes and digs ditches

    Different people do different jobs -- people s the whole day.

    tting up in t isnt it equally joyful to sleep at nigo start convincing people not to sleep at nigting up in top, because t sleep  be able to her.

    to a .

    One migo go to bed, arguing, quot;It is suco  is better not to fall asleep or else it he whole charm of waking up.

    quot; But her side of waking up.

    One .

    One .

    One who lives properly will die properly.

    One  steps in ure life.

    One ly.

    One ly.

    It orted.

    ting tortion.

    If a fear of falling asleep o overtake somebody, it .

    An old lady was brougo me by her son.

    oo afraid to fall asleep.

    I asked ;;

    ;Sely, and she feels she may die in her sleep, so she is afraid of falling asleep.

    S o stay up t.

    e are in big trouble.

    S recovering from ays up all nig wake up alive.

    Please do somet trouble.


    In a way, sleeping is like dying every day.

    t we are dead.

    ts, dying a bit every day.

    e dive  nig refreshe morning.

    By time y or eig.

    takes over.

    And , te change.

    But  is nothan a deep sleep.

    Do you kno t and comes out different every morning? t notice it.

    t total, it is a partial transformation.

    o bed at nigired and ate, and  state.

    In ted; it is filled o face anotivity.

    No do the previous evening.

    tired, broken, .

    You h.

    of your body c deat a complete change.

    to acquire a new body.

    But otally crippled.

    Every moment is filled h.

    Because of ted a life, a society, a family  fears deat.

    And one  together.

    to meet deate spontaneity, o live as well.

    Life and deats of the same phenomenon.

    ts h.

    I am not asking you to t deathinking will mislead you.

    t deat will you do?

    A sick and miserable man may find it gratifying to t everyth.

    t is gratifying to t because it is right.

    Remember, never believe t o you is necessarily true, because  depend on rue, it depends on .

    A person otal deat not be of  would obviously mean he would survive


    he miserable, sick individual.

    Question 2




    But th.

    Life seems more painful to t to finis.

    Putting an end to t mean t since life appears o th.

    One akes everyt deathing behind.

    to save any part of  his misery and pain.

    One o save s tality of the soul.

    these are all conveniences.

    It does not sanding, it merely shows our concern for convenience.

    t of acceptance feels comfortable, ts all.

    ts wimes.

    A man w in  in his old age.

    In fact, trut beliefs ch headaches.

    of beliefs; .

    It is o say ures affect your belief system and  be sure  more!  goes on inside ter effect.

    omac one feels like becoming an at, and s and so does t two?

    e can run an experiment.

    take fifty men and infect ty in good h.

    Let t fifty live in misery and let ty live happy lives.

    You  atter group.

    It is not t ably becomes atic.

    So remember, if you see at misery must be on too.

    If you see an increasing number of people believing in God, you s more and more people are becoming happy.

    I say to you, t in t fifty years t possibility t Russia ic and India ic.

    Beliefs dont mean anything.

    In Russia people read Marx, whis makes no difference.

    t make t difference.

    If people o go on becoming  fifty years to ring in Russian temples.

    Lamps  and prayers would be ced.

    Only a emple, kindles lamps and cs prayers.

    People o thank God.

    Only a o t must be because of it.

    An uns to express its anger.

    And erness tohe unknown.

    ;t unknown one, because of God.

    Eit exist, or he has gone mad.

    quot;  I am saying is t our ts of conveniences t suit our conditions.

    One o escape from deatably grab hold of some belief.

    Similarly, someone o some belief.

    But neito knoh.

    t difference betruth.

    Never too muc convenience.

    A t is al convenience.

    A vision is alrut is always of convenience.

    One man is a communist.

    of noise -- tion, ty must be divided, and so on.

    No give iful girl to marry, and in fifteen days you otally different man.

    You cetera -- its all nonsense!quot;  o t  to hinking.

    t  for o t ty be divided; no is inconvenient to t property be divided.

    Noy would mean dividing his car, dividing his bungalow.

    t iful  women should also be socialized.

    iful women? omen so all.

    this way.

    t;today property, tomorrow women.

    quot; And t, because all along you reating y anyway.

    If one says, quot;It is  one man sy,quot; t is tioning, quot;ty ? the division should be equal.

    quot; these are danger signals.

    Sooner or later sucions will surely come up.

    ty is distributed, tion of so arise.

    But tiful ainly protest.

    ; nonsense are you talking about? t;

    So convenience ss are formed out of convenience.

    All our ts eiter our convenience or remove our inconvenience.

    A vision is something else.

    A vision o do h convenience.

    Remember, t apascment to knoruth.

    tapasc concerned ead, one o know wever is, w is.

    So t of deato be seen, not t about.

    You o your convenience; your convenience determines your thinking.

    It is not a question of convenience.

    e o kno as it is.

    Your conveniences and inconveniences make no difference.

    soever is, t o be known.

    As soon as you come to kno a transformation .

    t you knoo realize t it is not.

    You believe in its existence only as long as you  kno.


    tions  session.

    No for tation.

    Meditation means death.

    Meditation means to move into w is, where we are.

    to meditation only herwise.

    Be seated tle distance from eacher.

    Be seated making a little space around yourself.

    t to lie down, do so beforehand.

    Also, if someone feels like lying do he should do so.

    And sit at a little distance from eac no one falls over you if someone lies down, or falls over.

    Close your eyes


    leave your eyes relaxed and close the eyelids


    leave your eyes relaxed and close the eyelids.

    Relax your body


    relax your body


    relax your body

    Leave tely relaxed as if t.

    One day life  by dropping it now.

    One day life otally; even if you  to keep it, it  stay.

    So pull thin


    ask to retreat he body relaxed.

    Go on relaxing tely.

    Noions, and you feel th me.

    the body is relaxing


    feel it, the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing.

    Go on loosening it, feel t the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing.

    the body goes on relaxing


    goes on dying


    goes on dying.

    e are going on slipping inside, there where life is.

    Let go


    let go


    let go of the ocean.

    Let go of tely, let it fall if it s to, dont  it.

    Do not prevent it


    do not keep any


    let go

    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is going on relaxing


    the body is relaxing


    the body is relaxing.

    Let go


    as if it is dead, as if tely lifeless.

    e hinwards




    t like a shell


    if it falls it falls.

    the body has relaxed


    the body has relaxed


    tely relaxed.

    thing is calming down


    thing is calming down.

    Leave thing also relaxed.

    thing is going on calming down


    thing is calming down.

    Retreat back even from too.

    thing is going on calming down


    thing is calming down


    thing is calming down


    thing is calming sown


    thing is calming down, is calming down.

    Leave it relaxed


    leave thing relaxed


    thing is going on calming down


    thing is going on calming down


    thing has relaxed.

    Leave ts also


    move back from too


    move furthem.

    ts are relaxing


    ts are relaxing.

    Go on feeling


    ts are relaxing


    ts are relaxing


    ts are going on relaxing.

    ts are also dropping


    you her back


    you her back.

    ts are going on calming down


    ts are going on calming down


    ts are going on calming down


    ts have calmed down.

    Noen minutes just remain ahin.

    Look hin wakefully.

    On tside, death has happened.

    t dead, away


    ed back


    t like a flame.

    You are only knowing


    only seeing.

    Remain just a cher


    settle in the seeing.

    For ten minutes only go on looking  do anything else, only go on looking.



    more inside


    go on looking inside




    as if one goes on falling in a deep well


    goes on falling


    goes on falling.



    for ten minutes just remain looking.

    (A deep silence prevails


    after fees, Osarts giving suggestions again.


    Drop your grip completely


    and go deeper hin


    go deeper hin.

    Only go on looking wakefully


    slowly, slowly


    slourn into a void.

    Only a flame of kno quot;I am kno;


    am knowing


    am seeing


    am seeing.

    Drop it completely, drop all your control


    drohs and go on looking



    Mind is becoming empty


    mind is becoming empty


    let go totally




    just die.

    Disappear completely from outside


    let go completely from outside


    as if a he ocean.

    Let go completely


    do not keep even t grip.

    Mind is becoming empty


    mind is becoming empty


    mind is becoming empty.

    Mind ely empty


    mind y


    mind y.

    Only a flame has remained burning


    a flame of knowing


    of seeing.

    For all t, as if death has happened


    t a distance


    your own body will be seen so far away


    your oo be so far away.



    more inside




    let go completely


    do not keep any grip


    let go


    let go


    let go completely.

    Let go totally.

    If ts to drop, let it drop


    let go completely


    become a void


    become a void completely.

    Mind has become a void


    mind has become a void


    only a flame of knowing has remained inside


    everthing elso has become a void


    eveything has disappeared.

    Let go


    let go completely


    so die


    die completely from outside.

    the body has become lifeless


    we ely inside


    we ely inside


    only a flame near t has remained burning.

    e are seeing


    we are knowing

    And everything has disappeared


    we cher.

    tely a void.

    Look intently into this void


    inside, look at this void.

    A great spectrum of bliss  very void


    a great lig very void.

    A erfall may emerge and only bliss flows all around, wicle.

    Look intently in t void


    and just as a flo thin.

    Only the bliss prevails all over, all around.



    look hin


    let t spring burst forth


    look hin


    as if a fountain of bliss opens up and bliss abounds all over.

    Noake a fehs.

    to be far away.

    Sloake a deep breath


    keep ch.

    the mind will become even calmer.

    Sloake a fehs


    sloake a fehs


    sloake a fehs.

    the mind will become even calmer


    the mind will become even calmer.

    the eyes slowly


    open the eyes slowly


    come back from meditation.

    take a deep breath slowly


    then open your eyes


    and get up very sloly.

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