John Donne Selected Poems-7

类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·多恩 本章:John Donne Selected Poems-7

    ark mad, whoever says,

    t h been in love an hour,

    Yet not t love so soon decays,

    But t it can ten in less space devour ;

    ho will believe me, if I swear

    t I he plague a year?

    laug me, if I should say

    I saw a flash of powder burn a day?

    A a trifle is a ,

    If once into loves  come !

    All ot

    to ot some ;

    to us, but us love draws ;

    he swallows us and never chaws ;

    By , whole ranks do die ;

    yrant pike, our s the fry.

    If t so, w did become

    Of my  hee?

    I broug into the room,

    But from th me.

    If it o thee, I know

    Mine o show

    More pity unto me ; but Love, alas !

    At one first blow did s as glass.

    Yet noto nothing fall,

    Nor any place be empty quite ;

    t h all

    till, t unite ;

    And now, as broken glasses show

    A hundred lesser faces, so

    My rags of  can like, wish, and adore,

    But after one such love, can love no more.

    hERE, like a pillow on a bed,

    A pregnant bank so rest

    ts reclining head,

    Sat .

    Our ed

    By a fast balm, whence did spring ;

    Our eye-beams ted, and did thread

    Our eyes upon one double string.

    So to engraft our

    as all to make us one ;

    And pictures in our eyes to get

    as all our propagation.

    As, t te

    Suspends uncertain victory,

    Our souls—ate,

    ere gone out— her and me.

    And iate there,

    e like sepulcatues lay ;

    All day, tures were,

    And he day.

    If any, so by love refined,

    t ood,

    And by good love were grown all mind,

    it distance stood,

    which soul spake,

    Because bot, bothe same—

    Migion take,

    And part far purer than he came.

    tasy doth unperplex

    (e said) and tell us w we love ;

    e see by t  sex ;

    e see, , w did move :

    But as all several souls contain

    Mixture of t w,

    Love th mix again,

    And makes bot.

    A single violet transplant,

    trengthe size—

    All w—

    Redoubles still, and multiplies.

    her so

    Interanimates two souls,

    t abler soul, wh flow,

    Defects of loneliness controls.

    e this new soul, know,

    Of w we are composed, and made,

    For tomies of which we grow

    Are souls, whom no change can invade.

    But, O alas ! so long, so far,

    Our bodies why do we forbear?

    t we ; we are

    telligences, the spheres.

    e ohus

    Did us, to us, at first convey,

    Yielded to us,

    Nor are dross to us, but allay.

    On man  so,

    But t it first imprints the air ;

    For soul into the soul may flow,

    t to body first repair.

    As our blood labours to beget

    Spirits, as like souls as it can ;

    Because suco knit

    t subtle knot, which makes us man ;

    So must pure lovers souls descend

    to affections, and to faculties,

    hich sense may reach and apprehend,

    Else a great prince in prison lies.

    to our bodies turn  so

    eak men on love reveald may look ;

    Loves mysteries in souls do grow,

    But yet the body is his book.

    And if some lover, such as we,

    his dialogue of one,

    Let ill mark us, he shall see

    Small co bodies gone.

    I LONG to talk ,

    he god of love was born.

    I cannot t ,

    Sunk so loo love one which did scorn.

    But since tiny,

    And t vice-nature, custom, lets it be,

    I must love  loves not me.

    Sure, t not so much,

    Nor ised it.

    But ouch,

    ly to fit

    Actives to passives. Correspondency

    Only   cannot be

    Love, till I love her, who loves me.

    But every modern god end

    prerogative as far as Jove.

    to rage, to lust, to e to, to commend,

    All is the god of love.

    O ! yranny

    to ungod t could not be

    I s me.

    Rebel and at too, why murmur I,

    As t t t love could do?

    Love mig try

    A deeper plague, to make oo ;

    o see.

    Falsee ; and t must be,

    If she whom I love, should love me.

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