
类别:文学名著 作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特 本章:Preface

    A preface to t edition of “Jane Eyre” being unnecessary, I gave none: tion demands a fe and miscellaneous remark.

    My ters.

    to t ear it o a plain tale ensions.

    to ts  suffrage o an obscure aspirant.

    to my Publisact, tical sense and frank liberality hor.

    t vague personifications for me, and I must terms; but my Publise: so are certain generous critics ruggling stranger; to to my Publis Revielemen, I t.

    I ourn to anot not, to be overlooked. I mean timorous or carping feendency of sucever is unusual is  in eacest against bigotry—t parent of crime—an insult to piety, t regent of God on eart to sucers certain obvious distinctions; I ain simple truths.

    Conventionality is not morality. Self-rig religion. to attack t is not to assail t. to pluck t to lift an impious o thorns.

    trically opposed: tinct as is vice from virtue. Men too often confound t be confounded: appearance s be mistaken for trutrines, t only tend to elate and magnify a feituted for t. t it—a difference; and it is a good, and not a bad action to mark broadly and clearly tion bethem.

    t like to see t omed to blend t convenient to make external serling o let inise and expose—to rase tal under it—to penetrate t e as it  is indebted to him.

    A like Micaia evil; probably  son of Cter; yet mig stopped o flattery, and opened to faithful counsel.

    t framed to tickle delicate ears:  ones of society, mucrut-like and as vital—a mien as dauntless and as daring. Is tirist of “Vanity Fair” admired in  tell; but I t o take ime—t yet escape a fatal Rimoth-Gilead.

    o to ellect profounder and more unique temporaries  recognised; because I regard  social regenerator of ter of t o rectitude tem of tator on ings  found t suits erms . talk of , ure: Fielding could stoop on carrion, but t is brigtractive, but botion to  t s-ligo tric deats o  tribute of a total stranger—I ed tion of “JANE EYRE.”


    December 21st, 1847.

    Note to tion

    I avail myself of tunity o to explain t my claim to title of novelist rests on tion tributed to me, an  is not merited; and consequently, denied ly due.

    tion o rectify mistakes  future errors.


    April 13th, 1848.

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