类别:文学名著 作者:考麦克·麦卡锡 本章:XIII

    out t one er trougrougayed pretty mucoppin time and squattin do it and I got to t it. I dont kno   six foot long and maybe a foot and a  t deep. Just c of t to t t  done t. t country  ime of peace muc all t I  knetle of tory of it since and I aint sure it ever   t do a stone er trougo  last ten t?   t   t  not you migo knotern  t. Ive t about it a good deal. I t about it after I left t  o pieces. Im goin to say t er troug. It ook  someto move it, I can tell you t. So I t tin t a er supper, I dont kno t t of promise in .

    And I dont entions of carvin a stone er troug I o be able  to make t kind of promise. I ts  of all.

    t I  said muc my fat done  ice. Ive been older no ty years so in a sense  Im lookin back at a younger man.  on tradin   mucold me t time or tty good but  rader one time   old o trade  even  bein some people ually tell you  is to do to you and   to listen. t stuck   he was doin.

    Very easy on talked to em a lot. . As t look at it I suppose I ter man.

    Bad as t sounds to say. Bad as t is to say. t  to of been o live h.

    Let alone  to college I t  about  less t aint rig er  remember  t one all t  it  meetin o. But t imes and I   me and kept on goin. Never said not rode on past and   inside of it. About t  o make afire some  dark and all t cold and I kne hen  I woke up.

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