类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:VII

    Synge seemed by nature unfitted to tical t, and ion of one sentence, spoken   implied some sort of nationalist conviction, I cannot remember t ics or serest in men in t t is studied tractions and statistics. Often for montogetside tre, and t life, lived as it ed  of mind fits to judge of men in t energies of ill?; but of tical ts ood not tle ain members of told  a play on t success. After a fortnig ter out of Rabelais. testant and a Catake refuge in a cave, and t religion, abusing t in loo be ravis last one  because se t, I doubt if ten at all if  e of Ireland, and for it, and I kno  creative art could only come from sucion.

    Once,  tional effect of our movement, I proposed adding to to play international drama, Synge,  tter so important t ter.

    I re as my model, and  tres all over Europe gave fine performances of old classics but did not create (s sterility of speec) and t e not give all our ts to Ireland.

    Yet in Ireland  s people, and in try sides of many glens. All t, all t one reasoned over, fougicles, all t came from education, all t came do lacked a little sympat  once aurn its face upon t ure  looked out on most disputes, even took sides, old me once t o make t  t  is certain t  in any cro is possible t loality o be observant and contemplative, and made ude, ts o otigue or illness isements, ts of big tres, big London els, and all arcecture  blindness did for us, asceticism for any saint you  srating ion upon one t, self. I t all noble t of  nations and classes, of  poetry and pself, a victory, to ain t my friends noble art, so full of passion and y, is tory of a man ed from t of expression, and in templation t is born of te and delicate arrangement of images, royed as morbid, for as yet tmans fine enougo bring tists joy  of sanctity. In one poem s at some street corner for a friend, a ands t nobody is coming, sees ture; and in anotten on o come ser on,  a part of tacle of to all  flavour of extravagance, or of  makes one understand t emplates even  iny but as it ion t general to men. tive joy an acceptance of y of  brings, or a red of deat it takes aness of our exaltation, at death and oblivion.

    In no modern er t ten of Iris it may be Miss Edgele Rackrent, o c about tir ure, for t play ures, persons, and events, t  for t escapes from meditation, a c makes t as significant by contrast as some procession painted on an Egyptian elligence, on  in so fe Life ime to bres  ragic reality seem morbid to t are accustomed to ers y at all; just as ts,  Obscure Nigainly t t among spiritual states, one among oteps, seem morbid to tionalist and testant controversialist. t of journalists, like t of ts, is neit  risen to t state tainment of man, in oils, in tic, or imagined it above the clouds?

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