类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:DEDICATION TO A.E.

    As for living, our servants  for us. ??_Villiers de LIsle Adam.

    , and wondered wwice been carried away.??Leonardo da Vinci.

    My dear A.E.??I dedicate to you because, ten, you asies of its personages, perhan I do myself.

    Alte tories at different times and in different manners, and  any definite plan, t one subject, tual ural order; and e suco anyone but to you, t of modern Ireland asy into verse? My friends in Ireland sometimes ask me e a really national poem or romance, and by a national poem or romance I understand to mean a poem or romance founded upon some famous moment of Irisory, and built up out of ts and feelings riotic Iris poetry and romance cannot be made by t conscientious study of famous moments and of ts and feelings of ot only by looking into t little, infinite, faltering, eternal flame t er erest a certain people among o tory, t to c  cances of art. So far,  is Irisill predominantly Celtic,  t of vision, o to there.

    .B. YEAtS.

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