类别:文学名著 作者:华盛顿·欧文 本章:THE BOARS HEAD TAVERN, EASTCHEAP.

    <span style="color:grey">quot;A tavern is taple of good felloell, -great-grandfat it  `it  bleo t;

    It is a pious custom in some Catries to s by votive lig before tures.

    ty of a saint, t to moulder in ttle cary lamp to ts blinking rays at ion is lavis ti?ed fatee brings , ick; and even t pilgrim is by no means satis?ed t suf?cient ligtle lamp of smoking oil. t in to enligen apt to obscure; and I  almost smoked out of countenance by the of?ciousness of his followers.

    In like manner  fared al Ser considers it y to ligion of er or o rescue some merit from oblivion.

    tator, opulent in  tomes of dissertations; tors send up mists of obscurity from tes at ttom of eac of eulogy or researco she cloud of incense and of smoke.

    As I ablis it but proper to contribute my mite of o trious bard. I ime,  icipated in every attempt at a neful line  ion; and as to ?ne passages, tely e, been overlarded  German critic t it  noo ?nd even a fault t  been argued into a beauty.

    In ty I urning over , completely lost in tavern. So vividly and naturally are ted, and ency are ters sustained, t ts and personages of real life. to fe occur t tions of a poets brain, and t, in sober trut of merry roisterers ever enlivened tcheap.

    For my part, I love to give myself up to try.

    A ion t never existed is just as valuable to me as a ory t existed a ty to ties of ure, I  give up fat Jack for  men of ancient c ries of  in a leaf, or tunity nor tion to follo, old Jack Falstaff! kind Jack Falstaff! s Jack Falstaff! ;  regions of  and good- man may revel, and ance of jolly laugo make mankind merrier and better to test posterity.

    A t suddenly struck me. quot;I o Eastc; said I, closing t;and see if tavern still exists.  I may ligraces of Dame Quickly and s? At any rate, treading to t toper enjoys in smelling to ty cask, once ?lled ;

    tion  in execution. I forbear to treat of tures and ered in my travels; of ted regions of Cock Lane;   of ttle Britain and ts adjacent; eaton Street and Old Jes tunted giants, ty and terror of all unlucky urced London Stone, and struck my staff upon it in imitation of t arch-rebel Jack Cade.

    Let it suf?ce to say, t I at lengtc ancient region of  and s relisestimony even at t day. For Eastco;s convivial doings. t ribbes of beef roasted, pies uals: ttering of pes, rie.quot; Alas! aff and old Stoerer o tradesman; ttering of pots and t;rie,quot; to ts and t dinging of tmans bell; and no song is rain of some syren from Billingsgate, cing the eulogy of deceased mackerel.

    I soug abode of Dame Quickly. t of it is a boars one,  present is built into ting line of te of tavern.

    For tory of ttle abode of good felloallo, and o as table ced in a little back parlor, t upon a yard about eig square laid out as a ?oant viereet,   ta of soap and tallotle er part of a century.

    to be versed in tory of Eastc and little, from London Stone even unto t, less, in o be acquainted ory of t, y of true  liberal communicative disposition  old ladies knoheir neighborhood.

    ion,  extend far back into antiquity.

    S upon tory of time t Dame Quickly espoused t Pistol until t ?re of London unately burnt do , and continued to ?ourisil a dying landlord, struck ies o to make avern to St. Micoing of a cime try meetings   t.

    gasp about ty years since. tavern urned into s s a picture of it ill preserved in St.

    Micood just in to get a sigure ermination; so, on, I took my leave of tc less raised greatly ant incident in tory of her life.

    It cost me some dif?culty and muco ferret out to to explore Crooked Lane and divers little alleys and elboy is perforated like an ancient cen c of dra lengtraced o a corner of a small court surrounded by lofty ants enjoy about as mucy of frogs at ttom of a well.

    ton tle man, of a bo  te migure to make in ty men of ty organist, seated apart, like Miltons angels, discoursing, no doubt, on rinal points, and settling t of ale; for te on any er  tance of a cool tankard to clear tandings. I arrived at t  to repair to to put it in order; so, o accompany them.

    t. Micanding a s distance from Billingsgate, is enricombs of many ?ss galaxy of glory and its constellation of great men, I presume t of a migime is regarded ions of t, as poets feel on contemplating tomb of Virgil or soldiers t of a Marlborougurenne.

    I cannot but turn aside, o observe t St. Micains also t doug, yler, in Smit t paci?c of all potentates.*

    * t inscription on t of troyed in t con?agration.

    <span style="color:grey">And twise Lord Maior, as in books appere;

    <span style="color:grey">teen hree odd.

    An error in tion ed by to;; sait;it  tten dora at tyler, I t good to reconcile t by sucestimony as I ?nd in ancient and good records. tains, of t tyler, as t man; trac., etc.--StOS London.

    Adjoining tery, immediately under t ands tombstone of Robert Preston, avern. It is noury since trusty draly deposited omers. As I aptle sexton dreerious air, and informed me in a lo once upon a time, on a dark ry nigling, banging about doors and  tened out of t sleep quietly in t of  Preston, self in ttracted by t;aiter!quot; from ts sudden appearance in t of a roaring club, just as tave from t;mirre garland of Captain Deat; to ture of sundry train-band captains and ttorney, , and o t truter in the way of business.

    I beg it may be remembered, t I do not pledge myself for ticity of te, t is  tropolis are very muced urbed spirits; and every one must , and tion t guards toinels almost out of ts.

    Be all t may, t Preston seems to o tongued Francis, o  ;Anon, anon, sir;quot; and to ranscended y; for Falstaff, ty of e no man ure to impeacly accuses Francis of putting lime in  Prestons epitapy   of , taries of t appear mucivated by tues of tapster; ty organist,  of temiousness of a man brougtle sexton corroborated  wink and a dubious she head.

    * As tion is rife  morality, I transcribe it for tion of delinquent tapsters. It is no doubt, tion of some c he Boars head.

    <span style="color:grey">Bacco give toping world surprise,

    <span style="color:grey">Produced one sober son, and here he lies.

    <span style="color:grey">though reard among full hogsheads, he defyd

    <span style="color:grey">the charms of wine, and every one beside.

    <span style="color:grey">O reader, if to justice t inclined,

    <span style="color:grey">ook care to ?ll s,

    <span style="color:grey">ues t excused s.

    <span style="color:grey">You t on Bacche like dependence,

    t on tory of tapsters, ?s disappointed me in t object of my quest, ture of tavern. No sucing o be found in t. Mic;Marry and amen,quot; said I, quot;; So I ter up, iquary, o be curious in everytive to tavern, offered to sry, imes ed in transferred, on t establis, to a tavern in the neighborhood.

    A feeps brougo tands No. 12 Miles Lane, bearing title of t by Master Ed; of tablis.

    It is one of ttle taverns y and form tre of gossip and intelligence of tered t feed ligo struggle doo tants,  but a tolerable tioned into boxes, eacaining a table spread e clot ts amp, and divided t  just one oclock. At t of lamb ing. A roer mugs glistened along telpiece, and an old fasicked in one corner.

    tive in tc carried me back to earlier times, and pleased me.

    t everyt look of order and neatness able Englis be eitor of ratensions, I tle miss least nine corners. It ed leated rait of a fat pig. It ly appropriated to particular customers, and I found a sleman in a red nose and oil-clot seated in one corner meditating on a y pot of porter.

    ton aken tance imparted to ling little itute for t paragon of esses, Dame Quickly. Sed unity to oblige, and, airs to ted, surned, smiling and courtesying, hem in her hands.

    t sed me obacco-box of gigantic size, out of ry  tated meetings since time immemorial, and  ical painting of side of tavern, and before to be seen t table, in full revel, pictured  y and force raits of renorated on tobacco-boxes, for t of posterity. Lest, ake, taff on ttoms of their chairs.

    On tion, nearly obliterated, recording t t of Sir Ricry meetings at tavern, and t it ;repaired and beauti?ed by ; Sucion of t and venerable relic, and I question ed s of table t San-greal, ation.

    ating on it ured gaze, Dame i?ed by terest it excited,   put in my  ry, and  bore tion of  of Francis yt, and  value, being considered very quot;antyke.quot; t opinion rengtleman , and ed of being a lineal descendant from t Bardolpation on t of porter, and casting a kno t, exclaimed, quot;Ay, ay! t ac made t ticle.quot;

    t importance attaco to of ancient revelry by modern c ?rst puzzled me; but tiquarian researcely perceived t tical quot;parcel-gilt goblet,quot; on o Dame Quickly, and estimony of t solemn contract.*

    * quot;t so me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolp table, by a sea-coal ?re, on ednesday, in sun- indsor; t so me to marry me, and make me my lady, t t?quot;-- 2.

    Mine ess, indeed, gave me a long ory  ion to generation. Sertained me iculars concerning trymen ly on tools of t roisterers of Eastcators, utter clouds of smoke in honor of Shakespeare.

    to relate, lest my readers s be as   curious in tters as myself. Suf?ce it to say, t Eastc Falstaff and ually lived and revelled tes concerning ill extant among t frequenters of transmitted doands on te of t Jacks, not laid doomers ready to die of laughter.

    I nourned to my friend ton to make some furt I found ation. tle on one side; a deep sigtom of omac see a tear trembling in  a moisture ly stealing from a corner of ion of ood open, and found it ?xed fully on t of lamb, roasting in dripping riche ?re.

    I noo mind t in te investigation, I ting in oken of my gratitude and goodness, I departed y benediction on  forgetting my s sententious friend, in t and copper nose.

    t;tedious briefquot; account of teresting researc prove too s and unsatisfactory, I can only plead my inexperience in terature, so deservedly popular at t day. I am a a more skilful illustrator of tal bard ra Preston; some notice of t ?s.

    Micory of Eastc and little; private anecdotes of Dame ty daug even mentioned; to say notending t of lamb (and  foot and ankle);--ts of at tyler, and illuminated by t ?re of London.

    All to be ure commentators, nor do I despair of seeing tobacco-box, and t;parcel-gilt gobletquot; o lig of future engravings, and almost as fruitful of voluminous dissertations and disputes as tland Vase.