类别:文学名著 作者:华盛顿·欧文 本章:THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW.


    <span style="color:grey">Of dreams t  eye,

    <span style="color:grey">And of gay castles in t pays,

    Castle of Indolence IN t tern s t broad expansion of ted by t Dutcors tappan Zee, and ection of St. Nic-to oold, in former days by t country from terate propensity of to linger about tavern on market days. Be t as it may, I do not vouc, but merely advert to it for tic. Not far from t ttle valley, or ratest places in t,  murmur enougo lull one to repose, and tle of a quail or tapping of a  t ever breaks in upon tranquillity.

    I recollect t  exploit in squirrel-sing all  trees t so it at noontime, , and artled by t broke tillness around and ed by treat eal from ts distractions and dream quietly a of a troubled   life, I knotle valley.

    From tless repose of ter of its inants, ctlers, tered glen s rustic lads are called t all try. A droo o pervade tmosp tcor during ttlement; ot an old Indian c or er ain it is, till continues under tc o inual reverie. to all kinds of marvellous beliefs, are subject to trances and visions, and frequently see strange sigales, ed spots, and tions; stars s and meteors glare oftener across t of try, and tmare, o make it te scene of her gambols.

    t spirit,  s ted region, and seems to be commander-in-cion of a ?gure on  a  is said by some to be t of a rooper ionary ar, and s are not con?ned to t extend at times to t roads, and especially to ty of a c no great distance. Indeed, certain of t autic orians of ts, ing ting facts concerning tre, allege t trooper,  rides forto ttle in nig of  times passes along t blast, is oo ed and in a o get back to the churchyard before daybreak.

    Suc of tition, ory in t region of sre is kno all try ?resides by the headless horseman of Sleepy hollow.

    It is remarkable t ty I ioned is not con?ned to tive inants of t is unconsciously imbibed by every one wime.

    ered t sleepy region, ttle time to inco groive--to dream dreams and see apparitions.

    I mention t  is in suctle retired Dutc State of Ne population, manners, and customs remain ?xed, orrent of migration and improvement, less country, stle nooks of still er ly at ancurbed by t. trod t I question ill ?nd trees and tating in its sered bosom.

    In ture te period of American ory--t is to say, some ty years since--a  of t, quot;tarried,quot; in Sleepy ructing ty. ive of Connecticut, a State s legions of frontier ry scers. t inapplicable to all, but exceedingly lank,  dangled a mile out of  t mig loosely oget at top,  it looked like a o tell tering about  aken h or some scarecrow eloped from a corn?eld.

    ructed of logs, tly glazed and partly patc  ingeniously secured at vacant ed in takes set against tters, so t, t get in  ease,  in getting out---an idea most probably borroect, Yost Van en, from tery of an eel-pot. tood in a rat pleasant situation, just at t of a  one end of it. From  be errupted noative voice of ter in tone of   menace or command, or, peradventure, by tardy loiterer along truto say, ious man, and ever bore in mind t;Spare t; Icainly  spoiled.

    I   imagined,  entates of t of ts; on trary, ered justice ion raty, taking t on trong. Your mere puny stripling, t  t ?ouris tice is?ed by in?icting a double portion on some little touged Dutc;doing y by ts;quot; and ed a cisement  follo by tory to ting urc quot; and t t day o live.quot;

    e of ternoons o ty sisters or good ed for ts of t beo keep on good terms  to furnising po to  enance o country custom in ts, boarded and lodged at tructed.

    it a time, ts tied up in a cotton handkerchief.

    t all t not be too onerous on tic patrons, o consider ts of scers as mere drones, ed ter labors of to make ook to er, drove ture, and cut er ?re. oo, all t dignity and absolute s in tle empire, tle and ingratiating. ting ticularly t; and like t  for her.

    In addition to ions, er of t sructing t ter of no little vanity to o take ation in front of tely carried ahe parson.

    Certain it is,  of tion, and till to be  ce to te side of till Sunday morning, imately descended from ttle makess in t ingenious ;by ; t on tolerably enoug, by all o .

    ter is generally a man of some importance in tleman-like personage of vastly superior taste and accompliss to try so t to occasion some little stir at tea-table of a farmion of a supernumerary dismeats, or, peradventure, tea-pot.

    Our man of letters, try damsels.  overrun trees; reciting for t all tapombstones; or sauntering,  mill-pond, wry bumpkins hung sheepishly back, envying his superior elegance and address.

    From inerant life, also, ravelling gazette, carrying t of local gossip from o  ed isfaction. eemed by t erudition, for e t master of Cotton Matory of Nec, in ently believed.

    , an odd mixture of small sy. ite for ting it raordinary, and botale oo gross or monstrous for  en , after ernoon, to stretctle brook t il ted page a mere mist before ream and ao to be quartered, every sound of Nature at t ctered ed imagination--tree-toad, t orm; ting of tling in t of birds frig. too,  places, noartled ness ream across le came   o give up t,  ruck coken. o dro or drive as, o sing psalm tunes; and t by ten ?lled  ;in linked sness long dra,quot; ?oating from tant he dusky road.

    * t nig receives its name from its note, o resemble those words.

    Anoto pass long er evenings c spinning by ting and spluttering along ten to tales of gs and goblins, and ed ?elds, and ed brooks, and ed bridges, and ed icularly of times called  tes of c and of tentous sigimes of Connecticut, and s and sing stars, and  t tely turn round and t time topsy-turvy.

    But if t re dared to ss face, it ly glare of a snoful look did be eye every trembling ray of ligreaming across te ?elds from some distant re, beset en did  teps on ty crust beneat, and dread to look over  ramping close been e dismay by some rus rees, in t it ly scourings!

    All terrors of t, poms of t res in ime, and been more t by Satan in divers sions, yet daylig an end to all t life of it, in despite of t been crossed by a being t causes more perplexity to mortal man ts, goblins, and tc toget was--a woman.

    Among to receive ructions in psalmody rina Van tassel, ter and only cantial Dutceen, plump as a partridge, ripe and melting and rosy-c merely for y, but  expectations. Stle of a coquette, as migure of ancient and modern fas suited to set off s of pure yello-grandmot over from Saardam, tempting stomacime, and  petticoat to display ttiest foot and ankle in try round.

    Ic and foolis to is not to be  t so tempting a morsel soon found favor in er ed ernal mansion. Old Baltus Van tassel  picture of a tented, liberal-ed farmer.   is true, sent eits beyond t ioned. is?ed  not proud of it, and piqued y abundance, ratyle, in ed on tered, fertile nooks in  elm tree spread its broad branc, at t of  and sest er in a little ole sparkling ao a neig bubbled along among alders and d miging fortreasures of t from morning to nigins skimmed ttering about turned up, as if c ting in troops of sucking pigs as if to snuff tately squadron of snos of turkeys ting about it, like ill-tempered ented cry. Before trutted t cock, t pattern of a leman, clapping --sometimes tearing up t, and to enjoy the rich morsel which he had discovered.

    tered as uous promise of luxurious er fare. In ured to ing-pig running about  to bed in a comfortable pie and tucked in  of crust; t competency of onion sauce. In t ture sleek side of bacon and juicy relis a turkey but ily trussed up, s gizzard under its ure, a necklace of savory sausages; and even brigicleer ed cla quarter o ask while living.

    As tured Ic green eyes over t meado, of rye, of buck,  of Van tassel,  yearned after to in tion expanded  be readily turned into cased in immense tracts of o rina, ed on top of a rumpery, s and kettles dangling beneatriding a pacing mare,  at ting out for Kentucky, tennessee, or the Lord knows where.

    ered t of  e.

    It  lo in tyle  Dutctlers, ting eaves forming a piazza along t capable of being closed up in bad ensils of s for ?s along t spinning-o  porc be devoted. From tered tre of t pewter, ranged on a long dresser, dazzled his eyes.

    In one corner stood a o be spun; in anotity of linsey- from trings of dried apples and peacoons along t ajar gave o t parlor, ened from t of asparagus tops; mock-oranges and conced telpiece; strings of various-colored birds eggs ; a great ostrisre of t open, displayed immense treasures of old silver and well-mended china.

    From t Ic t an end, and udy ions of ter of Van tassel. In terprise, ies to t of a knig of yore, s, encers, ?ery dragons, and suco contend o make es of iron and brass and  to tle keep, re of a Cmas pie, and tter of course. Icrary, o  of a country coquette beset ing neies and impediments, and o encounter a  of fearful adversaries of real ?esic admirers al to , keeping a c ready to ?y out in t any neitor.

    Among t formidable ering blade of to tcion, Brom--Van Brunt, try round, rengted,  curly black  not unpleasant countenance,  poar.  at all races and cock?grengtic life, es, setting  on one side and giving one admitting of no gainsay or   appeal.  or a frolic, but ion; and rong das bottom.  try, attending every scene of feud or merriment for miles around. In cold inguised ing foxs tail; and ry gat at a distance, imes  t midnigroop of Don Cossacks, and tartled out of ten for a moment till ttered by, and t;Ay, t; ture of aion, and good-y al ttom of it.

    tipole ime singled out trina for t of ries, and, toyings le caresses and endearments of a bear, yet it ogetain it is, es to retire ion to cross a line in  o Van tassels paling on a Sunday nig er ing--or, as it is termed, quot;sparkingquot;--ors passed by in despair and carried to oters.

    Suco contend, and, considering all touter man tition and a y and perseverance in ure;  like a supple  jack--yielding, but alt, est pressure, yet t it was away, jerk!  and carried his head as high as ever.

    to aken t  man to be ted in  stormy lover, Ac and gently-insinuating manner. Under cover of er of singing-master,  visits at t t o appreerference of parents, umbling-block in t Van tassel  soul; er better even t fat able little oo, o do to attend to ry for, as s be looked after, but girls can take care of themselves.

    tled about t one end of t Balt  smoking  tcs of a little ly ?ghe barn.

    In time, Ic er by t elm, or sauntering along in the lovers eloquence.

    I profess not to knoo me tters of riddle and admiration. Some seem to  one vulnerable point, or door of access,   is a great triumpo gain t still  greater proof of generalso maintain possession of  tter, for t battle for ress at every door and itled to some reno ed s of a coquette is indeed a hero.

    Certain it is, t table Brom Bones; and from t Icerests of tly declined; ied at ts, and a deadly feud gradually arose between or of Sleepy hollow.

    Brom, ers to open led tensions to to t concise and simple reasoners, ts-errant of yore--by single combat; but Icoo conscious of t of o enter ts against  of Bones, t ;double ter up and lay ;

    and oo o give unity. tremely provoking in tinately paci?c system; it left Brom  no alternative but to draic o play off boorisical jokes upon  of o Bones and o peaceful domains; smoked out opping up to t nige of its formidable fastenings of akes, and turned everytopsy-turvy; so t ter began to tcry ings t, ill more annoying, Brom took all opportunities of turning o ridicule in presence of ress, and augo roduced as a rival of Ico instruct her in psalmody.

    In tters  on for some time  producing any material effect on tive situation of tending poumnal afternoon Ic enty stool le literary realm. In  sceptre of despotic poice reposed on tant terror to evildoers; raband articles and proed ected upon t little paper gamecocks. Apparently t of justice recently in?icted, for ent upon t upon ter, and a kind of buzzing stillness reigned t t errupted by to and tro of a  like ted on t, ering up to tation to Ico attend a merry-making or quot;quilting frolicquot; to be  evening at Mynassels; and,  air of importance and effort at ?ne language o display on petty embassies of tance and hurry of his mission.

    All le and e quiet sc stopping at tri?es; ty, and tardy  application noo quicken tall word.

    Books  being put aands urned, bencurned loose an ime, bursting forting about t tion.

    t Ic at least an extra  oilet, brus, and indeed only, suit of rusty black, and arranging  of broken looking-glass t   make ress in true style of a cavalier, ed, a ccly mounted, issued fort-errant in quest of adventures. But it is meet I srue spirit of romantic story, give some account of ts of my eed. trode  everyt  and sy mane and tail angled and knotted  its pupil and ral, but t. Still,  tle in , been a favorite steed of ers, t into try.

    Icable ?gure for suceed.  stirrups, uck out like grassre; and   as ion of  unlike t rested on top of y strip of fore be called, and ts of  ?uttered out almost to ail. Suceed as t of te of  ogetion as is seldom to be met .

    It ure  rice s  on trees of tenderer kind s into brilliant dyes of orange, purple, and scarlet. Streaming ?les of o make t be s, and tle of t intervals from tubble-?eld.

    taking ts. In ttered, co busree to tree, capricious from ty around t cock robin, te game of stripling sportsmen, s loud querulous note; and ttering blackbirds, ?ying in sable clouds; and t, , and splendid plumage; and ts red-tipt ipt tail and its little monteiro cap of feat noisy coxcomb, in -blue coat and tering, bobbing and nodding and boending to be on good terms er of the grove.

    As Ico every   symptom of culinary abundance, ranged  over treasures of jolly Autumn. On all sides  store of apples--some rees, some gato baskets and barrels for t, ot ?elds of Indian corn, s golden ears peeping from ts and  ty pudding; and turning up to ts of t luxurious of pies; and anon  buck anticipations stole over y slapjacks, tered and garnisreacle by te little dimpled rina Van tassel.

    t ts and quot;sugared suppositions,quot;  upon some of t scenes of ty o t. tappan Zee lay motionless and glassy, excepting t le undulation ant mountain. A feed in t a breato move them.

    tint, co a pure apple green, and from t into ting ray lingered on ts of t overs of ter depto tering in tance, dropping sloide,  t, and as tion of till er it seemed as if the air.

    It o Ic tle of tassel, ry--old farmers, a spare leats and breecockings,  petle dames, in close crimped caps, long-ed sgoicoats, s side; buxom lasses, almost as antiquated as ting oms of city innovation; t square-skirted coats upendous brass buttons, and times, especially if t being esteemed t try as a potent nourisrengthe hair.

    Brom Bones, o te steed Daredevil--a creature, like al and misc , noted for preferring vicious animals, given to all kinds of tricks, ant risk of ractable, well-broken .

    Fain o d burst upon tured gaze of my ered tate parlor of Van tassels mansion. Not te, but tcry tea-table in tuous time of autumn. Sucters of cakes of various and almost indescribable kinds, knoo experienced Dutcy doug, tenderer oily koek, and t cakes and s cakes, ginger cakes and able dis to mention broiled sed cogetty muced teapot sending up its clouds of vapor from t.  breatime to discuss t as it deserves, and am too eager to get on ory.  in so great a orian, but did ample justice to every dainty.

    ure, ed in proportion as s rose ing as some mens do  oo, rolling e, and cy t  one day be lord of all t unimaginable luxury and splendor. t, urn ron, and kick any itinerant pedagogue out of doors t so call him comrade!

    Old Baltus Van tassel moved about among s ed ent and good- moon. able attentions  expressive, being con?ned to a sation to quot;fall to and ;

    And noo tinerant orcra of tury. rument tered as er part of time rings, accompanying every movement of tion of t to tamping  art.

    Ic a limb, not a ?bre about o ion and clattering about t Saint Vitus  blessed patron of tion of all tood forming a pyramid of s every door and  at te eyeballs, and so ear. ed and joyous? t o all ten  brooding by himself in one corner.

    an end Ictracted to a knot of tassel, sat smoking at one end of times and dra long stories about the war.

    t time of is during t ed  suf?cient time o enable eacoryteller to dress up ale tle becoming ?ction, and in tinctness of ion to make .

    tory of Doffue Martling, a large blue-bearded Dutcaken a Britise   at   tleman le of eplains, being an excellent master of defence, parried a musket-ball  ely felt it : in proof of ime to s a little bent. t  in t one of  o a ermination.

    But all to tales of gs and apparitions t succeeded. treasures of tales and superstitions t in tered, long-settled retreats but are trampled under foot by ting t forms tion of most of our country places. Besides, t for gs in most of our villages, for time to ?nis nap and turn travelled a  at nigo ance left to call upon. ts except in our long-establiscies.

    te causes ural stories in ts, less oo ty of Sleepy agion in t ble ed region; it breatmosping all t at Van tassels, and, as usual,  tales old about funeral trains and mourning cries and  tree e Major Andre aken, and ion e t ed t Raven Rock, and en o ser nigorm,  of tories, urned upon te spectre of Sleepy imes of late patrolling try, and, it etly among the churchyard.

    tered situation of to  a favorite  of troubled spirits. It stands on a knoll surrounded by locust trees and lofty elms, from among  ian purity beaming tirement. A gentle slope descends from it to a silver s of er bordered by rees, bet to look upon its grass-groly, one  t least t rest in peace. On one side of tends a rees. Over a deep black part of tream, not far from t led to it and tself rees,  it even in time, but occasioned a fearful darkness at night.

    Suce s of t frequently encountered. tale old of old Brou ical disbeliever in gs,  turning from o Sleepy o get up beil turned into a skeleton, to tree-tops hunder.

    tory ely matcure of Brom Bones,  jockey.  on returning one nigaken by t trooper; t o race  too, for Daredevil beat t just as to ted and vanished in a ?ash of ?re.

    All tales, told in t droone alk in tenances of teners only noracts from ton Mats t aken place in ive state of Connecticut and fearful sigly  Sleepy hollow.

    togetime rattling along tant hills.

    Some of ted on pillions bee s-ed laugter of  er and fainter until te scene of noise and frolic  and deserted. Ico tom of country lovers, to ete-a-tete  o success.  passed at tervie pretend to say, for in fact I do not know.

    Somet ainly sallied forter no very great interval, e desolate and chese women!

    Could t girl tisricks? as  of to secure  of  I! Let it suf?ce to say, Icole fort, rat. it looking to t or left to notice ten gloated,  straigo table, and y cuffs and kicks roused eed most uncourteously from table quarters in s and hy and clover.

    It cime of nig Iced and crestfallen, pursued ravel y arry toappan Zee spread its dusky and indistinct e of ers, all mast of a sloop riding quietly at anc ce s it  as only to give an idea of ance from too, tally a , or pertural turning suddenly in his bed.

    All tories of gs and goblins t ernoon no grears seemed to sink deeper in t.  so lonely and dismal. -stories re of tood an enormous tulip tree

    above all trees of ts limbs astic, large enougo form trunks for ordinary trees, ting do to to t ed ragical story of tunate Andre,  ure of respect and superstition, partly out of sympate of its ill-starred namesake, and partly from tales of strange sigations told concerning it.

    As Icree o   a blast sle nearer  e  of tree: ling, but on looking more narro it e tered and e against t  t by tree in safety, but new perils lay before him.

    About to a marsream. On t side of tered tnuts, matted t. to pass t trial. It  tical spot t tunate Andre ured, and under t of tnuts and vines urdy yeomen concealed ream, and fearful are to pass it alone after dark.

    As ream  began to tion, gave tempted to das instead of starting foreral movement and ran broadside against the fence.

    Icily rary foot: it arted, it is true, but it o plunge to te side of to a t of brambles and alder buser nooarveling ribs of old Gunpo came to a stand just by t   at t a plasramp by t tive ear of Ico stirred not, but seemed gatic monster ready to spring upon traveller.

    ted pedagogue rose upon error.  o be done? to turn and ?y oo late; and besides, w c or goblin, if suc was, whe wind?

    Summoning up, tammering accents, quot;; ed ill more agitated voice. Still tting ary fervor into a psalm tune. Just t of alarm put itself in motion, and ood at once in t  t noained. o be a ed on a black ation or sociability, but kept aloof on one side of t over  and waywardness.

    Icrange midnig ure of Brom Bones eed in ranger, o an equal pace. Ico a o lag be began to sink o resume une, but ongue clove to t utter a stave. tinacious companion t erious and appalling. It ed for. On mounting a rising ground, raveller in relief against tic in  and muf?ed in a cloak, Icruck on perceiving t  ill more increased on observing t ted on error rose to desperation,  to give  tre started full jump ones ?ying and sparks ?as every bound. Ics ?uttered in tretc.

    turns off to Sleepy  Gunpo, made an opposite turn and plunged o t. trees for about a quarter of a mile, ory, and just beyond sands tewashed church.

    As yet teed bad given  advantage in t just as   it slipping from under  by to  ?rm, but in vain, and  time to save o t trampled under foot by  terror of  ime for petty fears; t o maintain , sometimes slipping on one side, sometimes on anotimes jolted on t he verily feared would cleave him asunder.

    An opening in trees no ion of a silver star in told   mistaken.

    rees beyond. ed tly competitor ;If I can but reac bridge,quot;

    t Ic;I am safe.quot; Just teed panting and bloe side; and no tirrups, and in t of  o dodge t too late. It encountered remendous crasumbled o t, and Gunpoeed, and the goblin rider passed by like a whirlwind.

    t morning t , soberly cropping t ers gate. Ic make  breakfast; dinner- no Ic trolled idly about t no scer. o feel some uneasiness about te of poor Ic on foot, and after diligent investigation traces. In one part of to trampled in t; tracks of ed in tly at furious speed, raced to t of ter ran deep and black,  of tunate Ic a spattered pumpkin.

    t ter  to be discovered. or of ate, examined tained all s. ted of tocks for ted stockings, an old pair of corduroy small-cloty razor, a book of psalm tunes full of dogs ears, and a broken pitco ture of to ty, excepting Cotton Matory of itc, a Neune-telling; in ed in several fruitless attempts to make a copy of verses in assel. tic scrao t time forermined to send o sc ing. ever money ter possessed--and ers pay but a day or time of his disappearance.

    terious event caused mucion at ts of gazers and gossips ed in t t t o mind, and oms of t case, to t Ic, nobody troubled  o a different quarter of tead.

    It is true an old farmer,  several years after, and from ly adventure  Icill alive; t  tly tly in morti?cation at  ers to a distant part of try,  scudied la time, ted to turned politician electioneered, ten for tice of ten Pound Court. Brom Bones too, er ed trina in triumpo tar, o look exceedingly kno into a y laug tion of to suspect t  tter to tell.

    try ters, maintain to t Iced aural means; and it is a favorite story often told about terevening ?re. t of superstitious a may be tered of late years, so as to approaced, soon fell to decay, and ed to be ed by t of tunate pedagogue; and tering ill summer evening, en fancied  a distance cing a melancune among tranquil solitudes of Sleepy hollow.


    tale is given almost in t related at a Corporation meeting of t city of Mantoes, at s sagest and most illustrious burgor , slemanly old fello clotrongly suspected of being poor, s to be entertaining. ory er and approbation, particularly from ty aldermen  of time. tall, dry-looking old gentleman, ling eyebro, nourning a doubt over in  upon good grounds--ored, icking t but exceedingly sage motion of traction of t ory and   to prove.

    tory-teller, ting a glass of o  after oils, paused for a moment, looked at e deference, and, loo table, observed t tory ended most logically to prove--

    quot;t tuation in life but s advantages and pleasures--provided  take a joke as ; quot;t, t runs races roopers is likely to .

    quot;Ergo, for a country scer to be refused tcain step to  in tate.quot;

    tious old gentleman knit enfold closer after tion, being sorely puzzled by tiocination of t t eyed riump leer. At lengt all t still  tory a little on travagant--ts on ws.

    quot;Fait; replied tory-teller, quot;as to t matter, I dont believe one- myself.quot;

    D. K.