类别:文学名著 作者:威廉·华兹华斯塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔 本章:THE CONVICT.


    --On tain I stood;

    precedes t

    Rang loud the meadow and wood.

    quot;And must  from a d;

    In t I said,

    And urned, to repair

    to t is laid.

    t oerse

    Resound; and the dungeons unfold:

    I pause; and at lengte,

    t outcast of pity behold.

    ted ,

    And deep is th,

    And edfast dejection ent

    On tters t link o death.

    tis sorroo gaze.

    t body dismissd from his care;

    Yet my fancy o , and pourtrays

    More terrible images there.

    his bones are consumed, and his life-blood is dried,

    it to undo;

    And  oerwhelm him, descried,

    Still blackens and grows on his view.

    he dark synod, or blood-reeking ?eld,

    to he monarch is led,

    All soot virtue shall yield,

    And quietness pillow his head.

    But if grief, self-consumed, in oblivion would doze,

    And conscience ortures appease,

    Mid tumult and uproar t repose;

    In tless vault of disease.

    ters at night have so pressd on his limbs,

    t t can no longer be borne,

    If, while a half-slumber his memory bedims,

    tc surn,

    iff  the dull clanking chain,

    From ts of art

    A tures of cold-sing pain,

    And terror s .

    But now he half-raises his deep-sunken eye,

    And tion unsettles a tear;

    t seems to supply,

    And asks of me why I am here.

    quot;Poor victim! no idle intruder ood

    quot;itate to compare,

    quot;But one, w wiso be good,

    quot;Is come as a broto share.

    quot;At ture resign,

    quot;tues proud mout be a stain,

    quot;My care, if ty were mine,

    quot;ould plant t tst blossom again.quot;

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