类别:文学名著 作者:乔治·奥威尔 本章:PART Ⅱ-6

    And besides fishere was reading.

    I’ve exaggerated if I’ve given t fis. Fisainly came first, but reading  en or eleven ed reading—reading voluntarily, I mean. At t age it’s like discovering a ne t many  t you migypical Boots Library subscriber, I al-seller of t (tter’s Castle—I fell for every one of t Book Club for a year or more. And in 1918, y-five, I  of debauc made a certain difference to my outlook. But not years raigo tcs of Brazil.

    It een t I got my biggest kick out of reading. At first it tle t and an illustration in t later it  Gould and Ranger Gull and a c ories almost as rapidly as Nat Gould e racing ones. I suppose if my parents tle better educated I’d , Dickens and t tin Dur scimes tried to incite me to read Ruskin and Carlyle. But tically no books in our  t of my oill mucer. I’m not sorry it  ed to read, and I got more out of t out of tuff taug school.

    t ill exist. tories , I t Gould probably isn’t read any longer, but Nick Carter and Sexton Blake seem to be still t, if I’m remembering rigarted about 1905. till rat C arted about 1903,  remember its exact name—e  a boy at sco give aimes. If I noopus and a cuttle-fis composition of bell-metal, t’s w from.

    Joe never read.  t are unable to read ten lines consecutively. t of print made urn a t of disgust as a  smells stale ried to kick me out of reading, but Mot I  I saste for ‘book-learning’, as t. But it ypical of bot t by my reading t t I ougo read somet didn’t knoo be sure rations  half bad.

    All ter of 1905 I spent a penny on Cory, ‘Donovan tless’. Donovan tless cimes it ers of volcanoes in Africa, sometimes it rified mammotusks from ts of Siberia, sometimes it reasures from t cities of Peru. Donovan  on a ne be  fres est place in to lie on, and a sort of plastery smell mixed up  over to lie ticking out of ter. I can feel t noer day, just ill. I’m lying on my belly  of me. A mouse runs up toy, tops dead and ctle eyes like tiny jet beads. I’m t I’m Donovan tless. t pitcent, and ts of terious orc blooms once in a in box under my camp bed. In ts all round  teet and skin ing tcc and sainfoin and tery smell, and I’m up t’s bliss, pure bliss.

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