类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:21

    Nor was his name unheard or unadord

    In ancient Greece; and in Ausonian land

    Men calld him Mulciber; and how he fell [ 740 ]

    From hrown by angry Jove

    Sal Battlements: from Morn

    to Noon o dewy Eve,

    A Summers day; and ting Sun

    Dropt from tar, [ 745 ]

    On Lemnos te,

    Erring; for

    Fell long before; nor aught availd him now

    to  in owrs; nor did he scape

    By all  was  [ 750 ]

    itrious creo build in hell.

    Mean whe winged haralds by command

    Of Sovran poh awful Ceremony

    And trumpets sound t t proclaim

    A solemn Councel forto be held [ 755 ]

    At Pand?monium, tal

    Of Satan and hir summons calld

    From every Band and squared Regiment

    By place or c; they anon

    itrooping came [ 760 ]

    Attended: all access es

    And Porc che spacious hall

    (though like a coverd field, where Champions bold

    ont ride in armd, and at the Soldans chair

    Defid t of Paynim chivalry [ 765 ]

    to mortal combat or carreer h Lance)

    the air,

    Brushe hiss of russling wings. As Bees

    In spring time, waurus rides,

    Pour fort the hive [ 770 ]

    In clusters; they among fresh dews and flowers

    Flie to and fro, or on thed Plank,

    tra Cittadel,

    Neiate and confer

    tate affairs. So the aerie crowd [ 775 ]

    Sraitnd; till the Signal givn.

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